2008-04-02 Janusz DobrowolskiFocus moved to invalid field after submit check fail...
2008-04-02 Janusz DobrowolskiFocus set to invalid field after submit check fail
2008-04-02 Janusz DobrowolskiHiding search button in combo selectors for javascript...
2008-04-02 Janusz DobrowolskiRemoved selector expansion on space key for multi-line...
2008-03-29 Janusz DobrowolskiSmall fix for short list access
2008-03-29 Janusz DobrowolskiEnhanced list accessability via space key, changed...
2008-03-29 Janusz DobrowolskiEnhanced list kbd accesability via space key, corrected...
2008-03-28 Janusz DobrowolskiBinary commit of image files
2008-03-28 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed header sales order inquiry table header for vario...
2008-03-28 Joe HuntAdded print document options in inquiries.
2008-03-28 Joe HuntMinor bugfixes.
2008-03-28 Janusz DobrowolskiLayout/focus fixes for no_[customer/supplier/item]_list on
2008-03-27 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed debit/credit entry check.
2008-03-27 Janusz DobrowolskiChanges for make form entry less time-consuming plus...
2008-03-27 Janusz Dobrowolskifirst field focus on page start, preserved focus sequence
2008-03-27 Janusz DobrowolskiRestored path_to_root POST/GET restriction
2008-03-27 Janusz DobrowolskiJavascript recalcAccount superseded by 'combo' class...
2008-03-27 Janusz Dobrowolskiget_js_set_focus superseded by js setFocus() and php...
2008-03-27 Janusz DobrowolskiRemoved get_js_set_focus() and get_js_form_entry()
2008-03-27 Janusz Dobrowolskiget_js_set_focus() added for standalone script usage.
2008-03-27 Janusz DobrowolskiRemoved not used yet ajax stuff, added combo class...
2008-03-27 Janusz DobrowolskiData picker omitted in kbd tabbing sequence
2008-03-27 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed debit/credit entry check inline js superseded...
2008-03-26 Janusz DobrowolskiSome buf fixes in purchase module related to tax struct...
2008-03-26 Janusz DobrowolskiSome bug fixes in suppliers module related to tax struc...
2008-03-25 Janusz DobrowolskiObsolete directory
2008-03-25 Janusz DobrowolskiSeparate per company dirs for pdf_files/backup/images...
2008-03-25 Janusz DobrowolskiJavascript libs caching
2008-03-25 Janusz DobrowolskiMoving company data storage to company subdirectory
2008-03-25 Janusz DobrowolskiNew directory for per company data
2008-03-24 Janusz DobrowolskiRemoved obsolete file.
2008-03-21 Janusz DobrowolskiImproved javascript allocation routines, editbutton...
2008-03-21 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed unvisable under IE editbutton
2008-03-21 Janusz DobrowolskiImproved javascript allocations
2008-03-20 Janusz DobrowolskiFour minor bug fixes
2008-03-20 Janusz DobrowolskiWarning fix in is_date()
2008-03-20 Janusz DobrowolskiDB error fix on new customer entry
2008-03-20 Janusz DobrowolskiDivide by 0 fix on zero order_prices in new supplier...
2008-03-20 Janusz DobrowolskiDelivery notes removed from Customer Balnces, warning...
2008-03-18 Janusz DobrowolskiLine items editor in sales module now uses POST method
2008-03-18 Janusz DobrowolskiHelper function for searching indexed submit POST vars
2008-03-18 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded edit_button_cell()
2008-03-18 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded class .editbutton for link alike button.
2008-03-18 Janusz DobrowolskiLine items editor uses POST method - no disappearing...
2008-03-17 Janusz DobrowolskiRounding added when needed to avoid document inconsiste...
2008-03-17 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded rounding when needed to avoid document inconsistency
2008-03-17 Janusz DobrowolskiInclude file conflict fix
2008-03-17 Janusz DobrowolskiSign bug for customer transactions
2008-03-17 Janusz DobrowolskiInclude file conflict fix
2008-03-17 Janusz DobrowolskiMissing bracket
2008-03-16 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded javascript user side formatting; javascript colle...
