. ***********************************************************************/ function write_config_db($new = false) { global $path_to_root, $def_coy, $db_connections, $tb_pref_counter; include_once($path_to_root . "/config_db.php"); if ($new) $tb_pref_counter++; $n = count($db_connections); $msg = " "; for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { if ($i > 0) $msg .= "\tarray "; else $msg .= "array "; $msg .= "('name' => '" . $db_connections[$i]['name'] . "',\n"; $msg .= "\t\t'host' => '" . $db_connections[$i]['host'] . "',\n"; $msg .= "\t\t'dbuser' => '" . $db_connections[$i]['dbuser'] . "',\n"; $msg .= "\t\t'dbpassword' => '" . $db_connections[$i]['dbpassword'] . "',\n"; $msg .= "\t\t'dbname' => '" . $db_connections[$i]['dbname'] . "',\n"; $msg .= "\t\t'tbpref' => '" . $db_connections[$i]['tbpref'] . "')"; if ($i != $n - 1) $msg .= ","; $msg .= "\n\n"; } $msg .= "\t);\n?>"; $filename = $path_to_root . "/config_db.php"; // Check if the file exists and is writable first. if (file_exists($filename) && is_writable($filename)) { if (!$zp = fopen($filename, 'w')) { return -1; } else { if (!fwrite($zp, $msg)) { fclose($zp); return -2; } // Close file fclose($zp); } } else { return -3; } return 0; } function db_create_db($connection) { $db = mysql_connect($connection["host"] , $connection["dbuser"], $connection["dbpassword"]); if (!mysql_select_db($connection["dbname"], $db)) { $sql = "CREATE DATABASE " . $connection["dbname"] . ""; if (!mysql_query($sql)) return 0; mysql_select_db($connection["dbname"], $db); } return $db; } function db_drop_db($connection) { if ($connection["tbpref"] == "") { $sql = "DROP DATABASE " . $connection["dbname"] . ""; return mysql_query($sql); } else { $res = db_query("show table status"); $all_tables = array(); while($row = db_fetch($res)) $all_tables[] = $row; // get table structures foreach ($all_tables as $table) { if (strpos($table['Name'], $connection["tbpref"]) === 0) db_query("DROP TABLE `".$table['Name'] . "`"); } //deleting the tables, how?? return true; } } function db_import($filename, $connection, $force=true) { global $db; $allowed_commands = array( "create" => 'table_queries', "alter table" => 'table_queries', "insert" => 'data_queries', "update" => 'data_queries', "drop table if exists" => 'drop_queries'); $ignored_mysql_errors = array( //errors ignored in normal (non forced) mode '1022', // duplicate key '1050', // Table %s already exists '1060', // duplicate column name '1061', // duplicate key name '1062', // duplicate key entry '1091' // can't drop key/column check if exists ); $data_queries = array(); $drop_queries = array(); $table_queries = array(); $sql_errors = array(); ini_set("max_execution_time", "180"); db_query("SET foreign_key_checks=0"); // uncrompress gziped backup files if (strpos($filename, ".gz") || strpos($filename, ".GZ")) $lines = db_ungzip("lines", $filename); elseif (strpos($filename, ".zip") || strpos($filename, ".ZIP")) $lines = db_unzip("lines", $filename); else $lines = file("". $filename); // parse input file $query_table = ''; foreach($lines as $line_no => $line) { $line = trim($line); $line = str_replace("0_", $connection["tbpref"], $line); if ($query_table == '') { // check if line begins with one of allowed queries foreach($allowed_commands as $cmd => $table) { if (strtolower(substr($line, 0, strlen($cmd))) == $cmd) { $query_table = $table; ${$query_table}[] = array('', $line_no+1); break; } } } if($query_table != '') // inside allowed query { $table = $query_table; if (substr($line, -1) == ';') // end of query found { $line = substr($line, 0, strlen($line) - 1); // strip ';' $query_table = ''; } ${$table}[count(${$table}) - 1][0] .= $line . "\n"; } } /* { // for debugging purposes global $path_to_root; $f = fopen($path_to_root.'/tmp/dbimport.txt', 'w+'); fwrite($f, print_r($drop_queries,true) ."\n"); fwrite($f, print_r($table_queries,true) ."