. ***********************************************************************/ include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/db/class.reflines_db.inc"); include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/types.inc"); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 2.4 - further changes toward removing refs table introduced: // . all transactions now have references stored in trans table. // . all reference related moved to class (is_new_reference yet preserved) // . template based reflines implemented // // FIXME: // - implement refline field in all transaction tables (obsoletes not always accurate find_refline_id) // - remove save() and restore_last() - for now preserved for reflines without placeholder // - see fixmes below // - remove refs table and create view instead (need e.g. CREATE VIEW support in db_import/db_export) $refline_options = array( ST_JOURNAL => array('date', 'user'), ST_COSTUPDATE => array('date', 'user'), ST_BANKPAYMENT => array('date', 'user'), ST_BANKDEPOSIT => array('date', 'user'), ST_BANKTRANSFER => array('date', 'user'), ST_SUPPAYMENT => array('date', 'user'), ST_CUSTPAYMENT => array('date', 'user'), ST_SALESORDER => array('date', 'customer', 'branch', 'user', 'pos'), ST_SALESQUOTE => array('date', 'customer', 'branch', 'user', 'pos'), ST_SALESINVOICE => array('date', 'customer', 'branch', 'user', 'pos'), ST_CUSTCREDIT => array('date', 'customer', 'branch', 'user', 'pos'), ST_CUSTDELIVERY => array('date', 'customer', 'branch', 'user', 'pos'), ST_LOCTRANSFER => array('date', 'location', 'user'), ST_INVADJUST => array('date', 'location', 'user'), ST_PURCHORDER => array('date', 'location', 'supplier', 'user'), ST_SUPPINVOICE => array('date', 'location', 'supplier', 'user'), ST_SUPPCREDIT => array('date', 'location', 'supplier', 'user'), ST_SUPPRECEIVE => array('date', 'location', 'supplier', 'user'), ST_WORKORDER => array('date', 'location', 'user'), ST_MANUISSUE => array('date', 'location', 'user'), ST_MANURECEIVE => array('date', 'user'), ); $refline_placeholders = array( 'MM' => 'date', 'YY' => 'date', 'YYYY' => 'date', 'UU' => 'user', 'P' => 'pos', // FIXME: for placeholders below all the code should work, but as the ref length is variable, // length specification in placeholder format should be implemented. // 'C' => 'customer', // 'B' => 'branch', // 'S' => 'supplier', // 'L' => 'location' ); class references { var $reflines; function references() { $this->reflines = new reflines_db(); } function _legacy_line($refline) { return strpbrk($refline['pattern'], '{}') == false; } function _parse_next($type, $template, $context=null) { global $refline_options, $refline_placeholders; // date based placeholders are always allowed, so default for non-array context is date if (!isset($context)) $context = new_doc_date(); if (is_string($context)) $context = array('date' => $context); $context['user'] = $_SESSION['wa_current_user']->user; $context['pos'] = $_SESSION['wa_current_user']->pos; $out = ''; while(($start = strpos($template, '{')) !==false) { $out .= substr($template, 0, $start); $stop = strpos($template, '}'); if ($stop === false) { display_warning(_("Invalid refline template.")); $out .= $template; // debug break; } $ph = substr($template, $start+1, $stop-$start-1); $template = substr($template, $stop+1); if (isset($refline_placeholders[$ph])) { if (!isset($context[$refline_placeholders[$ph]])) { display_warning(sprintf(_("Missing refline context data: '%s'"), $refline_placeholders[$ph])); $out .= $ph; // debug } else { switch ($ph) { case 'MM': case 'YY': case 'YYYY': list($day, $month, $year) = explode_date_to_dmy($context['date']); $out .= $ph == 'MM' ? sprintf('%02d', $month) : ($ph == 'YY' ? sprintf('%02d', $year%100): sprintf('%04d', $year)); break; case 'C': $out .= sprintf('%d', $context['customer']); break; case 'B': $out .= sprintf('%d', $context['branch']); break; case 'S': $out .= sprintf('%d', $context['supplier']); break; case 'L': $out .