2009-06-20 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed bug [0000135], small fix to error logging.
2009-06-20 Janusz DobrowolskiDirect posting to GL accountswith more than one related...
2009-06-20 Janusz DobrowolskiPhp notices removed form error logoing to avoid flood...
2009-06-20 Joe Hunt[0000137] Material Cost Averaging Problem when voiding...
2009-06-18 Joe HuntBetter support for conversion_factor in Purchasing...
2009-06-17 Joe HuntBetter support for conversion_factor in Purchasing...
2009-06-17 Janusz DobrowolskiThree small fixes in purchasing module.
2009-06-17 Janusz DobrowolskiAllowed reuse of supplier references from voided documents.
2009-06-17 Janusz DobrowolskiSign fix for total amount column.
2009-06-17 Janusz DobrowolskiVoided documents should not be displayed.
2009-06-17 Janusz DobrowolskiRemoved unneeded submit_on_change in uom selector.
2009-06-17 Janusz Dobrowolskifixed form reset after error in company prefs, added...
2009-06-17 Joe Hunt[0000136] view_po on invoices and credits shows transac...
2009-06-16 Janusz DobrowolskiCleaned output buffering warnings in log.
2009-06-16 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed error logging, cleaned up output buffering warnings.
2009-06-16 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed missing global go_debug declaration.
2009-06-16 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded error logging to file or syslog.
2009-06-16 Joe HuntClean-up in ui_list codes.
2009-06-16 Joe HuntAdded Item Code Entry in Work Order Entry and quantity...
2009-06-14 Joe Hunt*** empty log message ***
2009-06-14 Joe HuntNew variable in config.php, $use_oldstyle_convert,...
2009-06-14 Joe HuntMuch better presentation of new Balance Sheet, P&L...
2009-06-13 Joe HuntImproved email sending of documents. With help of Tom...
2009-06-13 Joe HuntChanged next reference method to also include partly...
2009-06-12 Joe HuntCode clean-up
2009-06-11 Joe HuntChanged balance_sheet operation in class table to class...
2009-06-11 Joe HuntSmall adjustments
2009-06-10 Joe HuntMinor bug in advanced overhead and labour update.
2009-06-09 Joe HuntCode cleaning
2009-06-09 Joe HuntSmall rounding problem in GL
2009-06-08 Joe HuntBad format in due date column in search dimensions
2009-06-08 Joe HuntChanged Advanced Manufacturing payments to be more...
2009-06-08 Joe HuntChanged Advanced Manufacturing payments to be more...
2009-06-06 Joe HuntOverhead costs in Manufacturing/Assembling wasn't added...
2009-06-05 Joe HuntBroken gettext string over 2 lines
2009-06-05 Joe HuntMissing underscore in gettext string
2009-06-04 Joe Hunt[0000134] Voiding a supplier credit note didn't activat...
2009-06-03 Joe HuntSmall bug (qoh)
2009-06-03 Joe HuntChanged to present reference number in Print Invoices...
2009-06-01 Joe HuntSmall changes to get_demand_asm_qty
2009-05-30 Joe HuntTom Moulton has fixed a better recursive algorithm...
2009-05-29 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed yesno_list selector order, fixed array_selector...
2009-05-27 Joe HuntAfter heavy testing a new set of nested subtypes in...
2009-05-26 Joe HuntAgain fixed nested subtypes in account types correctly...
2009-05-25 Joe Hunt*** empty log message ***
2009-05-25 Joe HuntAdded extra select option in Stock Check Sheet.
2009-05-25 Joe HuntSmall change
2009-05-25 Joe HuntExtra column in Stock Check Sheet, On Order
2009-05-25 Joe HuntFixed Supplier Credit so Purchase Order Outstanding...
2009-05-23 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed View/Print Transactions search table update.
2009-05-23 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed table search update.
2009-05-23 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed initial selection for array_selector.
2009-05-22 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed typo in setup menu.
2009-05-22 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed buggy reference instead of id in report deminesio...
2009-05-21 Joe HuntMax 10 recursion levels
2009-05-21 Joe HuntRecursion fix in manufacturing_db.inc by Tom Moulton
2009-05-20 Janusz DobrowolskiSmall cleanups.
2009-05-20 Janusz DobrowolskiCode cleanup.
2009-05-20 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed select button icon.
2009-05-19 Joe HuntFixed and optimized On Order in Inventory Items Status...
2009-05-19 Joe Hunthtml header shown in backup downloads.
2009-05-18 Joe HuntAdded non closed work order requirements on On Order...
2009-05-18 Joe HuntReinserted the link to GL in Work Order Inquiry.
2009-05-17 Joe HuntChanged service items to use cogs account instead of...
2009-05-17 Janusz DobrowolskiBugfix 0000133, code cleanup
2009-05-17 Janusz DobrowolskiRemoved obsolete 'K' mb_flag checks.
2009-05-17 Janusz DobrowolskiRemoived buggy and obsolete hotkey support in pager_li...
2009-05-13 Joe HuntBug in demensions_list. If dimensions are closed they...
2009-05-10 Joe HuntPeriod presentation bug in tax report/inquiry
2009-05-07 Joe HuntLayout bug in sales_order_view. Column Comments renamed...
2009-05-07 Joe HuntLayout bug in exchange rate display
2009-05-05 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed check if code is not used during new sales kit...
2009-05-04 Joe HuntPurchase Order document shows wrong purch data conversi...
2009-04-30 Joe Hunt*** empty log message ***
2009-04-30 Joe HuntRelease 2.1.2
2009-04-22 Joe HuntChanged the text 'Supplier Account No' to 'Our Customer...
2009-04-20 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed uom in purchaseorder view.
2009-04-20 Janusz DobrowolskiAdditional corrections to latest js changes.
2009-04-20 Janusz DobrowolskiRewritten backup manager, timouts/retry on ajax request...
2009-04-20 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded retry after ajax request timeout, preparation...
2009-04-20 Janusz DobrowolskiNew ajax timeout icons, fixed progressbar size.
2009-04-20 Janusz DobrowolskiJavascript confirm dialog added for destructive submits.
2009-04-20 Janusz DobrowolskiHelper for js confirm dialogs added.
2009-04-20 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded optional seond parameter in vertical_space().
2009-04-20 Janusz DobrowolskiUpdated to latest version.
2009-04-20 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed bug in zip file generation.
2009-04-20 Janusz DobrowolskiPage rewritten, fixed ajax-loader.
2009-04-04 Janusz DobrowolskiTwo smaller fixes.
2009-04-04 Janusz DobrowolskiSealed sql queries.
2009-04-04 Janusz DobrowolskiPaper format defaults to A4 for unknown specifiers.
2009-04-01 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed print link selection and default focus on list...
2009-04-01 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed default focus on lists.
2009-04-01 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed print link hotkey selection.
2009-04-01 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed document mailing.
2009-03-30 Janusz Dobrowolskigo_debug set to off
2009-03-30 Janusz DobrowolskiRelease 2.1.1
2009-03-30 Janusz DobrowolskiRelease 2.1.1. Updated getetext template file.
2009-03-30 Janusz DobrowolskiUpdate to FA 2.1.1
2009-03-30 Janusz Dobrowolskiqoh checks only with allow_negative_stock off
2009-03-30 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed display of insufficient quantities in sales docs.