. ***********************************************************************/ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function copy_from_trans(&$supp_trans) { $_POST['Comments'] = $supp_trans->Comments; $_POST['tran_date'] = $supp_trans->tran_date; $_POST['due_date'] = $supp_trans->due_date; $_POST['supp_reference'] = $supp_trans->supp_reference; $_POST['reference'] = $supp_trans->reference; $_POST['supplier_id'] = $supp_trans->supplier_id; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function copy_to_trans(&$supp_trans) { $supp_trans->Comments = $_POST['Comments']; $supp_trans->tran_date = $_POST['tran_date']; $supp_trans->due_date = $_POST['due_date']; $supp_trans->supp_reference = $_POST['supp_reference']; $supp_trans->reference = $_POST['reference']; $supp_trans->ov_amount = 0; /* for starters */ if (count($supp_trans->grn_items) > 0) { foreach ( $supp_trans->grn_items as $grn) { $supp_trans->ov_amount += round(($grn->this_quantity_inv * $grn->chg_price), user_price_dec()); } } if (count($supp_trans->gl_codes) > 0) { foreach ( $supp_trans->gl_codes as $gl_line) { $supp_trans->ov_amount += $gl_line->amount; } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function invoice_header(&$supp_trans) { global $Ajax, $table_style; // if vars have been lost, recopy if (!isset($_POST['tran_date'])) copy_from_trans($supp_trans); start_outer_table("$table_style width=98%", 5); table_section(1); if (!isset($_POST['supplier_id']) && (get_global_supplier() != reserved_words::get_all())) $_POST['supplier_id'] = get_global_supplier(); supplier_list_row(_("Supplier:"), 'supplier_id', $_POST['supplier_id'], false, true); if ($supp_trans->supplier_id != $_POST['supplier_id']) { // supplier has changed // delete all the order items - drastic but necessary because of // change of currency, etc $supp_trans->clear_items(); read_supplier_details_to_trans($supp_trans, $_POST['supplier_id']); copy_from_trans($supp_trans); } if ($supp_trans->is_invoice) ref_row(_("Reference:"), 'reference', '', references::get_next(20)); else ref_row(_("Reference:"), 'reference', '', references::get_next(21)); text_row(_("Supplier's Ref.:"), 'supp_reference', $_POST['supp_reference'], 20, 20); table_section(2, "33%"); date_row(_("Date") . ":", 'tran_date', '', null, 0, 0, 0, "", true); if (isset($_POST['_tran_date_changed'])) { $Ajax->activate('_ex_rate'); $supp_trans->tran_date = $_POST['tran_date']; get_duedate_from_terms($supp_trans); $_POST['due_date'] = $supp_trans->due_date; $Ajax->activate('due_date'); } date_row(_("Due Date") . ":", 'due_date'); label_row(_("Terms:"), $supp_trans->terms_description); table_section(3, "33%"); $supplier_currency = get_supplier_currency($supp_trans->supplier_id); $company_currency = get_company_currency(); if ($supplier_currency != $company_currency) { label_row(_("Supplier's Currency:"), "" . $supplier_currency . ""); exchange_rate_display($supplier_currency, $company_currency, $_POST['tran_date']); } label_row(_("Tax Group:"), $supp_trans->tax_description); end_outer_table(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function invoice_totals(&$supp_trans) { global $table_style, $table_style2; copy_to_trans($supp_trans); start_table("$table_style width=95%"); label_row(_("Sub-total:"), price_format( $supp_trans->ov_amount), "align=right", "align=right"); $taxes = $supp_trans->get_taxes($supp_trans->tax_group_id); $tax_total = display_edit_tax_items($taxes, 1, 0); // tax_included==0 (we are the company) $display_total = price_format($supp_trans->ov_amount + $tax_total); if ($supp_trans->is_invoice) label_row(_("Invoice Total:"), $display_total, "align=right style='font-weight:bold;'", "align=right style='font-weight:bold;'"); else label_row(_("Credit Note Total"), $display_total, "align=right style='font-weight:bold;color:red;'", "nowrap align=right style='font-weight:bold;color:red;'"); end_table(1); start_table($table_style2); textarea_row(_("Memo:"), "Comments", null, 50, 3); end_table(1); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function display_gl_controls(&$supp_trans, $k) { global $table_style; $accs = get_supplier_accounts($supp_trans->supplier_id); $_POST['gl_code'] = $accs['purchase_account']; alt_table_row_color($k); gl_all_accounts_list('gl_code', null, true, false, true); $dim = get_company_pref('use_dimension'); if ($dim >= 1) dimensions_list_cells(null, 'dimension_id', null, true, " ", false, 1); if ($dim > 1) dimensions_list_cells(null, 'dimension2_id', null, true, " ", false, 2); amount_cells(null, 'amount'); if ($dim < 1) text_cells_ex(null, 'memo_', 35, 50, null, null, null, hidden('dimension_id', 0, false).hidden('dimension2_id', 0, false)); else if ($dim < 