setTitle("Testing the Chart"); $pg->setLabels(array('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar')); $pg->addSerie('Sales', array(10345, 15666, 12222), false, true); $pg->addSerie('Costs', array(20767, 10456, 2888), false, false); $pg->addSerie('Result', array(15657, 7567, 12890), 'spline', false); $pg->setXTitle("Names"); $pg->setYTitle("Amount"); $pg->setDTitle(number_format("15666")); // only printed on donut or half donut //$filename = "test.png"; $pg->display(); // with filename to file In your html file you set it up as: ..... ..... You can supply extra parameters to display(). Ex. $pg->display("test.png") will save the image to a file. Ex. $pg->display("", true) will paint a border around the image. It might be suitable if you choose to save to file for later presentation. ///// END OF EXAMPLE.PHP ///// Here is a list of all types you may set: type ---- 'bar' 1 => Vertical bars (default) 'horizontalBar' 2 => Horizontal bars 'dot' 3 => Dots 'line' 4 => Lines - Series Type Fill => Area 'pie' 5 => Pie 'donut' 6 => Donut 'halfDonut' 7 => Half Donut 'spline' 8 => Splines - Series Type fill => Area 'table' 9 => Simple HTML table labels[0] => Name of the first parameter in Axis X labels[1] => Name of the second parameter in Axis X ... (etc) series[0]['data'][0] => Value relative for "labels[0]" series[0]['data'][1] => Value relative for "labels[1]" ... (etc) series[1]['data'][0] => Value relative for "labels[0]" series[1]['data'][1] => Value relative for "labels[1]" ... (etc) NOTE: When using 'pie', 'donut' and 'halfDonut' only the first data set is used. That's all! Hope you make a good use of it! It would be nice to receive feedback from others users. All comments are welcome! Regards, Joe Hunt */ define('MAXLEN', 27); // we cut after 25 chars + ... class Chart { var $id; var $labels = array(); var $series = array(); static $palette = array('#008cc9','#4db625','#ef5500','#eef100','#05c6e6', '#5ee66a'); // Currently in Use var $color = array(); var $num_series = 0; var $title; var $axis_x; var $axis_y; var $type = 1; var $donut_title = ""; var $set_values = true; var $angle = 0; var $latin_notation; var $width; var $height; var $title_height; var $size = 12; var $tsize = 18; var $num_labels; var $sum_total = array(); var $higher_value_size = 0; var $max_value; var $max_label; var $max_legend_str; var $legend_box_height; var $stream = 'svg'; // stream = 'svg', 'png', 'jpg' or 'gif' var $svg; // The SVG engine class. var $img; // png image var $dec1 = 0; var $dec2 = 0; var $fontfile = ""; var $encoding; var $out_dir = ""; var $dir = "ltr"; var $align; var $lang; var $font; var $path; var $bar_width = 0; var $space_between_dots = 0; var $higher_value = 0; var $higher_value_str = null; var $graphic_area_width = 0; var $graphic_area_height = 0; var $graphic_area_x1 = 0; var $graphic_area_x2 = 0; var $graphic_area_y1 = 0; var $graphic_area_y2 = 0; var $legend_exists = false; var $legend_box_width = 0; var $legend_box_x1 = 0; var $legend_box_x2 = 0; var $legend_box_y1 = 0; var $legend_box_y2 = 0; function __construct($type = 1, $id = 'id', $width = 0, $height = 0) { global $SysPrefs; $this->encoding = strtoupper($_SESSION['language']->encoding); //$this->encoding = "UTF-8"; // Use alternative if used in FA $this->dir = $_SESSION['language']->dir; //$this->dir = 'ltr'; $this->lang = $_SESSION['language']->code == 'C' ? 'en' : substr($_SESSION['language']->code, 0, 2); //$this->lang = 'en'; $this->path = dirname(__FILE__).'/../fonts/'; //$this->path = dirname(__FILE__).'