. ***********************************************************************/ function add_exchange_variation($trans_no, $date_, $acc_id, $account, $currency, $person_type_id=null, $person_id = "") { if (is_company_currency($currency)) return false; if ($date_ == null) $date_ = Today(); $for_amount = 0; // We have to calculate all the currency accounts belonging to the GL account // upto $date_ and calculate with the exchange rates. And then compare with the GL account balance. // 2010-02-23 Joe Hunt with help of Ary Wibowo $sql = "SELECT SUM(bt.amount) AS for_amount, ba.bank_curr_code FROM ".TB_PREF."bank_trans bt, ".TB_PREF."bank_accounts ba WHERE ba.id = bt.bank_act AND ba.account_code = ".db_escape($account)." AND bt.trans_date<='".date2sql($date_)."' GROUP BY ba.bank_curr_code"; $result = db_query($sql, "Transactions for bank account $acc_id could not be calculated"); while ($row = db_fetch($result)) { if ($row['for_amount'] == 0) continue; $rate = get_exchange_rate_from_home_currency($row['bank_curr_code'], $date_); $for_amount += round2($row['for_amount'] * $rate, user_price_dec()); } $amount = get_gl_trans_from_to("", $date_, $account); $diff = $amount - $for_amount; if ($diff != 0) { if ($trans_no == null) $trans_no = get_next_trans_no(ST_JOURNAL); if ($person_type_id == null) $person_type_id = PT_MISC; add_gl_trans(ST_JOURNAL, $trans_no, $date_, $account, 0, 0, _("Exchange Variance"), -$diff, null, $person_type_id, $person_id); add_gl_trans(ST_JOURNAL, $trans_no, $date_, get_company_pref('exchange_diff_act'), 0, 0, _("Exchange Variance"), $diff, null, $person_type_id, $person_id); } return ($diff != 0); } //------------- New helper functions for revaluation of customer/supplier currencies 2011-05-08 Joe Hunt. function add_cust_supp_revaluation($ledger_act, $ex_act, $date, $amount, $person_type_id, $person_id, $memo) { global $Refs; if ($amount == 0) return; $trans_no = get_next_trans_no(ST_JOURNAL); add_gl_trans(ST_JOURNAL, $trans_no, $date, $ledger_act, 0, 0, _("Exchange Variance"), $amount, null, $person_type_id, $person_id); add_gl_trans(ST_JOURNAL, $trans_no, $date, $ex_act, 0, 0, _("Exchange Variance"), -$amount, null, $person_type_id, $person_id); add_comments(ST_JOURNAL, $trans_no, $date, $memo); $ref = $Refs->get_next(ST_JOURNAL); $Refs->save(ST_JOURNAL, $trans_no, $ref); add_audit_trail(ST_JOURNAL, $trans_no, $date); } function get_cust_account_curr_balances($date) { $to = date2sql($date); $sql = "SELECT SUM(IF(t.type =".ST_CUSTCREDIT." OR t.type = ".ST_CUSTPAYMENT." OR t.type = ".ST_BANKDEPOSIT.", -(t.ov_amount + t.ov_gst + t.ov_freight + t.ov_freight_tax + t.ov_discount), (t.ov_amount + t.ov_gst + t.ov_freight + t.ov_freight_tax + t.ov_discount))) AS amount, dt.debtor_no, dt.name, dt.curr_code, b.receivables_account FROM ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans t LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."debtors_master dt ON t.debtor_no = dt.debtor_no LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."cust_branch b ON t.debtor_no = b.debtor_no LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."voided as v ON v.type = t.type and v.id=t.trans_no WHERE ISNULL(v.date_) AND t.type <> ".ST_CUSTDELIVERY." AND t.tran_date <= '$to' AND t.branch_code=b.branch_code AND dt.curr_code<>'".get_company_pref('curr_default')."' GROUP BY t.debtor_no, b.receivables_account"; $result = db_query($sql,"Open balances in foreign currency for cannot be retrieved"); return $result; } function get_supp_account_curr_balances($date) { $to = date2sql($date); $sql = "SELECT SUM(-(t.ov_amount + t.ov_gst + t.ov_discount)) AS amount, supp.supplier_id, supp.supp_name, supp.curr_code, supp.payable_account