2) text_cells_ex(null, 'memo_', 35, 50, null, null, null, hidden('dimension2_id', 0, false)); else text_cells_ex(null, 'memo_', 35, 50, null, null, null); submit_cells('AddGLCodeToTrans', _("Add"), "", _('Add GL Line'), true); submit_cells('ClearFields', _("Reset"), "", _("Clear all GL entry fields"), true); end_row(); } // $mode = 0 none at the moment // = 1 display on invoice/credit page // = 2 display on view invoice // = 3 display on view credit function display_gl_items(&$supp_trans, $mode=0) { global $table_style, $path_to_root; // if displaying in form, and no items, exit if (($mode == 2 || $mode == 3) && count($supp_trans->gl_codes) == 0) return 0; start_outer_table("width=95%"); if ($supp_trans->is_invoice) $heading = _("GL Items for this Invoice"); else $heading = _("GL Items for this Credit Note"); vertical_space(); // ouer table div_start('gl_items'); start_table("$table_style width=100%"); $dim = get_company_pref('use_dimension'); if ($dim == 2) $th = array(_("Account"), _("Name"), _("Dimension")." 1", _("Dimension")." 2", _("Amount"), _("Memo")); else if ($dim == 1) $th = array(_("Account"), _("Name"), _("Dimension"), _("Amount"), _("Memo")); else $th = array(_("Account"), _("Name"), _("Amount"), _("Memo")); if ($mode == 1) { $th[] = ""; $th[] = ""; } table_header($th); $total_gl_value=0; $i = $k = 0; if (count($supp_trans->gl_codes) > 0) { foreach ($supp_trans->gl_codes as $entered_gl_code) { alt_table_row_color($k); if ($mode == 3) $entered_gl_code->amount = -$entered_gl_code->amount; label_cell($entered_gl_code->gl_code); label_cell($entered_gl_code->gl_act_name); if ($dim >= 1) label_cell(get_dimension_string($entered_gl_code->gl_dim, true)); if ($dim > 1) label_cell(get_dimension_string($entered_gl_code->gl_dim2, true)); amount_cell($entered_gl_code->amount, true); label_cell($entered_gl_code->memo_); if ($mode == 1) { delete_button_cell("Delete2" . $entered_gl_code->Counter, _("Delete"), _('Remove line from document')); label_cell(""); } end_row(); $total_gl_value += $entered_gl_code->amount; $i++; if ($i > 15) { $i = 0; table_header($th); } } } if ($mode == 1) display_gl_controls($supp_trans, $k); $colspan = ($dim == 2 ? 4 : ($dim == 1 ? 3 : 2)); label_row(_("Total"), price_format($total_gl_value), "colspan=".$colspan." align=right", "nowrap align=right"); end_table(); div_end(); end_outer_table(0, false); // outertable return $total_gl_value; } //--------------//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function display_grn_items_for_selection(&$supp_trans, $k) { global $table_style; if ($supp_trans->is_invoice) $result = get_grn_items(0, $supp_trans->supplier_id, true); else $result = get_grn_items(0, $supp_trans->supplier_id, false, true); if (db_num_rows($result) == 0) { return false; } /*Set up a table to show the outstanding GRN items for selection */ while ($myrow = db_fetch($result)) { $grn_already_on_invoice = false; foreach ($supp_trans->grn_items as $entered_grn) { if ($entered_grn->id == $myrow["id"]) { $grn_already_on_invoice = true; } } if ($grn_already_on_invoice == false) { alt_table_row_color($k); $n = $myrow["id"]; label_cell(get_trans_view_str(25, $myrow["grn_batch_id"])); label_cell($myrow["id"]. hidden('qty_recd'.$n, $myrow["qty_recd"], false). hidden('item_code'.$n, $myrow["item_code"], false). hidden('item_description'.$n, $myrow["description"], false). hidden('prev_quantity_inv'.$n, $myrow['quantity_inv'], false). hidden('order_price'.$n, $myrow['unit_price'], false). hidden('std_cost_unit'.$n, $myrow['std_cost_unit'], false). hidden('po_detail_item'.$n, $myrow['po_detail_item'], false)); label_cell(get_trans_view_str(systypes::po(), $myrow["purch_order_no"])); label_cell($myrow["item_code"]); label_cell($myrow["description"]); label_cell(sql2date($myrow["delivery_date"])); $dec = get_qty_dec($myrow["item_code"]); qty_cell($myrow["qty_recd"], false, $dec); qty_cell($myrow["quantity_inv"], false, $dec); if ($supp_trans->is_invoice) qty_cells(null, 'this_quantity_inv'.$n, number_format2($myrow["qty_recd"] - $myrow["quantity_inv"], $dec), null, null, $dec); else qty_cells(null, 'This_QuantityCredited'.$n, number_format2(max($myrow["quantity_inv"], 0), $dec), null, null, $dec); amount_cells(null, 'ChgPrice'.$n, price_format($myrow["unit_price"])); if ($supp_trans->is_invoice) amount_cell(round($myrow["unit_price"] * ($myrow["qty_recd"] - $myrow["quantity_inv"]), user_price_dec())); else amount_cell(round($myrow["unit_price"] * max($myrow['quantity_inv'], 0), user_price_dec())); if ($supp_trans->is_invoice) submit_cells('grn_item_id'.$n, _("Add"), '', _("Add to Invoice"), true); else submit_cells('grn_item_id'.