2012-10-16 Joe HuntCannot insert a supplier transaction record in Direct...
2012-10-11 Joe HuntDate format helper complete.
2012-10-11 Joe HuntPurchase order/Direct GRN/Direct Invoice showed inactiv...
2012-10-11 Joe HuntSmall fix and rerun of inserts.js.
2012-10-11 Joe HuntFixed date_fix to act like before. day and day-month...
2012-10-05 Joe HuntBug in function is_date when implementing new date...
2012-10-04 Joe HuntMoved declaration of short monthnames from config.defau...
2012-10-03 Joe HuntMinor improvement to add_days/months/years for the...
2012-10-02 Joe Hunt0001806: Date problems fixed and new date formats MmmDD...
2012-10-02 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed void_stock_move() to avoid sparse lines in Invent...
2012-10-02 Joe HuntHaving memo or comment displayed on bank_inquiry.php.
2012-09-30 Joe HuntImproved headers in printing Purchase Orders.
2012-09-25 Joe HuntMoved access functions from renderer to current_user...
2012-09-23 Janusz DobrowolskiInvalid input description in account groups for account...
2012-09-17 Janusz DobrowolskiCleanup in check_faillog().
2012-09-23 Joe Hunt0001792: BLOOMBERG added to Exchange Rate Providers...
2012-09-22 Joe Hunt0001792: BLOOMBERG added to Exchange Rate Providers...
2012-09-15 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded tag version_2_3_12 for changeset 05b037ff3c0b
2012-09-15 Joe HuntChangelog.txt
2012-09-15 Joe HuntChangelog.txt
2012-09-15 Joe HuntRelease 2.3.12
2012-09-15 Janusz DobrowolskiUPdate language template
2012-09-14 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded prevention against brute force atacks on login...
2012-09-12 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed incorect selection of invoices in Customer Paymen...
2012-09-12 Joe Hunt0001775: Hard coded theme path fixed
2012-09-11 Joe HuntAdding an already existing GL Account Code does not...
2012-09-09 Janusz DobrowolskiSecurity cleanups in access roles and db_pager.
2012-09-08 Janusz DobrowolskiSecurity cleanup on 'where' parameter in a couple of...
2012-09-08 Janusz DobrowolskiLogin screen company box/input configuration option...
2012-09-08 Joe HuntHide Menu options if not authorized, rerun
2012-09-08 Joe HuntHide Menu options if not authorized
2012-09-08 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded check not empty location code in Inventory Locations.
2012-09-06 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed get_sales_order_header and get_debtor_trans queri...
2012-09-06 Janusz DobrowolskiImproved error handling in printer class.
2012-09-08 Joe Hunt0001768: Login Company Select Box to EditBox Switch...
2012-09-08 Joe Hunt0001767: Company Creation assigning externally created...
2012-08-26 Joe HuntRemoved obsolete exchange rate check on Sales Pricing...
2012-08-26 Janusz DobrowolskiRemoved obsolete exchange rate check on Purchasing...
2012-08-25 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed access control issues on finish page of Direct...
2012-08-25 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed creation of invalid Direct Sales Invoice when...
2012-07-14 Janusz DobrowolskiImproved date input fields keyboard support (fast day...
2012-07-14 Janusz DobrowolskiSmall fixes in attachments upload.
2012-08-18 Joe HuntBug 0001669: get_exchange_rate not raising error
2012-08-15 Joe HuntLocation Transfer should not be included in journal_typ...
2012-07-16 Joe HuntPurchases - Direct Invoice - Database Error in some...
2012-06-28 Joe HuntRemember last document date also in Bank Transfer.
2012-05-28 Joe HuntRerun of /admin/create_coy.php
2012-05-28 Joe HuntWhen creating new company and adm. password is blank...