\n"); fwrite($f, print_r($data_queries,true)); fclose($f); } */ // execute drop tables if exists queries if ($force && is_array($drop_queries)) { foreach($drop_queries as $drop_query) { if (!db_query($drop_query[0])) { if (!in_array(db_error_no(), $ignored_mysql_errors)) $sql_errors[] = array(db_error_msg($db), $drop_query[1]); } } } // execute create tables queries if (is_array($table_queries)) { foreach($table_queries as $table_query) { if (!db_query($table_query[0])) { if (!in_array(db_error_no(), $ignored_mysql_errors) || !$force) { $sql_errors[] = array(db_error_msg($db), $table_query[1]); } } } } // execute insert data queries if (is_array($data_queries)) { foreach($data_queries as $data_query) { if (!db_query($data_query[0])) { if (!in_array(db_error_no(),$ignored_mysql_errors) || !$force) $sql_errors[] = array(db_error_msg($db), $data_query[1]); } } } db_query("SET foreign_key_checks=1"); if (count($sql_errors)) { // display first failure message; the rest are probably derivative $err = $sql_errors[0]; display_error(sprintf(_("SQL script execution failed in line %d: %s"), $err[1], $err[0])); return false; } else return true; //$shell_command = C_MYSQL_PATH . " -h $host -u $user -p{$password} $dbname < $filename"; //shell_exec($shell_command); } // returns the content of the gziped $path backup file. use of $mode see below function db_ungzip($mode, $path) { $file_data = gzfile($path); // returns one string or an array of lines if ($mode != "lines") return implode("",$file_data); else return $file_data; } // returns the content of the ziped $path backup file. use of $mode see below function db_unzip($mode, $path) { $all = false; $all = implode("", file($path)); // convert path to name of ziped file $filename = ereg_replace(".*/", "", $path); $filename = substr($filename, 0, strlen($filename) - 4); // compare filname in zip and filename from $_GET if (substr($all, 30, strlen($filename)-4) . substr($all, 30+strlen($filename)+9, 4) != $filename) { return ''; // exit if names differ } else { // get the suffix of the filename in hex $crc_bugfix = substr($all, 30, strlen($filename)+13); $crc_bugfix = substr(substr($crc_bugfix, 0, strlen($crc_bugfix) - 4), strlen($crc_bugfix) - 12 - 4); $suffix = false; // convert hex to ascii for ($i=0; $i < 12; ) $suffix .= chr($crc_bugfix[$i++] . $crc_bugfix[$i++] . $crc_bugfix[$i++]); // remove central directory information (we have always just one ziped file) $comp = substr($all, -(strlen($all) - 30 - strlen($filename)-13)); $comp = substr($comp, 0, (strlen($comp) - 80 - strlen($filename)-13)); // fix the crc bugfix (see function save_to_file) $comp = "xœ" . $comp . $suffix; $file_data = gzuncompress($comp); } // returns one string or an array of lines if ($mode != "lines") return $file_data; else return explode("\n", $file_data); } // generates a dump of $db database // $drop and $zip tell if to include the drop table statement or dry to pack function db_export($conn, $filename, $zip='no', $comment='', $tbpref = TB_PREF) { global $app_title, $version, $power_url, $path_to_root; $error = false; // set max string size before writing to file $max_size = 1048576 * 2; // 2 MB // changes max size if value can be retrieved if (ini_get("memory_limit")) $max_size = 900000 * ini_get("memory_limit"); // set backupfile name if ($zip == "gzip") $backupfile = $filename . ".gz"; elseif ($zip == "zip") $backupfile = $filename . ".zip"; else $backupfile = $filename; $company = get_company_pref('coy_name', $tbpref); //create comment $out="# MySQL dump of database '".$conn["dbname"]."' on host '".$conn["host"]."'\n"; $out.="# Backup Date and Time: ".date("Y-m-d H:i")."\n"; $out.="# Built by " . $app_title . " " . $version ."\n"; $out.="# ".$power_url."\n"; $out.="# Company: ". @html_entity_decode($company, ENT_QUOTES, $_SESSION['language']->encoding)."\n"; $out.="# User: ".$_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->name."\n\n"; // write users comment if ($comment) { $out .= "# Comment:\n"; $comment=preg_replace("'\n'","\n# ","# ".$comment); //$comment=str_replace("\n", "\n# ", $comment); foreach(explode("\n",$comment) as $line) $out .= $line."\n"; $out.="\n"; } //$out.="use ".