. ***********************************************************************/ //-------------------------------------------------- // User configurable variables //--------------------------------------------------- /*Show debug messages returned from an error on the page. Debugging info level also determined by settings in PHP.ini if $debug=1 show debugging info, dont show if $debug=0 */ if (!isset($path_to_root) || isset($_GET['path_to_root']) || isset($_POST['path_to_root'])) die("Restricted access"); if (!ini_get('date.timezone')) ini_set('date.timezone', 'Europe/Berlin'); // Log file for error/warning messages. Should be set to any location // writable by www server. When set to empty string logging is switched off. // Special value 'syslog' can be used for system logger usage (see php manual). //$error_logfile = ''; $error_logfile = dirname(__FILE__).'/tmp/errors.log'; $debug = 1; // show sql on database errors $show_sql = 0; // show all sql queries in page footer for debugging purposes $go_debug = 0; // set to 1 for basic debugging, or 2 to see also backtrace after failure. $pdf_debug = 0; // display pdf source instead reports for debugging when $go_debug!=0 // set $sql_trail to 1 only if you want to perform bugtracking sql trail // Warning: this produces huge amount of data in sql_trail table. // Don't forget switch the option off and flush the table manually after // trail, or your future backup files are overloaded with unneeded data. // $sql_trail = 0; // save all sql queries in sql_trail $select_trail = 0; // track also SELECT queries if ($go_debug > 0) { error_reporting(-1); ini_set("display_errors", "On"); } else { error_reporting(E_USER_WARNING|E_USER_ERROR|E_USER_NOTICE); // ini_alter("error_reporting","E_COMPILE_ERROR|E_ERROR|E_CORE_ERROR|E_PARSE"); ini_set("display_errors", "On"); } if($error_logfile != '') { ini_set("error_log", $error_logfile); ini_set("ignore_repeated_errors", "On"); ini_set("log_errors", "On"); } // Main Title $app_title = "FrontAccounting"; // Build for development purposes $build_version = date("d.m.Y", filemtime("$path_to_root/CHANGELOG.txt")); // Powered by $power_by = "FrontAccounting"; $power_url = "http://frontaccounting.com"; /* No check on edit conflicts. Maybe needed to be set to 1 in certains Windows Servers */ $no_check_edit_conflicts = 0; /* Do not print zero lines amount of 0.00 in Sales Documents if service item. 1 = do not */ $no_zero_lines_amount = 1; /* Use icon for editkey (=true) right of combobox. 1 = use, 0 = do not use */ $use_icon_for_editkey = 0; /* Creates automatic a default branch with contact. Value 0 do not create auto branch */ $auto_create_branch = 1; /* Save Report selections (a value > 0 means days to save. 0 = no save) */ $save_report_selections = 0; /* use popup windows for views */ $use_popup_windows = 1; /* use date picker for all date fields */ $use_date_picker = 1; /* use Audit Trails in GL */ /* This variable is deprecated. Setting this to 1, will stamp the user name in the memo fields in GL */ /* This has been superseded with built in Audit Trail */ $use_audit_trail = 0; /* $show_voiced_gl_trans = 0, setting this to 1 will show the voided gl trans */ $show_voided_gl_trans = 0; /* use old style convert (income and expense in BS, PL) */ $use_oldstyle_convert = 0; /* show users online discretely in the footer */ $show_users_online = 0; /* show item codes on purchase order */ $show_po_item_codes = 0; /* default print destination. 0 = PDF/Printer, 1 = Excel */ $def_print_destination = 0; /* default print orientation. 0 = Portrait, 1 = Landscape */ $def_print_orientation = 0; // Wiki context help configuration // If your help wiki use translated page titles uncomment next line // $old_style_help = 1; // this setting is depreciated and subject to removal in next FA versions $old_style_help = 0; // locally installed wiki module // $help_base_url = $path_to_root.'/modules/wiki/index.php?n='._('Help').'.'; // context help feed from frontaccounting.com // $help_base_url = 'http://frontaccounting.com/fawiki/index.php?n=Help.'; // not used $help_base_url = null; /* per user data/cache directory */ $comp_path = $path_to_root.'/company'; /* allow alpha characters in accounts. 0 = numeric, 1 = alpha numeric, 2 = uppercase alpha numeric */ $accounts_alpha = 0; /* Date systems. 0 = traditional, 1 = Jalali used by Iran, nabour countries, Afghanistan and some other Central Asian nations, 2 = Islamic used by other arabic nations. 