2012-05-27 Joe Hunt0001606: Statement are not sent to general contact
2012-05-21 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded tag version_2_3_11 for changeset 06e6f1abb26e
2012-05-21 Joe HuntNew CHANGELOG.txt
2012-05-21 Joe HuntRelease 2.3.11
2012-05-03 Joe HuntRerun of /includes/ui/ui_view.inc
2012-05-02 Joe HuntCosmetic fix in viewing supp invoice payments section.
2012-05-02 Joe HuntRerun of /sales/includes/cart_class.inc.
2012-05-02 Joe HuntBetter check for duplicate references in multiuser...
2012-04-29 Joe Hunt0001561: Supplier Credit Notes rasies false error about QOH
2012-04-29 Joe HuntThe GRN Valuation Report had tax included in price...
2012-04-27 Joe Hunt0001555: Problem (auto)creating customer branch: also...
2012-04-21 Joe HuntImproved report Journal Entries (rep702.php) to show...
2012-04-20 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed lang domain switching in hooks_invoke_first/hook_...
2012-04-19 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed false overdraft problem on cash accounts
2012-04-19 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed login problem on IIS.
2012-04-08 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed system tests and error handling for extension...
2012-04-08 Joe Hunt0001502: Report uses default language, not user's prefe...
2012-04-08 Joe Hunt0001501: Price null when editing an order with a price...
2012-04-07 Joe HuntLayout improvements in Bank Transfer.
2012-04-07 Joe HuntRerun of /gl/includes/db/gl_db_trans.inc and /reporting...
2012-04-06 Joe Hunt0001497: Tax for journal entry the other way round
2012-04-06 Joe HuntRerun of sales_invoice_db. Parse error.
2012-04-04 Joe Hunt0001488: Modifying Sales Invoice (with allocations...
2012-04-03 Joe HuntChanging the Invoice date when creating recurrent invoices.
2012-04-01 Joe HuntDate-field increased from 9 to 10 characters. Problems...
2012-03-31 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed email multiplication when bulk work order report...
2012-03-29 Joe HuntRequired Delivery Date was not implemented properly.
2012-03-13 Joe HuntBug. WHERE clause version=1 in rep304.php should be...
2012-03-13 Joe HuntBug in floatcmp(). Missing parenthesis in the last...
2012-03-12 Joe HuntRerun of autocreation branch location.
2012-03-12 Joe HuntWhen autocreating branch, no location were saved.
2012-03-07 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed multiplied amounts in Journal Inquiry.
2012-03-07 Janusz DobrowolskiCleanups.
2012-03-05 Joe HuntFixed typo in location variable.
2012-02-13 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed regression in gettext tests in System Diagnostics.
2012-02-12 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded tag version_2_3_8 for changeset b2ead0b2a3e3
2012-02-12 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded tag version_2_3_9 for changeset a8b119b77f05
2012-02-12 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded tag version_2_3_10 for changeset 390d9d69797c
2012-02-11 Janusz DobrowolskiFixes for IE7/8 to avoid problems with javascript on...
2012-02-11 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed bug in attachments uploading.
2012-02-08 Joe HuntRerun of /includes/ui/ui_view.inc
2012-02-07 Joe HuntRounding error in includes/ui/ui_view.inc -> price_in_w...
2012-02-03 Joe HuntChangelog.txt
2012-02-03 Joe HuntRelease 2.3.10
2012-02-02 Joe HuntFixed small bugs in function void_stock_move in file...
2012-01-27 Joe HuntChanged session gettext to use a global variable instea...
2012-01-27 Joe HuntSwitching to cash sales in documents didn't preserve...
2012-01-26 Joe HuntFixed a session_regenerate_id error leaving session...
2012-01-25 Joe HuntFixed a translation bug in gettext php, that could...
2012-01-22 Joe Hunt0001309: Insufficient Quantities "Red Marker" doesn...
2012-01-22 Joe Hunt0001307: Insufficent quantities "marker" use wrong...
2012-01-20 Joe HuntRerun of void_transaction.php