$db.";\n"; we don't use this option. // get auto_increment values and names of all tables $res = db_query("show table status"); $all_tables = array(); while($row = db_fetch($res)) { //if ($conn["tbpref"] == "" || strpos($row['Name'], $conn["tbpref"]) !== false) replaced if (($conn["tbpref"] == "" && !preg_match('/[0-9]+_/', $row['Name'])) || ($conn["tbpref"] != "" && strpos($row['Name'], $conn["tbpref"]) !== false)) $all_tables[] = $row; } // get table structures foreach ($all_tables as $table) { $res1 = db_query("SHOW CREATE TABLE `" . $table['Name'] . "`"); $tmp = db_fetch($res1); $table_sql[$table['Name']] = $tmp["Create Table"]; } // find foreign keys $fks = array(); if (isset($table_sql)) { foreach($table_sql as $tablenme=>$table) { $tmp_table=$table; // save all tables, needed for creating this table in $fks while (($ref_pos = strpos($tmp_table, " REFERENCES ")) > 0) { $tmp_table = substr($tmp_table, $ref_pos + 12); $ref_pos = strpos($tmp_table, "("); $fks[$tablenme][] = substr($tmp_table, 0, $ref_pos); } } } // order $all_tables $all_tables = order_sql_tables($all_tables, $fks); // as long as no error occurred if (!$error) { //while($row=@mysql_fetch_array($res)) foreach ($all_tables as $row) { $tablename = $row['Name']; $auto_incr[$tablename] = $row['Auto_increment']; $out.="\n\n"; // export tables $out.="### Structure of table `".$tablename."` ###\n\n"; $out.="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `".$tablename."`;\n\n"; $out.=$table_sql[$tablename]; // add auto_increment value if ($auto_incr[$tablename]) $out.=" AUTO_INCREMENT=".$auto_incr[$tablename]; $out.=" ;"; $out.="\n\n\n"; // export data if (!$error) { $out.="### Data of table `".$tablename."` ###\n\n"; // check if field types are NULL or NOT NULL $res3 = db_query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `" . $tablename . "`"); $field_type = array(); for ($j = 0; $j < db_num_rows($res3); $j++) { $row3 = db_fetch($res3); $field_type[] = $row3[2]; } $res2 = db_query("SELECT * FROM `" . $tablename . "`"); for ($j = 0; $j < db_num_rows($res2); $j++) { $out .= "INSERT INTO `" . $tablename . "` VALUES ("; $row2 = db_fetch_row($res2); // run through each field for ($k = 0; $k < $nf = db_num_fields($res2); $k++) { $out .= db_escape(@html_entity_decode($row2[$k], ENT_QUOTES, $_SESSION['language']->encoding)); if ($k < ($nf - 1)) $out .= ", "; } $out .= ");\n"; // if saving is successful, then empty $out, else set error flag if (strlen($out) > $max_size && $zip != "zip") { if (save_to_file($backupfile, $zip, $out)) $out = ""; else $error = true; } } // an error occurred! Try to delete file and return error status } elseif ($error) { @unlink(BACKUP_PATH . $backupfile); return false; } // if saving is successful, then empty $out, else set error flag if (strlen($out) > $max_size && $zip != "zip") { if (save_to_file($backupfile, $zip, $out)) $out= ""; else $error = true; } } // an error occurred! Try to delete file and return error status } else { @unlink(BACKUP_PATH . $backupfile); return false; } // if (mysql_error()) return "DB_ERROR"; //@mysql_close($con); //if ($zip == "zip") // $zip = $time; if (save_to_file($backupfile, $zip, $out)) { $out = ""; } else { @unlink(BACKUP_PATH . $backupfile); return false; } return $backupfile; } // orders the tables in $tables according to the constraints in $fks // $fks musst be filled like this: $fks[tablename][0]=needed_table1; $fks[tablename][1]=needed_table2; ... function order_sql_tables($tables, $fks) { // do not order if no contraints exist if (!count($fks)) return $tables; // order $new_tables = array(); $existing = array(); $modified = true; while (count($tables) && $modified == true) { $modified = false; foreach ($tables as $key=>$row) { // delete from $tables and add to $new_tables if (isset($fks[$row['Name']])) { foreach($fks[$row['Name']] as $needed) { // go to next table if not all needed tables exist in $existing if (!in_array($needed,$existing)) continue 2; } } // delete from $tables and add to $new_tables $existing[] = $row['Name']; $new_tables[] = $row; prev($tables); unset($tables[$key]); $modified = true; } } if (count($tables)) { // probably there are 'circles' in the constraints, bacause of that no proper backups can be created yet // TODO: this will be fixed sometime later through using 'alter table' commands to add the constraints after generating the tables // until now, just add the lasting tables to $new_tables, return them and print a warning foreach($tables as $row) $new_tables[] = $row; echo "