2008-03-16 Janusz DobrowolskiUser side price/qty input formatting via onblur handler.
2008-03-16 Janusz DobrowolskiUser side percent/qty/amount/exrate input formatting...
2008-03-16 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded include data_checks.inc
2008-03-16 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded including javascript source from collecting array...
2008-03-16 Janusz DobrowolskiChange name get_js_num to add_js_num; extended for...
2008-03-16 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded js global js collecting arrays, moved check_page_...
2008-03-16 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded javascript source collecting functions
2008-03-16 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded javascript add-on for unobtrusive apply handlers...
2008-03-14 Janusz DobrowolskiAll forms fixed to accept user native numeric format...
2008-03-14 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded formating functions for price/percent/exrate...
2008-03-14 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded checks for numeric input in user native format.
2008-03-14 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded numeric fields in native user format.
2008-03-14 Janusz DobrowolskiJavascript function for conversions to/from user format...
2008-03-14 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded amount class for right justified numeric input...
2008-03-14 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded amount class for right justified numeric input...
2008-03-14 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed numeric fields to accept user native number format.
2008-03-12 Joe HuntAdded update of Units of Measure and converting of...
2008-03-11 Joe HuntMySQL 5.x.x problem fixed. Inserted default values...
2008-03-11 Janusz DobrowolskiUnits of measure moved from config.php into item_units...
2008-03-11 Janusz DobrowolskiUnits of measure moved from config.php into item_units...
2008-03-11 Janusz DobrowolskiChanged list of themes and list of themes acording...
2008-03-11 Janusz DobrowolskiRemoved tables of themes and units of measure
2008-03-11 Joe HuntDesign fix (Date and Due Date labels)
2008-03-11 Joe HuntSmall fix for alignment of date and due date label...
2008-03-10 Joe HuntSmall fix for Template Invoice in sales_order_entry...
2008-03-10 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed bug causing erroneus debtor_trans record
2008-03-10 Janusz DobrowolskiOne another dayly fix added
2008-03-10 Janusz DobrowolskipmWiki name conflict removing
2008-03-10 Janusz DobrowolskiProper calculation of due date on template invoices...
2008-03-10 Janusz DobrowolskiObsolete do_clone() function removed.
2008-03-10 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded price list selector in order entry, some smaller...
2008-03-10 Janusz DobrowolskiSome smaller and compatibility fixes - see CHANGELOG.txt
2008-03-10 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded price list selector
2008-03-10 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded optional $submit_on_change parameter to sales_typ...
2008-03-09 Joe HuntRemoved redundant form_types functions and the file...
2008-03-08 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded 'type' field into sales_orders
2008-03-07 Janusz DobrowolskiFix related to tax_included db field moving
2008-03-07 Janusz DobrowolskiFinal rewriting of sales module and some smaller changes.
2008-03-07 Janusz DobrowolskiMoving tax_included to sales_types,changed coinstraint...
2008-03-07 Janusz DobrowolskiFinal rewriting of sales module
2008-03-07 Janusz DobrowolskiTax included option moved from tax_group to sales_type...
2008-03-07 Janusz DobrowolskiRemoved function name conflict with pmWiki help system
2008-03-07 Janusz DobrowolskiChanged name tax type uniqueness constraint to (name...
2008-03-06 Janusz DobrowolskiSide changes before final sales module commit
2008-03-06 Janusz DobrowolskiMySQL 3.xx CAST bug fix
2008-03-06 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed warning about nonexistent $_GET[] variable
2008-03-06 Janusz DobrowolskiSmall layout fix
2008-03-06 Janusz DobrowolskiSmall table header fix
2008-03-06 Janusz DobrowolskiConcurrent edition fix