. ***********************************************************************/ include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/prefs/userprefs.inc"); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- class current_user { var $user; var $loginname; var $username; var $name; var $company; var $pos; var $access; var $timeout; var $last_act; var $role_set = false; var $old_db; var $logged; var $ui_mode = 0; var $prefs; function current_user() { global $def_coy; $this->loginname = $this->username = $this->name = ""; $this->company = isset($def_coy)? $def_coy : 0; $this->logged = false; $this->prefs = new user_prefs(); } function logged_in() { return $this->logged; } function set_company($company) { $this->company = $company; } function login($company, $loginname, $password) { global $security_areas, $security_groups, $security_headings, $path_to_root; $this->set_company($company); $this->logged = false; $Auth_Result = get_user_for_login($loginname, $password); if (db_num_rows($Auth_Result) > 0) { $myrow = db_fetch($Auth_Result); $this->old_db = isset($myrow["full_access"]); if (! @$myrow["inactive"]) { if ($this->old_db) { // Transition code: // db was not yet upgraded after source update to v.2.2 // give enough access for admin user to continue upgrade if (!isset($security_groups) || !isset($security_headings)) { echo "

"; echo _('Before software upgrade you have to include old $security_groups and $security_headings arrays from old config.php file to the new one.'); echo '
'.""._("Back").""; echo "

"; exit; } $this->access = $myrow["full_access"]; if (in_array(20, $security_groups[$this->access])) // temporary access for admin users $this->role_set[] = $security_areas['SA_SOFTWAREUPGRADE'][0]; else { echo "

"; echo _('System is available for site admin only until full database upgrade'); echo "