"; } return $new_tables; } // saves the string in $fileData to the file $backupfile as gz file or not ($zip) // returns backup file name if name has changed (zip), else TRUE. If saving failed, return value is FALSE function save_to_file($backupfile, $zip, $fileData) { global $path_to_root; if ($zip == "gzip") { if ($zp = @gzopen(BACKUP_PATH . $backupfile, "a9")) { @gzwrite($zp, $fileData); @gzclose($zp); return true; } else { return false; } // $zip contains the timestamp } elseif ($zip == "zip") { // based on zip.lib.php 2.2 from phpMyBackupAdmin // offical zip format: http://www.pkware.com/appnote.txt // End of central directory record $eof_ctrl_dir = "\x50\x4b\x05\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00"; // "local file header" segment $unc_len = strlen($fileData); $crc = crc32($fileData); $zdata = gzcompress($fileData); // extend stored file name with suffix // needed for decoding (because of crc bug) $name_suffix = substr($zdata, -4, 4); $name_suffix2 = "_"; for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) $name_suffix2 .= sprintf("%03d", ord($name_suffix[$i])); $name = substr($backupfile, 0, strlen($backupfile) - 8) . $name_suffix2 . ".sql"; // fix crc bug $zdata = substr(substr($zdata, 0, strlen($zdata) - 4), 2); $c_len = strlen($zdata); // dos time $timearray = getdate($zip); $dostime = (($timearray['year'] - 1980) << 25) | ($timearray['mon'] << 21) | ($timearray['mday'] << 16) | ($timearray['hours'] << 11) | ($timearray['minutes'] << 5) | ($timearray['seconds'] >> 1); $dtime = dechex($dostime); $hexdtime = "\x" . $dtime[6] . $dtime[7] . "\x" . $dtime[4].$dtime[5] . "\x" . $dtime[2] . $dtime[3] . "\x" . $dtime[0] . $dtime[1]; eval('$hexdtime="' . $hexdtime . '";'); // ver needed to extract, gen purpose bit flag, compression method, last mod time and date $sub1 = "\x14\x00" . "\x00\x00" . "\x08\x00" . $hexdtime; // crc32, compressed filesize, uncompressed filesize $sub2 = pack('V', $crc) . pack('V', $c_len) . pack('V', $unc_len); $fr = "\x50\x4b\x03\x04" . $sub1. $sub2; // length of filename, extra field length $fr .= pack('v', strlen($name)) . pack('v', 0); $fr .= $name; // "file data" segment and "data descriptor" segment (optional but necessary if archive is not served as file) $fr .= $zdata . $sub2; // now add to central directory record $cdrec = "\x50\x4b\x01\x02"; $cdrec .= "\x00\x00"; // version made by $cdrec .= $sub1 . $sub2; // length of filename, extra field length, file comment length, disk number start, internal file attributes, external file attributes - 'archive' bit set, offset $cdrec .= pack('v', strlen($name)) . pack('v', 0) . pack('v', 0) . pack('v', 0) . pack('v', 0) . pack('V', 32) . pack('V',0); $cdrec .= $name; // combine data $fileData = $fr . $cdrec . $eof_ctrl_dir; // total # of entries "on this disk", total # of entries overall, size of central dir, offset to start of central dir, .zip file comment length $fileData .= pack('v', 1) . pack('v', 1) . pack('V', strlen($cdrec)) . pack('V', strlen($fr)) . "\x00\x00"; if ($zp = @fopen(BACKUP_PATH . $backupfile, "a")) { @fwrite($zp, $fileData); @fclose($zp); return true; } else { return false; } // uncompressed } else { if ($zp = @fopen(BACKUP_PATH . $backupfile, "a")) { @fwrite($zp, $fileData); @fclose($zp); return true; } else { return false; } } } function create_comp_dirs($comp_path, $comp_subdirs) { $index = ""; $cdir = $comp_path; @mkdir($cdir); $f = @fopen("$cdir/index.php", "wb"); @fwrite($f, $index); @fclose($f); foreach($comp_subdirs as $dir) { @mkdir($cdir.'/'.$dir); $f = @fopen("$cdir/$dir/index.php", "wb"); @fwrite($f, $index); @fclose($f); } } ?>