. ***********************************************************************/ $page_security = 'SA_OPEN'; $path_to_root=".."; if (file_exists($path_to_root.'/config_db.php')) header("Location: $path_to_root/index.php"); include($path_to_root . "/install/isession.inc"); page(_($help_context = "FrontAccouting ERP Installation Wizard"), true, false, "", '', false, 'stylesheet.css'); include($path_to_root . "/includes/ui.inc"); include($path_to_root . "/includes/system_tests.inc"); include($path_to_root . "/admin/db/maintenance_db.inc"); include($path_to_root . "/includes/packages.inc"); include($path_to_root . "/installed_extensions.php"); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function subpage_title($txt) { global $path_to_root; echo '
'; $page = @$_POST['Page'] ? $_POST['Page'] : 1; display_heading( $page == 6 ? $txt : _("FrontAccouting ERP Installation Wizard").'
' . sprintf(_('Step %d: %s'), $page , $txt)); br(); } function display_coas() { start_table(TABLESTYLE); $th = array(_("Chart of accounts"), _("Encoding"), _("Description"), _("Install")); table_header($th); $k = 0; $charts = get_charts_list(); foreach($charts as $pkg_name => $coa) { $available = @$coa['available']; $installed = @$coa['version']; $id = @$coa['local_id']; alt_table_row_color($k); label_cell($coa['name']); label_cell($coa['encoding']); label_cell(is_array($coa['Descr']) ? implode('
', $coa['Descr']) : $coa['Descr']); if ($installed) label_cell(_("Installed")); else check_cells(null, 'coas['.$coa['package'].']'); end_row(); } end_table(1); } function display_langs() { start_table(TABLESTYLE); $th = array(_("Language"), _("Encoding"), _("Description"), _("Install")); table_header($th); $k = 0; $langs = get_languages_list(); foreach($langs as $pkg_name => $lang) { $available = @$lang['available']; $installed = @$lang['version']; $id = @$lang['local_id']; if (!$available) continue; alt_table_row_color($k); label_cell($lang['name']); label_cell($lang['encoding']); label_cell(is_array($lang['Descr']) ? implode('
', $lang['Descr']) : $lang['Descr']); if ($installed) label_cell(_("Installed")); else check_cells(null, 'langs['.$lang['package'].']'); end_row(); } end_table(1); } function install_connect_db() { global $db; $conn = $_SESSION['inst_set']; $db = mysql_connect($conn["host"] , $conn["dbuser"], $conn["dbpassword"]); if(!$db) { display_error('Cannot connect to database server. Host name, username and/or password incorrect.'); return false; } if (!defined('TB_PREF')) define('TB_PREF', $conn["tbpref"]); if (!mysql_select_db($conn["dbname"], $db)) { $sql = "CREATE DATABASE " . $conn["dbname"]; if (!mysql_query($sql)) { display_error('Cannot create database. Check your permissions to database creation or selct already created database.'); return false; } return mysql_select_db($conn["dbname"], $db); } return true; } function do_install() { global $path_to_root, $db_connections, $def_coy, $installed_extensions, $dflt_lang, $installed_languages; $coa = $_SESSION['inst_set']['coa']; if (install_connect_db() && db_import($path_to_root.'/sql/'.$coa, $_SESSION['inst_set'])) { $con = $_SESSION['inst_set']; $table_prefix = $con['tbpref']; update_company_prefs(array('coy_name'=>$con['name'])); $admin = get_user_by_login('admin'); // update_admin_password($con, md5($con['pass'])); update_user_prefs($admin['id'], array('language' => $_POST['lang'], 'password' => md5($con['pass']))); if (!copy($path_to_root. "/config.default.php", $path_to_root. "/config.php")) { display_error(_("Cannot save system configuration file config.php")); return false; } $def_coy = 0; $tb_pref_counter = 0; $db_connections = array (0=> array ( 'name' => $con['name'], 'host' => $con['host'], 'dbuser' => $con['dbuser'], 'dbpassword' => $con['dbpassword'], 'dbname' => $con['dbname'], 'tbpref' => $table_prefix )); $err = write_config_db($table_prefix != ""); if ($err == -1) { display_error(_("Cannot open the config_db.php configuration file:")); return false; } else if ($err == -2) { display_error(_("Cannot write to the config_db.php configuration file")); return false; } else if ($err == -3) { display_error(_("The configuration file config_db.php is not writable. Change its permissions so it is, then re-run step 5.")); return false; } // update default language include_once($path_to_root . "/lang/installed_languages.inc"); $dflt_lang = $_POST['lang']; write_lang(); return true; } return false; } if (!isset($_SESSION['inst_set'])) // default settings $_SESSION['inst_set'] = array( 'host'=>'localhost', 'dbuser' => 'root', 'dbpassword' => '', 'username' => 'admin', 'tbpref' => '0_', 'admin' => 'admin', ); if (!