"; exit; } } else { $this->role_set = array(); $this->access = $myrow["role_id"]; // store area codes available for current user role $role = get_security_role($this->access); if (!$role) return false; foreach( $role['areas'] as $code ) // filter only area codes for enabled security sections if (in_array($code&~0xff, $role['sections'])) $this->role_set[] = $code; } $this->name = $myrow["real_name"]; $this->pos = $myrow["pos"]; $this->loginname = $loginname; $this->username = $this->loginname; $this->prefs = new user_prefs($myrow); $this->user = @$myrow["id"]; update_user_visitdate($this->username); $this->logged = true; $this->last_act = time(); $this->timeout = session_timeout(); } } return $this->logged; } function check_user_access() { global $security_groups; if ($this->old_db) { // notification after upgrade from pre-2.2 version return isset($security_groups) && is_array(@$security_groups[$this->access]); } else return !isset($security_groups) && is_array($this->role_set); } function can_access($page_level) { global $security_groups, $security_areas; if (isset($security_groups)) { return $this->company == 0 && in_array(20, $security_groups[$this->access]); } if ($page_level === 'SA_OPEN') return true; if ($page_level === 'SA_DENIED' || $page_level === '') return false; $code = $security_areas[$page_level][0]; // only first registered company has site admin privileges return $code && in_array($code, $this->role_set) && ($this->company == 0 || (($code&~0xff) != SS_SADMIN)); } function can_access_page($page_level) { return $this->can_access($page_level); } function get_db_connection($id=-1) { global $db_connections; $connection = $db_connections[$id == -1 ? $this->company : $id]; //print_r($connection); $db = mysql_connect($connection["host"] , $connection["dbuser"], $connection["dbpassword"]); mysql_select_db($connection["dbname"],$db); if (!defined('TB_PREF')) define('TB_PREF', $connection["tbpref"]); return $db; } function update_prefs($price_dec, $qty_dec, $exrate_dec, $percent_dec, $showgl, $showcodes, $date_format, $date_sep, $tho_sep, $dec_sep, $theme, $pagesize, $show_hints, $profile, $rep_popup, $query_size, $graphic_links, $lang, $stickydate, $startup_tab) { global $allow_demo_mode; $user = array( 'prices_dec' => $price_dec, 'qty_dec' => $qty_dec, 'rates_dec' => $exrate_dec, 'percent_dec' => $percent_dec, 'show_gl' => $showgl, 'show_codes' => $showcodes, 'date_format' => $date_format, 'date_sep' => $date_sep, 'tho_sep' => $tho_sep, 'dec_sep' => $dec_sep, 'theme' => $theme, 'page_size' => $pagesize, 'show_hints' => $show_hints, 'print_profile' => $profile, 'rep_popup' => $rep_popup, 'query_size' => $query_size, 'graphic_links' => $graphic_links, 'language' => $lang, 'sticky_doc_date' => $stickydate, 'startup_tab' => $startup_tab ); if(!$allow_demo_mode) { update_user_display_prefs($this->user, $price_dec, $qty_dec, $exrate_dec, $percent_dec, $showgl, $showcodes, $date_format, $date_sep, $tho_sep, $dec_sep, $theme, $pagesize, $show_hints, $profile, $rep_popup, $query_size, $graphic_links, $lang, $stickydate, $startup_tab); } $this->prefs = new user_prefs($user); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function round2($number, $decimals=0) { $delta = ($number < 0 ? -.000001 : .000001); return round($number+$delta, $decimals); } function number_format2($number, $decimals=0) { global $thoseps, $decseps; $tsep = $thoseps[$_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->prefs->tho_sep()]; $dsep = $decseps[$_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->prefs->dec_sep()]; //return number_format($number, $decimals, $dsep, $tsep); $delta = ($number < 0 ? -.000001 : .000001); return number_format($number+$delta, $decimals, $dsep, $tsep); } // // Current ui mode. // function fallback_mode() { return $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->ui_mode==0; } function price_format($number) { return number_format2($number, $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->prefs->price_dec()); } function price_decimal_format($number, &$dec) { $dec = user_price_dec(); $str = strval($number); $pos = strpos($str, '.'); if ($pos !== false) { $len = strlen(substr($str, $pos + 1)); if ($len > $dec) $dec = $len; } return number_format2($number, $dec); } // function money_format doesn't exist in OS Win. if (!function_exists('money_format')) { function money_format($format, $number) { return price_format($number); } } // 2008-06-15. Added extra parameter $stock_id and reference for $dec //-------------------------------------------------------------------- function qty_format($number, $stock_id=null, &$dec) { $dec = get_qty_dec($stock_id); return number_format2($number, $dec); } // and get_qty_dec function get_qty_dec($stock_id=null) { global $path_to_root; include_once($path_to_root."/inventory/includes/db/items_units_db.inc"); if ($stock_id != null) $dec = get_unit_dec($stock_id); if ($stock_id == null || $dec == -1 || $dec == null) $dec = $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->prefs->qty_dec(); return $dec; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- function exrate_format($number) { return number_format2($number, $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->prefs->exrate_dec()); } function percent_format($number) { return number_format2($number, $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->prefs->percent_dec()); } function user_numeric($input) { global $decseps, $thoseps; $num = trim($input); $sep = $thoseps[user_tho_sep()]; if ($sep!='') $num = str_replace( $sep, '', $num); $sep = $decseps[user_dec_sep()]; if ($sep!='.') $num = str_replace( $sep, '.', $num); if (!is_numeric($num)) return false; $num = (float)$num; if ($num == (int)$num) return (int)$num; else return $num; } function user_company() { return $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->company; } function user_pos() { return $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->pos; } function user_language() { return $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->prefs->language(); } function user_qty_dec() { return $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->prefs->qty_dec(); } function user_price_dec() { return $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->prefs->price_dec(); } function user_exrate_dec() { return $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->prefs->exrate_dec(); } function user_percent_dec() { return $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->prefs->percent_dec(); } function user_show_gl_info() { return $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->prefs->show_gl_info(); } function user_show_codes() { return $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->prefs->show_codes(); } function user_date_format() { return $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->prefs->date_format(); } function user_date_display() { return $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->prefs->date_display(); } function user_date_sep() { return $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->prefs->date_sep(); } function user_tho_sep() { return $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->prefs->tho_sep(); } function user_dec_sep() { return $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->prefs->dec_sep(); } function user_theme() { return $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->prefs->get_theme(); } function user_pagesize() { return $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->prefs->get_pagesize(); } function user_hints() { return $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->prefs->show_hints(); } function user_print_profile() { return $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->prefs->print_profile(); } function user_rep_popup() { return $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->prefs->rep_popup(); } function user_query_size() { return $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->prefs->query_size(); } function user_graphic_links() { return $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->prefs->graphic_links(); } function sticky_doc_date() { return $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->prefs->sticky_date(); } function user_startup_tab() { return $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->prefs->start_up_tab(); } function set_user_prefs($price_dec, $qty_dec, $exrate_dec, $percent_dec, $showgl, $showcodes, $date_format, $date_sep, $tho_sep, $dec_sep, $theme, $pagesize, $show_hints, $print_profile, $rep_popup, $query_size, $graphic_links, $lang, $stickydate, $startup_tab) { $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->update_prefs($price_dec, $qty_dec, $exrate_dec, $percent_dec, $showgl, $showcodes, $date_format, $date_sep, $tho_sep, $dec_sep, $theme, $pagesize, $show_hints, $print_profile, $rep_popup, $query_size, $graphic_links, $lang, $stickydate, $startup_tab); } function add_user_js_data() { global $path_to_root, $thoseps, $decseps, $date_system, $dateseps; $ts = $thoseps[user_tho_sep()]; $ds = $decseps[user_dec_sep()]; $js = "\n" . "var user = {\n" . "theme: '". $path_to_root . '/themes/'. user_theme().'/'."',\n" . "loadtxt: '"._('Requesting data...')."',\n" . "date: '".Today()."',\n" // server date . "datesys: ".$date_system.",\n" . "datefmt: ".user_date_format().",\n" . "datesep: '".$dateseps[user_date_sep()]."',\n" . "ts: '$ts',\n" . "ds: '$ds',\n" . "pdec : " . user_price_dec() . "}\n"; add_js_source($js); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function session_timeout() { $tout = @get_company_pref('login_tout'); // mask warning for db ver. 2.2 return $tout ? $tout : ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime'); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Inserts $elements into $array at position $index. // $elements is list of any objects // function array_insert(&$array, $index, $elements) { if (!is_array($elements)) $elements = array($elements); $head = array_splice($array, 0, $index); $array = array_merge($head, $elements, $array); } function array_remove(&$array, $index, $len=1) { array_splice($array, $index, $len); } function array_substitute(&$array, $index, $len, $elements) { array_splice($array, $index, $len); array_insert($array, $index, $elements); } function array_append(&$array, $elements) { foreach($elements as $key => $el) { if(is_int($key)) $array[] = $el; else $array[$key] = $el; } } function array_search_value($needle, $haystack, $valuekey=null) { foreach($haystack as $key => $value) { $val = isset($valuekey) ? $value[$valuekey] : $value; if ($needle == $val){ return $value; } } return null; } function array_search_key($needle, $haystack, $valuekey=null) { foreach($haystack as $key => $value) { $val = isset($valuekey) ? $value[$valuekey] : $value; if ($needle == $val){ return $key; } } return null; } ?>