5) { $input_error = 1; display_error( _("The location code must be five characters or less long.")); set_focus('loc_code'); } elseif (strlen($_POST['location_name']) == 0) { $input_error = 1; display_error( _("The location name must be entered.")); set_focus('location_name'); } if ($input_error != 1) { if ($selected_id != -1) { update_item_location($selected_id, $_POST['location_name'], $_POST['delivery_address'], $_POST['phone'], $_POST['fax'], $_POST['email'], $_POST['contact']); display_notification(_('Selected location has been updated')); } else { /*selected_id is null cos no item selected on first time round so must be adding a record must be submitting new entries in the new Location form */ add_item_location($_POST['loc_code'], $_POST['location_name'], $_POST['delivery_address'], $_POST['phone'], $_POST['fax'], $_POST['email'], $_POST['contact']); display_notification(_('New location has been added')); } $Mode = 'RESET'; } } function can_delete($selected_id) { $sql= "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_moves WHERE loc_code='$selected_id'"; $result = db_query($sql, "could not query stock moves"); $myrow = db_fetch_row($result); if ($myrow[0] > 0) { display_error(_("Cannot delete this location because item movements have been created using this location.")); return false; } $sql= "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".TB_PREF."workorders WHERE loc_code='$selected_id'"; $result = db_query($sql, "could not query work orders"); $myrow = db_fetch_row($result); if ($myrow[0] > 0) { display_error(_("Cannot delete this location because it is used by some work orders records.")); return false; } $sql= "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".TB_PREF."cust_branch WHERE default_location='$selected_id'"; $result = db_query($sql, "could not query customer branches"); $myrow = db_fetch_row($result); if ($myrow[0] > 0) { display_error(_("Cannot delete this location because it is used by some branch records as the default location to deliver from.")); return false; } return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($Mode == 'Delete') { if (can_delete($selected_id)) { delete_item_location($selected_id); display_notification(_('Selected location has been deleted')); $Mode = 'RESET'; } //end if Delete Location } if ($Mode == 'RESET') { $selected_id = -1; unset($_POST); } $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREF."locations"; $result = db_query($sql, "could not query locations");; start_form(); start_table("$table_style width=30%"); $th = array(_("Location Code"), _("Location Name"), "", ""); table_header($th); $k = 0; //row colour counter while ($myrow = db_fetch_row($result)) { alt_table_row_color($k); label_cell($myrow[0]); label_cell($myrow[1]); edit_button_cell("Edit".$myrow[0], _("Edit")); edit_button_cell("Delete".$myrow[0], _("Delete")); end_row(); } //END WHILE LIST LOOP //end of ifs and buts! end_table(); end_form(); echo '
'; start_form(); start_table($table_style2); if ($selected_id != -1) { //editing an existing Location if ($Mode == 'Edit') { $myrow = get_item_location($selected_id); $_POST['loc_code'] = $myrow["loc_code"]; $_POST['location_name'] = $myrow["location_name"]; $_POST['delivery_address'] = $myrow["delivery_address"]; $_POST['contact'] = $myrow["contact"]; $_POST['phone'] = $myrow["phone"]; $_POST['fax'] = $myrow["fax"]; $_POST['email'] = $myrow["email"]; } hidden("selected_id", $selected_id); hidden("loc_code"); label_row(_("Location Code:"), $_POST['loc_code']); } else { //end of if $selected_id only do the else when a new record is being entered text_row(_("Location Code:"), 'loc_code', null, 5, 5); } text_row_ex(_("Location Name:"), 'location_name', 50, 50); text_row_ex(_("Contact for deliveries:"), 'contact', 30, 30); textarea_row(_("Address:"), 'delivery_address', null, 35, 5); text_row_ex(_("Telephone No:"), 'phone', 30, 30); text_row_ex(_("Facsimile No:"), 'fax', 30, 30); text_row_ex(_("Email:"), 'email', 30, 30); end_table(1); submit_add_or_update_center($selected_id == -1, '', true); end_form(); end_page(); ?>