ownergit repository hosting
last changeSun, 14 Jul 2013 09:41:02 +0000 (10:41 +0100)
2013-07-14 Maxime BourgetFix 0 quantity not displayed master
2013-07-01 Maxime BourgetDisplay stock id in schedule.
2013-06-28 Maxime BourgetAdd README
2013-06-22 Maxime BourgetHide date picker when input disabled.
2013-06-22 Maxime BourgetFix requiry date bulk update.
2013-06-21 Maxime BourgetFix get_allowed and change to get_dispatchable quantit...
2013-06-18 Maxime BourgetFix quantity and color wrong on dispatch
2013-06-18 Maxime BourgetFix branch not loaded.
2013-06-18 Maxime BourgetFix require file not found.
2013-06-18 Maxime BourgetQuick Hack to add Pick/Unpick per item. Needs Refactoring
2013-06-17 Maxime BourgetFix view creation to use MOP productino database.
2013-06-17 Maxime BourgetAllow order details sorting by quantity.
2013-06-16 Maxime BourgetAdd to pick view.
2013-06-16 Maxime BourgetSplit: add original detail_id in reference.
2013-06-16 Maxime BourgetMerge branch 'count_picked_as_not_in_hand'
2013-06-16 Maxime BourgetRevert "Show picked item as available even if quantity...
11 years ago master