= sprintf('%s', $context['location']); break; case 'P': $out .= sprintf('%s', $context['pos']); break; case 'UU': $out .= sprintf('%02d', $context['user']); break; } } } elseif (is_numeric($ph)) { $out .= '{'.$ph.'}'; // index placeholder } } $out .= $template; // add postfix if (!preg_match('/^([^\{]*)?\{([^\}]*)\}(.*)/', $out, $match)) { // parse index display_error(_("Missing numeric placeholder in refline definition.")); return $out; } $prefix = $match[1]; $postfix = $match[3]; $db_info = get_systype_db_info($type); $trans_table = $db_info[0]; $type_fld = $db_info[1]; $tno_fld = $db_info[2]; $ref_fld = $db_info[3]; // retrieve last ref number in the refline from original transaction table $sql = "SELECT MAX(CAST(SUBSTR($ref_fld, ".(strlen($prefix)+1).",LENGTH($ref_fld)-".(strlen($postfix)+strlen($prefix)).") AS UNSIGNED))" ." FROM `$trans_table` tbl LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."voided v ON tbl.`$tno_fld`=v.id AND v.type=$type" ." WHERE ISNULL(v.id)" .($type_fld ? " AND tbl.`$type_fld`=$type" : '') ." AND `$ref_fld` REGEXP ".db_escape('^'.preg_quote($prefix).'[0-9]*'.preg_quote($postfix).'$'); $result = db_query($sql, 'cannot retrieve last reference'); $result = db_fetch_row($result); // fill with zeros to the length of original index placeholder return $prefix.sprintf('%0'.strlen($match[2]).'d', $result[0]+1).$postfix; } // // Get/check transaction reference. // $ref!=null => check reference is not used (or unique for $trans_no!=0) // $trans!=0 $ref=null => retrieve reference for the $type/$trans_no (if any) // function _get($type, $trans_no=0, $ref=null) { $db_info = get_systype_db_info($type); $trans_table = $db_info[0]; $type_fld = $db_info[1]; $tno_fld = $db_info[2]; $ref_fld = $db_info[3]; $type = db_escape($type); $sql = "SELECT `$ref_fld` FROM `$trans_table` tbl LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."voided v ON tbl.`$tno_fld`=v.id AND v.type=$type" ." WHERE ISNULL(v.id)" .($type_fld ? " AND tbl.`$type_fld`=$type" : ''); if ($ref) { $sql .= " AND tbl.`$ref_fld`=".db_escape(trim($ref)); if ($trans_no) $sql .= " AND tbl.`$tno_fld` != ".db_escape($trans_no); } else { $sql .= " AND tbl.`$tno_fld`=".db_escape($trans_no); } $result = db_query($sql, "could not test for unique reference"); if (!$result) return false; $result = db_fetch_row($result); return $result[0]; } function is_new_reference($ref, $type, $trans_no=0) { return !$this->_get($type, $trans_no, $ref); } // // Get default reference for new transaction. // function get_next($type, $line=null, $context=null) { if (isset($line)) $refline = $this->reflines->get($line); else { $refs = $this->reflines->get_all("trans_type=".db_escape($type)." AND `default`"); $refline = db_fetch($refs); } if ($this->_legacy_line($refline)) return $refline['pattern']; return $this->_parse_next($type, $refline['prefix'].$refline['pattern'], $context); } /** * Normalize reference to format allowed by refline (optionally selected by prefix). * FIXME: currently this is fake function which return either input reference or * next reference when no line has been recognized. **/ function normalize($ref, $type, $context, $line=null) { if (!isset($type)) // inquiries return $ref; if (!$line) $line = $this->reflines->find_refline_id($ref, $type); return $this->is_valid($ref, $type, $context, $line) ? $ref : $this->get_next($type, $line, $context); } // // Check reference is valid before add/update transaction. // FIXME: does not check leading zeros in number // function is_valid($reference, $type, $context=null, $line=null) { if (!isset($line)) $line = $this->reflines->find_refline_id($reference, $type, true); if (!isset($line)) return false; $refline = $this->reflines->get($line); if ($this->_legacy_line($refline)) //legacy non-templated line return strlen(trim($reference)) > 0; $regex = preg_quote($refline['prefix'].