FROM ".TB_PREF."supp_trans t LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."suppliers supp ON t.supplier_id = supp.supplier_id LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."voided as v ON v.type = t.type and v.id=t.trans_no WHERE ISNULL(v.date_) AND t.tran_date <= '$to' AND supp.curr_code<>'".get_company_pref('curr_default')."' GROUP BY t.supplier_id"; $result = db_query($sql,"Open balances in foreign currency for cannot be retrieved"); return $result; } function get_account_home_balance($person_id, $person_type, $rec_account, $to_date) { $to = date2sql($to_date); $sql = "SELECT SUM(amount) FROM ".TB_PREF."gl_trans WHERE person_id=".db_escape($person_id)." AND account='$rec_account' AND person_type_id=$person_type AND tran_date <= '$to'"; $result = db_query($sql, "The AR/AP balance for customer $person_id could not be calculated"); $row = db_fetch_row($result); return $row[0]; } //------------- New helper functions for revaluation of customer/supplier currencies 2011-05-08 Joe Hunt. function add_exchange_variation_all($date=null, $ref="", $memo) { global $Refs; begin_transaction(); $exchanged = false; $trans_no = get_next_trans_no(ST_JOURNAL); $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREF."bank_accounts"; $result = db_query($sql, "could not retreive bank accounts"); while ($myrow = db_fetch($result)) { if (add_exchange_variation($trans_no, $date, $myrow['id'], $myrow['account_code'], $myrow['bank_curr_code'])) $exchanged = true; } if ($exchanged) { add_comments(ST_JOURNAL, $trans_no, $date, $memo); if ($ref == "") $ref = $Refs->get_next(ST_JOURNAL); $Refs->save(ST_JOURNAL, $trans_no, $ref); add_audit_trail(ST_JOURNAL, $trans_no, $date); } //------------- BEGIN inserted for revaluation of customer/supplier currencies 2011-05-08 Joe Hunt. if ($date == null) $date = Today(); $exchange_act = get_company_pref('exchange_diff_act'); $je = 0; // debtors $res = get_cust_account_curr_balances($date); while($row = db_fetch($res)) { $exrate = get_exchange_rate_from_home_currency($row['curr_code'], $date); $foreign = round2($row['amount']*$exrate, user_price_dec()); $home = round2(get_account_home_balance($row['debtor_no'], PT_CUSTOMER, $row['receivables_account'], $date), user_price_dec()); if ($foreign != $home) { $amount = $foreign - $home; add_cust_supp_revaluation($row['receivables_account'], $exchange_act, $date, $amount, PT_CUSTOMER, $row['debtor_no'], $memo); $je++; } } // creditors $res = get_supp_account_curr_balances($date); while($row = db_fetch($res)) { $exrate = get_exchange_rate_from_home_currency($row['curr_code'], $date); $foreign = round2($row['amount']*$exrate, user_price_dec()); $home = round2(get_account_home_balance($row['supplier_id'], PT_SUPPLIER, $row['payable_account'], $date), user_price_dec()); if ($foreign != $home) { $amount = $foreign - $home; add_cust_supp_revaluation($row['payable_account'], $exchange_act, $date, $amount, PT_SUPPLIER, $row['supplier_id'], $memo); $je++; } } //------------- END commit_transaction(); return array(($exchanged ? $trans_no : 0), $je); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Add bank tranfer to database. // // $from_account - source bank account id // $to_account - target bank account id // function add_bank_transfer($from_account, $to_account, $date_, $amount, $ref, $memo_, $charge=0) { global $Refs, $SysPrefs; begin_transaction(); $args = func_get_args(); if (count($args) < 7) $args[] = 0; $args = (object)array_combine(array('from_account', 'to_account', 'date_', 'amount', 'ref', 'memo_', 'charge'), $args); $args->trans_no = 0; hook_db_prewrite($args, ST_BANKTRANSFER); $trans_type = ST_BANKTRANSFER; $currency = get_bank_account_currency($from_account); $trans_no = get_next_trans_no($trans_type); $fromact = get_bank_account($from_account); $toact = get_bank_account($to_account); $person_id = _("From")." ".