$n, _("Add"), '', _("Add to Credit Note"), true); if ($supp_trans->is_invoice && $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->access == 2) // Added 2008-10-18 by Joe Hunt. Only admins can remove GRNs submit_cells('void_item_id'.$n, _("Remove"), '', _("WARNING! Be careful with removal. The operation is executed immediately and cannot be undone !!!"), true); end_row(); } } return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // $mode = 0 none at the moment // = 1 display on invoice/credit page // = 2 display on view invoice // = 3 display on view credit function display_grn_items(&$supp_trans, $mode=0) { global $table_style, $path_to_root; $ret = true; // if displaying in form, and no items, exit if (($mode == 2 || $mode == 3) && count($supp_trans->grn_items) == 0) return 0; start_outer_table("width=95%"); $heading2 = ""; if ($mode == 1) { if ($supp_trans->is_invoice) { $heading = _("Items Received Yet to be Invoiced"); if ($_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->access == 2) // Added 2008-10-18 by Joe Hunt. Only admins can remove GRNs $heading2 = _("WARNING! Be careful with removal. The operation is executed immediately and cannot be undone !!!"); } else $heading = _("Delivery Item Selected For Adding To A Supplier Credit Note"); } else { if ($supp_trans->is_invoice) $heading = _("Received Items Charged on this Invoice"); else $heading = _("Received Items Credited on this Note"); } echo ""; echo ""; if ($mode == 1) { submit_cells('InvGRNAll', _("Add All Items"), "align=right",false,true); if ($heading2 != "") { echo "\n"; } } echo "
"; display_note($heading2, 0, 0, "class='overduefg'"); echo "
"; vertical_space(); // outer table div_start('grn_items'); start_table("$table_style width=100%"); if ($mode == 1) { $th = array(_("Delivery"), _("Sequence #"), _("P.O."), _("Item"), _("Description"), _("Received On"), _("Quantity Received"), _("Quantity Invoiced"), _("Qty Yet To Invoice"), _("Order Price"), _("Total"), ""); if ($supp_trans->is_invoice && $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->access == 2) // Added 2008-10-18 by Joe Hunt. Only admins can remove GRNs $th[] = ""; if (!$supp_trans->is_invoice) { $th[8] = _("Qty Yet To Credit"); } } else $th = array(_("Delivery"), _("Item"), _("Description"), _("Quantity"), _("Price"), _("Line Value")); table_header($th); $total_grn_value = 0; $i = $k = 0; if (count($supp_trans->grn_items) > 0) { foreach ($supp_trans->grn_items as $entered_grn) { alt_table_row_color($k); $grn_batch = get_grn_batch_from_item($entered_grn->id); label_cell(get_trans_view_str(25,$grn_batch)); if ($mode == 1) { label_cell($entered_grn->id); label_cell(""); // PO } label_cell($entered_grn->item_code); label_cell($entered_grn->item_description); $dec = get_qty_dec($entered_grn->item_code); if ($mode == 1) { label_cell(""); qty_cell($entered_grn->qty_recd, false, $dec); qty_cell($entered_grn->prev_quantity_inv, false, $dec); } qty_cell(abs($entered_grn->this_quantity_inv), true, $dec); amount_cell($entered_grn->chg_price); amount_cell( round($entered_grn->chg_price * abs($entered_grn->this_quantity_inv), user_price_dec()), true); if ($mode == 1) { delete_button_cell("Delete" . $entered_grn->id, _("Edit"), _('Edit document line')); if ($supp_trans->is_invoice && $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->access == 2) label_cell(""); } end_row(); $total_grn_value += round($entered_grn->chg_price * abs($entered_grn->this_quantity_inv), user_price_dec()); $i++; if ($i > 15) { $i = 0; table_header($th); } } } if ($mode == 1) { $ret = display_grn_items_for_selection($supp_trans, $k); $colspan = 10; } else $colspan = 5; label_row(_("Total"), price_format($total_grn_value), "colspan=$colspan align=right", "nowrap align=right"); end_table(); if (!$ret) { if ($supp_trans->is_invoice) display_note(_("There are no outstanding items received from this supplier that have not been invoiced by them."), 0, 1); else { display_note(_("There are no received items for the selected supplier that have been invoiced.")); display_note(_("Credits can only be applied to invoiced items."), 0, 1); } } div_end(); end_outer_table(0, false); // outertable return $total_grn_value; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_duedate_from_terms(&$supp_trans) { if (!is_date($supp_trans->tran_date)) { $supp_trans->tran_date = Today(); } if (substr( $supp_trans->terms, 0, 1) == "1") { /*Its a day in the following month when due */ $supp_trans->due_date = add_days(end_month($supp_trans->tran_date), (int) substr( $supp_trans->terms,1)); } else { /*Use the Days Before Due to add to the invoice date */ $supp_trans->due_date = add_days($supp_trans->tran_date, (int) substr( $supp_trans->terms,1)); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?>