2008-06-06 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded comma separated css element selectors
2008-06-06 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded setting focus and page body reload via ajax
2008-06-06 Janusz DobrowolskiAjaxified exchange_rate_display()
2008-06-06 Janusz DobrowolskiOverall lists rewrite. Universal combo_input(), ajax...
2008-06-06 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded ajax functionality and ui hints
2008-06-06 Joe HuntFinal fixes in html layout
2008-06-05 Joe HuntMade an improment to the date picker. Shows the week...
2008-05-31 Joe Hunt*** empty log message ***
2008-05-31 Joe Hunt*** empty log message ***
2008-05-31 Joe HuntA lot of annoying layout bugs taken. Mostly from views...
2008-05-30 Joe HuntFixed bug in 2 files regarding stock movements. Moved...
2008-05-28 Joe HuntMore bugs related to debtor_trans changes (positive...
2008-05-27 Joe HuntChanged more files with new html/css.
2008-05-26 Joe HuntFixed many minor bugs, new ones as well as debtor_trans...
2008-05-23 Joe HuntMinor bug in dimensions.php (Outstanding Dimensions)
2008-05-23 Janusz DobrowolskiInclude file order /error binding fixed once again.
2008-05-23 Joe HuntMoved menu-system from header.inc/footer.inc to rendere...
2008-05-22 Janusz DobrowolskiEarlier error handler binding.
2008-05-18 Janusz DobrowolskiTwo small fixes for ajax extension
2008-05-18 Janusz DobrowolskiFix for www servers on nonstandard ports
2008-05-18 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded explicit ob_end_flush on shutdown for php 5
2008-05-18 Joe HuntBug when inserting new records in debtor_trans
2008-05-16 Janusz DobrowolskiFramework prepared for ajax extensions, js code organiz...
2008-05-16 Janusz DobrowolskiAjax funcionality additions
2008-05-16 Janusz DobrowolskiCompression fix
2008-05-16 Janusz Dobrowolski*** empty log message ***
2008-05-16 Janusz DobrowolskiJavascript/ajax code reorganizations
2008-05-16 Janusz DobrowolskiCart init code moved from sales_order_ui.inc
2008-05-16 Janusz DobrowolskiAllocation js functions moved to allocate.js
2008-05-16 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded ajaxsubmit class
2008-05-16 Janusz DobrowolskiChanged javascript library set
2008-05-16 Janusz DobrowolskiClient side ajax library
2008-05-16 Janusz DobrowolskiPayment allocation functions extracted from php code
2008-05-16 Janusz DobrowolskiIntegration of JsHttpRequest ajax transport class
2008-05-16 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded icons for ajaxified list selectors
2008-05-14 Joe HuntMinor fixes in the former files
2008-05-14 Joe HuntORDER BY instead of ORDER BT
2008-05-13 Joe HuntWhen no_item_list or no_customer_list or no_supplier_li...
2008-05-09 Joe HuntDue to differences in Javascript the script update_db...
2008-05-09 Janusz DobrowolskiPrice sales system changes
2008-05-09 Janusz Dobrowolskicalculation of not set item prices from home currency...
2008-05-09 Janusz DobrowolskiSmal display fix
2008-04-30 Joe HuntFixed change of Item list in purchase order
2008-04-30 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed price update when changing item in sales order...
2008-04-24 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded using customized per company report definition...
2008-04-24 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded using per company customized report files.
2008-04-24 Janusz DobrowolskiDirectory for customized report def files.
2008-04-24 Janusz DobrowolskiTwo smaller display fixes.
2008-04-24 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded content type encoding header
2008-04-24 Janusz DobrowolskiTurning off missing charset info in htmlentities()
2008-04-24 Joe HuntWrong include file path in /includes/ui/items_cart...
2008-04-23 Joe HuntRemoved the content of function header2 in pdf_report...
2008-04-20 Janusz DobrowolskiSome smaller fixes.