$fromact['bank_account_name']." "._("To")." ".$toact['bank_account_name']; $from_gl_account = get_bank_gl_account($from_account); $to_gl_account = get_bank_gl_account($to_account); $exchanged = false; $total = 0; // do the source account postings $total += add_gl_trans($trans_type, $trans_no, $date_, $from_gl_account, 0, 0, $person_id, -($amount + $charge), $currency); add_bank_trans($trans_type, $trans_no, $from_account, $ref, $date_, -($amount + $charge), PT_MISC, $person_id, $currency, "Cannot insert a source bank transaction"); if ($SysPrefs->auto_currency_revaluation()) { $trans_no1 = get_next_trans_no(ST_JOURNAL); if (add_exchange_variation($trans_no1, $date_, $from_account, $from_gl_account, $currency, PT_MISC, $person_id)) $exchanged = true; } if ($charge != 0) { /* Now Debit bank charge account with charges */ $charge_act = get_company_pref('bank_charge_act'); $total += add_gl_trans($trans_type, $trans_no, $date_, $charge_act, 0, 0, $person_id, $charge, $currency); } // do the destination account postings $total += add_gl_trans($trans_type, $trans_no, $date_, $to_gl_account, 0, 0, $person_id, $amount, $currency); /*Post a balance post if $total != 0 */ add_gl_balance($trans_type, $trans_no, $date_, -$total); add_bank_trans($trans_type, $trans_no, $to_account, $ref, $date_, $amount, PT_MISC, $person_id, $currency, "Cannot insert a destination bank transaction"); if ($SysPrefs->auto_currency_revaluation()) { $currency = get_bank_account_currency($to_account); if (add_exchange_variation($trans_no1, $date_, $to_account, $to_gl_account, $currency, PT_MISC, $person_id)) $exchanged = true; } if ($exchanged == true) { $ref1 = $Refs->get_next(ST_JOURNAL); $Refs->save(ST_JOURNAL, $trans_no1, $ref1); add_audit_trail(ST_JOURNAL, $trans_no1, $date_); } add_comments($trans_type, $trans_no, $date_, $memo_); $Refs->save($trans_type, $trans_no, $ref); add_audit_trail($trans_type, $trans_no, $date_); $args->trans_no = $trans_no; hook_db_postwrite($args, ST_BANKTRANSFER); commit_transaction(); return $trans_no; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Add bank payment or deposit to database. // // $from_account - bank account id // $item - transaction cart (line item's amounts in bank account's currency) // $person_type_id - defines type of $person_id identifiers // $person_id - supplier/customer/other id // $person_detail_id - customer branch id or not used // // returns an array of (inserted trans type, trans no) // // FIXME -revise code for update case // function write_bank_transaction($trans_type, $trans_no, $from_account, $items, $date_, $person_type_id, $person_id, $person_detail_id, $ref, $memo_, $use_transaction=true) { global $Refs, $SysPrefs; // we can only handle type 1 (payment)and type 2 (deposit) if ($trans_type != ST_BANKPAYMENT && $trans_type != ST_BANKDEPOSIT) display_db_error("Invalid type ($trans_type) sent to add_bank_transaction"); $do_exchange_variance = false; $exchanged = false; if ($use_transaction) begin_transaction(); $args = func_get_args(); if (count($args) < 11) $args[] = true; $args = (object)array_combine(array('trans_type', 'trans_no', 'from_account', 'items', 'date_', 'person_type_id', 'person_id', 'person_detail_id', 'ref', 'memo_', 'use_transaction'), $args); hook_db_prewrite($args, $trans_type); $aid = 0; if ($trans_no) { $old_trans = $trans_no; $Refs->restore_last($trans_type, $trans_no); $aid = has_attachment($trans_type, $trans_no); } $currency = get_bank_account_currency($from_account); $bank_gl_account = get_bank_gl_account($from_account); // the gl items are already inversed/negated for type 2 (deposit) $total_amount = $items->gl_items_total(); if ($person_type_id == PT_CUSTOMER) { // we need to add a customer transaction record // convert to customer currency $cust_amount = exchange_from_to($total_amount, $currency, get_customer_currency($person_id), $date_); // we need to negate it too $cust_amount = -$cust_amount; $trans_no = write_customer_trans($trans_type, 0, $person_id, $person_detail_id, $date_, $ref, $cust_amount); } elseif ($person_type_id == PT_SUPPLIER) { // we need to add a supplier transaction record // convert to supp currency $supp_amount = exchange_from_to($total_amount, $currency, get_supplier_currency($person_id), $date_); // we need to negate it too $supp_amount = -$supp_amount; $trans_no = write_supp_trans($trans_type, 0, $person_id, $date_, '', $ref, "", $supp_amount, 0, 0); } else { $trans_no = get_next_trans_no($trans_type); $do_exchange_variance = $SysPrefs->auto_currency_revaluation(); if ($do_exchange_variance) $trans_no1 = get_next_trans_no(ST_JOURNAL); } if ($aid != 0) { $row = get_attachment($aid); update_attachment($aid, $row['type_no'], $trans_no, $row['description'], $row['filename'], $row['unique_name'], $row['filesize'], $row['filetype']); } // do the source account postings add_bank_trans($trans_type, $trans_no, $from_account, $ref, $date_, -$total_amount, $person_type_id, $person_id, $currency, "Cannot insert a source bank transaction"); $total = 0; foreach ($items->gl_items as $gl_item) { $is_bank_to = is_bank_account($gl_item->code_id); if ($trans_type == ST_BANKPAYMENT AND $is_bank_to) { // we don't allow payments to go to a bank account. use transfer for this ! display_db_error("invalid payment entered. Cannot pay to another bank account", ""); } // do the destination account postings $total += add_gl_trans($trans_type, $trans_no, $date_, $gl_item->code_id, $gl_item->dimension_id, $gl_item->dimension2_id, $gl_item->reference, $gl_item->amount, $currency, $person_type_id, $person_id); if ($is_bank_to) { add_bank_trans($trans_type, $trans_no, $is_bank_to, $ref, $date_, $gl_item->amount, $person_type_id, $person_id, $currency, "Cannot insert a destination bank transaction"); if ($do_exchange_variance) { add_exchange_variation($trans_no1, $date_, $is_bank_to, $gl_item->code_id, $currency, $person_type_id, $person_id); } } // store tax details if the gl account is a tax account $amount = $gl_item->amount; $ex_rate = get_exchange_rate_from_home_currency($currency, $date_); add_gl_tax_details($gl_item->code_id, $trans_type, $trans_no, -$amount, $ex_rate, $date_, $memo_); } // do the source account postings add_gl_trans($trans_type, $trans_no, $date_, $bank_gl_account, 0, 0, $memo_, -$total, null, $person_type_id, $person_id); if ($do_exchange_variance) { if ($exchanged || add_exchange_variation($trans_no1, $date_, $from_account, $bank_gl_account, $currency, $person_type_id, $person_id)) { $ref1 = $Refs->get_next(ST_JOURNAL); $Refs->save(ST_JOURNAL, $trans_no1, $ref1); add_audit_trail(ST_JOURNAL, $trans_no1, $date_); } } add_comments($trans_type, $trans_no, $date_, $memo_); $Refs->save($trans_type, $trans_no, $ref); add_audit_trail($trans_type, $trans_no, $date_); // old transaction can be voided only after new transaction is entered, // otherwise the operation could fail for cash accounts due to temporary negative balance if (@$old_trans) void_transaction($trans_type, $old_trans, Today(), _("Document reentered.")); $args->trans_no = $trans_no; hook_db_postwrite($args, $trans_type); if ($use_transaction) commit_transaction(); return array($trans_type, $trans_no); } ?>