3 = traditional, but where non-workday is Friday and start of week is Saturday */ $date_system = 0; /* email stock location if order below reorder-level */ /* Remember to set an email on the Location(s). */ $loc_notification = 0; /* print_invoice_no. 0 = print reference number, 1 = print invoice number */ $print_invoice_no = 0; /* 1 = print Subtotal tax excluded, tax and Total tax included */ $alternative_tax_include_on_docs = 0; /* suppress tax rates on documents. 0 = no, 1 = yes. */ $suppress_tax_rates = 0; $dateformats = array("MMDDYYYY", "DDMMYYYY", "YYYYMMDD","MmmDDYYYY", "DDMmmYYYY", "YYYYMmmDD"); $dateseps = array("/", ".", "-", " "); $thoseps = array(",", ".", " "); $decseps = array(".", ","); /* default dateformats and dateseps indexes used before user login */ $dflt_date_fmt = 0; $dflt_date_sep = 0; /* default PDF pagesize taken from /reporting/includes/tcpdf.php */ $pagesizes = array("Letter", "A4"); /* Accounts Payable */ /* System check to see if quantity charged on purchase invoices exceeds the quantity received. If this parameter is checked the proportion by which the purchase invoice is an overcharge referred to before reporting an error */ $check_qty_charged_vs_del_qty = true; /* System check to see if price charged on purchase invoices exceeds the purchase order price. If this parameter is checked the proportion by which the purchase invoice is an overcharge referred to before reporting an error */ $check_price_charged_vs_order_price = True; $config_allocation_settled_allowance = 0.005; /* Allow negative prices for dummy/service items. To be moved to GL db settings */ $allow_negative_prices = 1; /* Show menu category icons in core themes */ $show_menu_category_icons = 0; // Internal configurable variables //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Whether to display the demo login and password or not */ $allow_demo_mode = false; /* for uploaded item pictures */ $pic_width = 80; $pic_height = 50; $max_image_size = 500; /* skin for Business Graphics. 1 = Office, 2 = Matrix, or 3 = Spring. Pallete skin attributes set in reporting/includes/class.graphic.inc */ $graph_skin = 1; /* Before upgrade from pre-2.2 FA you have to move here your customized security roles definitions. If you have used standard roles, you can simply uncomment following two arrays. After upgrade both arrays need to be deleted or commented out. You may wish to change user roles to new better defined in Users Setup. Old not used roles can be set inactive or deleted. */ /* Standard FA2.1 Security Group definitions $security_headings = array( _("Inquiries"), _("Accountant"), _("System Administrator"), ); $security_groups = array( array(1,2), array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,16), array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,20), ); */ //MySQL Backup and Restore Settings if(isset($_SESSION["wa_current_user"])) { define("BACKUP_PATH", $comp_path.'/'.user_company()."/backup/"); } // static js files path $js_path = $path_to_root.'/js/'; // standard external js scripts included in all files $js_static = array('JsHttpRequest.js', 'behaviour.js', 'utils.js', 'inserts.js'); // additional js source included in header $js_lib = $js_userlib = array(); if (!defined('ICON_EDIT')) { define("ICON_EDIT", "edit.gif"); define("ICON_DELETE", "delete.gif"); define("ICON_ADD", "ok.gif"); define("ICON_UPDATE", "ok.gif"); define("ICON_OK", "ok.gif"); define("ICON_CANCEL", "cancel.png"); define("ICON_GL", "gl.png"); define("ICON_PRINT", "print.png"); define("ICON_PDF", "pdf.gif"); define("ICON_DOC", "invoice.gif"); define("ICON_CREDIT", "credit.gif"); define("ICON_RECEIVE", "receive.gif"); define("ICON_DOWN", "download.gif"); define("ICON_MONEY", "money.png"); define("ICON_REMOVE", "remove.png"); define("ICON_REPORT", "report.png"); define("ICON_VIEW", "view.gif"); define("ICON_SUBMIT", "ok.gif"); define("ICON_ESCAPE", "escape.png"); } /* Display a dropdown select box for choosing Company to login if false. Show a blank editbox only if true where the Company NickName will have to be manually entered. This is when privacy is needed. */ $text_company_selection = false; /* Should FA hide menu items (Applications, Modules, and Actions) from the user if they don't have access to them? 0 for no 1 for yes */ $hide_inaccessible_menu_items = 0; /* Brute force prevention. $login_delay seconds delay is required between login attempts after $login_max_attemps failed logins. Set $login_delay to 0 to disable the feature (not recommended) */ $login_delay = 30; $login_max_attempts = 10; /* Choose Exchange Rate Provider Default is ECB for backwards compatibility */ $xr_providers = array("ECB", "YAHOO", "GOOGLE", "BLOOMBERG"); $dflt_xr_provider = 0; /* Optional sorting new sales documents lines according to item code */ $sort_sales_items = false; ?>