$refline['pattern']); if (!is_array($context)) $context = array('date'=>$context); $context['pos'] = $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->pos; if (is_date(@$context['date'])) { list($year4, $month, $day) = explode("-", date2sql($context['date'])); $year2 = substr($year4, 2); } else { $month = '\d{2,}'; $year2 = '\d{2,}'; $year4 = '\d{4,}'; } $cust = @$context['customer'] ? $context['customer'] : '\d+'; $supp = @$context['supplier'] ? $context['supplier'] : '\d+'; $branch = @$context['branch'] ? $context['branch'] : '\d+'; $location = @$context['location'] ? $context['location'] : '[a-z0-9]+'; $pos = @$context['pos'] ? $context['pos'] : '\d+'; $user = sprintf("%02d", $_SESSION['wa_current_user']->user); $regex = preg_replace( array( '/\\\{/', // unquote placeholders '/\\\}/', '/\{MM\}/', '/\{YY\}/', '/\{YYYY\}/', '/\{C\}/', '/\{B\}/', '/\{S\}/', '/\{L\}/', '/\{UU\}/', '/\{P\}/', '/\{\d+}/', ), array( '{', '}', $month, $year2, $year4, $cust, $branch, $supp, $location, $user, $pos, '\d+', ), $regex); $regex = '"^'.$regex.'"i'; return preg_match($regex, $reference, $match) ? 1 : 0; } // // Save reference (and prepare next) on write transaction. // function save($type, $id, $reference, $line = null) { if ($reference == 'auto') return; $sql = "REPLACE ".TB_PREF."refs SET reference=".db_escape($reference) .", type=".db_escape($type).", id=".db_escape($id); db_query($sql, "could not update reference entry"); if (!isset($line)) { $line = $this->reflines->find_refline_id($reference, $type); } $refline = $this->reflines->get($line); // legacy code used with simple templates if ($this->_legacy_line($refline) && ($reference == $this->get_next($type, $line))) { // if reference was not changed from default $next = $this->_increment($reference); // increment default $this->reflines->save_next($type, $next, $line); } } // // Restore previous reference (if possible) after voiding transaction. // function restore_last($type, $id) { // get refline for removed document reference $reference = get_reference($type, $id); $line = $this->reflines->find_refline_id($reference, $type); $refline = $this->reflines->get($line); if ($this->_legacy_line($refline)) // legacy code used with simple templates { $last = $this->_increment($this->get_next($type, $line), true); // find last reference used in this line if ($reference == $last) { // save last reference as next $sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."reflines SET pattern=SUBSTRING(" . db_escape(trim($last)) .", LENGTH(`prefix`)+1)" . " WHERE trans_type = ".db_escape($type) . " AND `id`=".db_escape($line); db_query($sql, "The next transaction ref for $type could not be updated"); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Increments (or decrements if $back==true) reference template // function _increment($reference, $back=false) { // Legacy code used when no palceholder is in use: // WA036 will increment to WA037 and so on. // If $reference contains at least one group of digits, // extract first didgits group and add 1, then put all together. // NB. preg_match returns 1 if the regex matches completely // also $result[0] holds entire string, 1 the first captured, 2 the 2nd etc. // if (preg_match('/^(\D*?)(\d+)(.*)/', $reference, $result) == 1) { list($all, $prefix, $number, $postfix) = $result; $dig_count = strlen($number); // How many digits? eg. 0003 = 4 $fmt = '%0' . $dig_count . 'd'; // Make a format string - leading zeroes $val = intval($number + ($back ? ($number<1 ? 0 : -1) : 1)); $nextval = sprintf($fmt, $val); // Add one on, and put prefix back on return $prefix.$nextval.$postfix; } else return $reference; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Check if reference was not used so far (for other transaction than $trans_no) // function is_new_reference($ref, $type, $trans_no=0) { global $Refs; return $Refs->is_new_reference($ref, $type, $trans_no); } function get_reference($type, $trans_no) { global $Refs; return $Refs->_get($type, $trans_no); }