@$_POST['Tests']) $_POST['Page'] = 1; // set to start page if (isset($_POST['back']) && (@$_POST['Page']>1)) { if ($_POST['Page'] == 5) $_POST['Page'] = 2; else $_POST['Page']--; } elseif (isset($_POST['continue'])) { $_POST['Page'] = 2; } elseif (isset($_POST['db_test'])) { if (get_post('host')=='') { display_error(_('Host name cannot be empty')); set_focus('host'); } elseif ($_POST['dbuser']=='') { display_error(_('Database user name cannot be empty')); set_focus('dbuser'); } elseif ($_POST['dbname']=='') { display_error(_('Database name cannot be empty')); set_focus('dbname'); } else { $_SESSION['inst_set'] = array_merge($_SESSION['inst_set'], array( 'host' => $_POST['host'], 'dbuser' => $_POST['dbuser'], 'dbpassword' => $_POST['dbpassword'], 'dbname' => $_POST['dbname'], 'tbpref' => $_POST['tbpref'] ? '0_' : '', 'sel_langs' => check_value('sel_langs'), 'sel_coas' => check_value('sel_coas'), )); if (install_connect_db()) { $_POST['Page'] = check_value('sel_langs') ? 3 : (check_value('sel_coas') ? 4 : 5); } } if (!file_exists($path_to_root . "/lang/installed_languages.inc")) { $installed_languages = array ( 0 => array ('code' => 'C', 'name' => 'English', 'encoding' => 'iso-8859-1')); $dflt_lang = 'C'; write_lang(); } } elseif(get_post('install_langs')) { $ret = true; if (isset($_POST['langs'])) foreach($_POST['langs'] as $package => $ok) { $ret &= install_language($package); } if ($ret) { $_POST['Page'] = $_SESSION['inst_set']['sel_coas'] ? 4 : 5; } } elseif(get_post('install_coas')) { $ret = true; if (isset($_POST['coas'])) foreach($_POST['coas'] as $package => $ok) { $ret &= install_extension($package); } if ($ret) { include($path_to_root.'/installed_extensions.php'); $_POST['Page'] = 5; } } elseif (isset($_POST['set_admin'])) { // check company settings if (get_post('name')=='') { display_error(_('Company name cannot be empty.')); set_focus('name'); } elseif (get_post('admin')=='') { display_error(_('Company admin name cannot be empty.')); set_focus('admin'); } elseif (get_post('pass')=='') { display_error(_('Company admin password cannot be empty.')); set_focus('pass'); } elseif (get_post('pass')!=get_post('repass')) { display_error(_('Company admin passwords differ.')); unset($_POST['pass'],$_POST['repass']); set_focus('pass'); } else { $_SESSION['inst_set'] = array_merge($_SESSION['inst_set'], array( 'coa' => $_POST['coa'], 'pass' => $_POST['pass'], 'name' => $_POST['name'], 'admin' => $_POST['admin'], )); if (do_install()) { $_POST['Page'] = 6; } } } start_form(); switch(@$_POST['Page']) { default: // include ('../install.html'); // submit_center('continue', _('Continue >>')); // break; case '1': subpage_title(_('System Diagnostics')); $_POST['Tests'] = display_system_tests(true); br(); if (@$_POST['Tests']) { display_notification(_('All application preliminary requirements seems to be correct. Please press Continue button below.')); submit_center('continue', _('Continue >>')); } else { display_error(_('Application cannot be installed. Please fix problems listed below in red, and press Refresh button.')); submit_center('refresh', _('Refresh')); } break; case '2': if (!isset($_POST['host'])) { foreach($_SESSION['inst_set'] as $name => $val) $_POST[$name] = $val; } subpage_title(_('Database Server Settings')); start_table(TABLESTYLE); text_row_ex(_("Server Host"), 'host', 30); text_row_ex(_("Database User"), 'dbuser', 30); text_row_ex(_("Database Password"), 'dbpassword', 30); text_row_ex(_("Database Name"), 'dbname', 30); yesno_list_row(_("Use '0_' Table Prefix"), 'tbpref', 1, _('Yes'), _('No'), false); check_row(_("Install additional language packs from FA repository"), 'sel_langs'); check_row(_("Install additional COAs from FA repository"), 'sel_coas'); end_table(1); display_note(_('Use table prefix if you share selected database with another application, or you want to use it for more than one FA company.')); display_note(_("Do not select additional langs nor COAs if you have no internet connection right now. You can install them later.")); submit_center_first('back', _('<< Back')); submit_center_last('db_test', _('Continue >>')); break; case '3': // select langauges subpage_title(_('Language packs selection')); display_langs(); submit_center_first('back', _('<< Back')); submit_center_last('install_langs', _('Continue >>')); break; case '4': // select COA subpage_title(_('Charts of accounts selection')); display_coas(); submit_center_first('back', _('<< Back')); submit_center_last('install_coas', _('Continue >>')); break; case '5': if (!isset($_POST['name'])) { foreach($_SESSION['inst_set'] as $name => $val) $_POST[$name] = $val; set_focus('name'); } subpage_title(_('Company Settings')); start_table(TABLESTYLE); text_row_ex(_("Company Name"), 'name', 30); text_row_ex(_("Admin Login"), 'admin', 30); password_row(_("Admin Password"), 'pass', @$_POST['pass']); password_row(_("Reenter Password"), 'repass', @$_POST['repass']); coa_list_row(_("Select Chart of Accounts"), 'coa'); languages_list_row(_("Select default language"), 'lang'); end_table(1); submit_center_first('back', _('<< Back')); submit_center_last('set_admin', _('Continue >>')); break; case '6': // final screen subpage_title(_('FrontAccounting ERP has been installed successsfully.')); display_note(_('Please remove install wizard folder.')); $install_done = true; hyperlink_no_params($path_to_root.'/index.php', _('Click here to start.')); break; } hidden('Tests'); hidden('Page'); end_form(1); end_page(false, false, true); ?>