2008-03-10 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded price list selector in order entry, some smaller...
2008-03-10 Janusz DobrowolskiSome smaller and compatibility fixes - see CHANGELOG.txt
2008-03-10 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded price list selector
2008-03-10 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded optional $submit_on_change parameter to sales_typ...
2008-03-09 Joe HuntRemoved redundant form_types functions and the file...
2008-03-08 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded 'type' field into sales_orders
2008-03-07 Janusz DobrowolskiFix related to tax_included db field moving
2008-03-07 Janusz DobrowolskiFinal rewriting of sales module and some smaller changes.
2008-03-07 Janusz DobrowolskiMoving tax_included to sales_types,changed coinstraint...
2008-03-07 Janusz DobrowolskiFinal rewriting of sales module
2008-03-07 Janusz DobrowolskiTax included option moved from tax_group to sales_type...
2008-03-07 Janusz DobrowolskiRemoved function name conflict with pmWiki help system
2008-03-07 Janusz DobrowolskiChanged name tax type uniqueness constraint to (name...
2008-03-06 Janusz DobrowolskiSide changes before final sales module commit
2008-03-06 Janusz DobrowolskiMySQL 3.xx CAST bug fix
2008-03-06 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed warning about nonexistent $_GET[] variable
2008-03-06 Janusz DobrowolskiSmall layout fix
2008-03-06 Janusz DobrowolskiSmall table header fix
2008-03-06 Janusz DobrowolskiConcurrent edition fix
2008-03-06 Janusz DobrowolskiOptional debugging with xdebug module enabled.
2008-03-04 Joe HuntChanges in average material cost from bom_edit to work_...
2008-03-04 Joe HuntChanged so that average item material price is automati...
2008-02-25 Joe HuntMinor bugfix
2008-02-22 Joe HuntMinor adjustment
2008-02-21 Joe HuntAdded Print for documents in /admin/view_print_transact...
2008-02-20 Joe HuntChanged so direct printing of invoices/credit notes...
2008-02-18 Joe HuntAdded default bank account
2008-02-18 Joe HuntAdded 2 functions in ui_input.inc, button and button_cell
2008-02-18 Joe HuntOptimized the file
2008-02-17 Joe HuntMinor change in menu and function in view_print_transac...
2008-02-11 Joe HuntAdded file, update_db.php, for updating company databas...
2008-02-06 Joe HuntMinor change
2008-02-06 Janusz DobrowolskiSql TB_PREF corrections
2008-02-06 Janusz DobrowolskiSQL TB_PREF fixes
2008-02-06 Janusz DobrowolskiMissing TB_PREF fix.
2008-02-06 Janusz DobrowolskiAdditional changes for delivery notes implementation
2008-02-06 Joe HuntAdded Report, Salesman Listing, rep106.php
2008-02-06 Janusz DobrowolskiInvoice/delivery separation and some additional fixes.
2008-02-06 Janusz DobrowolskiDefault setting for debuging changed to off.
2008-02-06 Janusz DobrowolskiHuge sales module changes toward delivery and invoicing...
2008-02-06 Janusz DobrowolskiCorected inadequate shipping tax calculations.
2008-02-03 Joe Huntunstable release 2
2008-02-03 Joe HuntUnstable release 2.
2008-02-03 Joe Huntunstable
2008-01-31 cvs2hgfixup commit for branch 'unstable'
2008-01-31 Janusz DobrowolskiMinor bugfix in db_import()
2008-01-30 Joe Hunt*** empty log message ***
2008-01-30 Janusz DobrowolskiFormat cleanup, small display fix in taxes/tax_type.php
2008-01-28 Joe HuntRelease 1.16. Look in CHANGELOG.txt for changes.
2008-01-21 Joe Hunt*** empty log message ***
2008-01-16 Joe HuntWhen login screen is displayed after session timeout...
2007-12-30 Joe HuntMinor adjustments in function db_export on line 325
2007-12-30 Joe HuntAdded a variable, $print_invoice_no, in config.php...
2007-12-13 Joe HuntStill bugs in trial balances and account inquiry on...
2007-12-13 Joe HuntFixed a bug when voiding a transaction (Journal Entry...
2007-12-06 Joe HuntFixed a bug when adding lines during Payments to suppli...
2007-12-05 Joe HuntRelease 1.15. Added email notification to stock locatio...
2007-11-15 Joe HuntAdjustments
2007-10-01 Joe HuntMajor change in the installation of modules to also...
2007-10-01 Joe HuntThese files were still vulnerable. Fixed.
2007-09-14 Joe HuntRelease 1.13
2007-09-13 Joe HuntMore vulnerable. Fix.
2007-09-13 Joe Huntconfig.php has been vulnerable. Fixed.
2007-09-13 Joe HuntWe forgot to upload the PO file when installing new...
2007-09-10 Joe HuntChanged Bank Address field from text to textarea (multi...
2007-09-06 Joe HuntLink blue color
2007-09-06 Joe Hunt*** empty log message ***
2007-09-06 Joe HuntAdded optional link for electronic payment on invoices...
2007-08-23 Joe HuntUnnecessary parameter ($db) in check_for_recursive_bom
2007-08-21 Joe HuntBug in /includes/lang/gettext.php (249) affecting chang...
2007-08-08 Joe HuntMinor adjustments
2007-08-04 Joe Hunt*** empty log message ***
2007-08-04 Joe HuntAdded default fiscal year in en_US-new.sql and a few...
2007-08-03 Joe HuntA bug in Direct Invoicing (wrong invoice date) has...
2007-08-03 Joe HuntA bug in Direct Invoice (wrong invoice date) has been...
2007-07-23 Joe HuntChanged <? in front of 2 files to <?php.
2007-07-21 Joe HuntAdded option to handle Jalali and Islamic Calendars
2007-07-05 Joe HuntRelease 1.11
2007-07-04 Joe HuntProblems retrieving language texts for poEdit in long...
2007-05-04 Joe HuntDatabase error when updating more than one item row...
2007-05-04 Joe HuntDatabase error when inserting work order issues. Fixed
2007-05-03 Joe HuntMultiple tables and JOIN's have syntax changes in MySQL...
2007-05-02 Joe HuntMissing details on Purchase Order when emailing and...
2007-05-02 Joe HuntMinor bug when testing for files. 1.1
2007-05-02 Joe HuntRelease 1.1. Enabled module addons and all the below...
2007-05-01 Joe HuntMissing measure of units when printing sales orders
2007-04-30 Joe HuntUpdate of Sales People caused a database error
2007-04-30 Joe HuntThe selected menu tab is now shown with same background...
2007-04-28 Joe HuntWhen retrieving work centres id's there was a database...
2007-04-28 Joe HuntWhen saving work order entries a lot of debug boxes...
2007-04-28 Joe HuntSome of the select boxes not terminated correctly.
2007-04-28 Joe Huntdefault cellpadding set to 2. Looks better in both...
2007-04-26 Joe HuntMissing Popup window
2007-04-25 Joe HuntNo JS popup window
2007-04-25 Joe HuntMissing Date Picker
2007-04-25 Joe HuntMinor bugfixes
2007-04-25 Joe HuntBetter DatePicker. Better cool theme.
2007-04-24 Joe HuntNo Changes.
2007-04-24 Joe HuntChanged to new cool colors
2007-04-23 Joe Huntsmall change