2008-04-20 Janusz DobrowolskiAdded settings checks for new company, fixed adding...
2008-04-19 Joe HuntBug (right to left text was done if price decimals...
2008-04-18 Janusz Dobrowolskidb_escape() protection in rest of source code
2008-04-18 Janusz DobrowolskiSealing against XSS atacks: purchasing,sales,install...
2008-04-18 Joe HuntModule gl sealed against XSS Attacks
2008-04-18 Janusz DobrowolskiAdmin and dimensions modules sealed against XSS atacks
2008-04-18 Joe HuntCommitted with db_escape instead of db_quote
2008-04-18 Janusz Dobrowolski*** empty log message ***
2008-04-18 Joe HuntChanged db_escape function to avoid XSS attacks via...
2008-04-18 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed typo in sql query
2008-04-18 Janusz DobrowolskiChanged db_escape to seal the system against XSS atacks
2008-04-18 Janusz DobrowolskiDatabse INSERT/UPDATE secured against db javscript...
2008-04-18 Janusz DobrowolskiChanged db_escape function to avoid XSS atacksvia db...
2008-04-16 Joe HuntBug in /includes/ui/ui_lists.inc:914. Sql clause was...
2008-04-09 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed number formatting bug in standard cost update.
2008-04-06 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed typo causing error when adding new tax type.
2008-04-06 Joe Hunt*** empty log message ***
2008-04-06 Joe HuntChanged install.html and update.html to fit the new...
2008-04-06 Janusz DobrowolskiSales invoice edit restriction on records imported...
2008-04-05 Joe Hunt*** empty log message ***
2008-04-05 Joe HuntAdded some index.php files
2008-04-05 Joe HuntFixed a bug when creating subfolder for new companies...
2008-04-04 Joe HuntRemoved annoying warnings in several reports.
2008-04-04 Janusz DobrowolskiJavascript bugfix in sales_orders_view.php
2008-04-04 Janusz DobrowolskiJavascript bugfix in selecting orders as template
2008-04-04 Joe HuntUpdated chart of accounts for release 2.0 unstable...
2008-04-02 Janusz DobrowolskiFocus moved to invalid field after submit check fail...
2008-04-02 Janusz DobrowolskiFocus set to invalid field after submit check fail
2008-04-02 Janusz DobrowolskiHiding search button in combo selectors for javascript...
2008-04-02 Janusz DobrowolskiRemoved selector expansion on space key for multi-line...
2008-03-29 Janusz DobrowolskiSmall fix for short list access
2008-03-29 Janusz DobrowolskiEnhanced list accessability via space key, changed...
2008-03-29 Janusz DobrowolskiEnhanced list kbd accesability via space key, corrected...
2008-03-28 Janusz DobrowolskiBinary commit of image files
2008-03-28 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed header sales order inquiry table header for vario...
2008-03-28 Joe HuntAdded print document options in inquiries.
2008-03-28 Joe HuntMinor bugfixes.
2008-03-28 Janusz DobrowolskiLayout/focus fixes for no_[customer/supplier/item]_list on
2008-03-27 Janusz DobrowolskiFixed debit/credit entry check.
2008-03-27 Janusz DobrowolskiChanges for make form entry less time-consuming plus...
2008-03-27 Janusz Dobrowolskifirst field focus on page start, preserved focus sequence
2008-03-27 Janusz DobrowolskiRestored path_to_root POST/GET restriction
2008-03-27 Janusz DobrowolskiJavascript recalcAccount superseded by 'combo' class...
2008-03-27 Janusz Dobrowolskiget_js_set_focus superseded by js setFocus() and php...
2008-03-27 Janusz DobrowolskiRemoved get_js_set_focus() and get_js_form_entry()
2008-03-27 Janusz Dobrowolskiget_js_set_focus() added for standalone script usage.
2008-03-27 Janusz DobrowolskiRemoved not used yet ajax stuff, added combo class...