/'; // You can use another UTF-8 font and put it in config.php with the name in $UTF8_fontfile if ($this->encoding == 'UTF-8' && !empty($SysPrefs->UTF8_fontfile)) $this->fontfile = $this->path.$SysPrefs->UTF8_fontfile; elseif ($this->dir == 'rtl') $this->fontfile = $this->path.'zarnormal.ttf'; else $this->fontfile = $this->path.'FreeSans.ttf'; //$this->fontfile = $this->path.'FreeSans.ttf'; //$this->fontfile = $this->path.'zarnormal.ttf'; $this->id = $id; if ($type == 'bar') $type = 1; elseif ($type == 'horizontalBar') $type = 2; elseif ($type == 'dot') $type = 3; elseif ($type == 'line') $type = 4; elseif ($type == 'spline') $type = 8; elseif ($type == 'pie') $type = 5; elseif ($type == 'donut') $type = 6; elseif ($type == 'halfDonut') $type = 7; elseif ($type == 'table') $type = 9; elseif ($type < 1 || $type > 9) $type = 1; elseif (!is_numeric($type)) $type = 1; $this->width = $width; $this->height = $height; $this->max_label = ""; $this->max_value = NULL; $this->num_labels = 0; $this->type = $type; $this->latin_notation = false; $this->align = $this->dir == 'rtl' ? "end" : "start"; $this->font = "Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif"; if ($this->stream != 'svg') { $this->tsize = 12; $this->size = 9; } if ($this->dir == 'rtl') { $this->size += 1; $this->tsize += 1; } } function setDirection($dir='ltr') { $this->dir = $dir; } function setLanguage($lang='en') { $this->lang = $lang; } function setStream($stream = 'svg') { $this->stream = $stream; if ($this->stream == 'png') { $this->tsize = 12; $this->size = 9; } } function setLabels($labels) { $this->labels = $labels; } function addSerie($label, $data, $type = false, $fill = false) { if ($label == false) $label = "Serie $this->num_series"; $type = $type == 'line' ? 4 : ($type == 'spline' ? 8 : $type); $this->series[$this->num_series]['label'] = $label; $this->series[$this->num_series]['data'] = $data; $this->series[$this->num_series]['type'] = $type; $this->series[$this->num_series]['fill'] = $fill; $this->num_series++; } function setXTitle($xtitle) { $this->axis_x = $xtitle; } function setYTitle($ytitle) { $this->axis_y = $ytitle; } function setTitle($title) { $this->title = $title; } function setDTitle($dtitle) { $this->donut_title = $dtitle; } function setValues($values = false) { $this->set_values = $values; } function setOutDir($dir) { $this->out_dir = $dir; } function isEmpty() { return (!isset($this->series[0]['data']) || count($this->series[0]['data']) == 0); } function display($save="") { $this->encoding = strtoupper($_SESSION['language']->encoding); $this->title_height = (!empty($this->title)) ? $this->tsize + 15 : 0; $this->bar_width = ($this->type == 1) ? 20 : 15; $this->space_between_dots = 40; $this->higher_value = 0; $this->higher_value_str = 0; $this->graphic_area_width = 0; $this->graphic_area_height = 0; $this->graphic_area_x1 = 30; $this->graphic_area_y1 = 30 + $this->title_height; $this->num_labels = count($this->labels); $this->max_legend_str = ""; $this->legend_box_height += (14 * $this->num_labels); for ($i = 0; $i < $this->num_labels; $i++) { if (strlen($this->labels[$i]) > MAXLEN) $this->labels[$i] = substr($this->labels[$i], 0, MAXLEN)."..."; if (strlen($this->labels[$i]) > strlen($this->max_label)) $this->max_label = $this->labels[$i]; } for ($j = 0; $j < $this->num_series; $j++) { $this->sum_total[$j] = 0; if (strlen($this->series[$j]['label']) > strlen($this->max_legend_str)) $this->max_legend_str = $this->series[$j]['label']; for ($i = 0; $i < $this->num_labels; $i++) { if ($this->series[$j]['data'][$i] > $this->max_value) $this->max_value = $this->series[$j]['data'][$i]; $this->sum_total[$j] += $this->series[$j]['data'][$i]; } } $this->max_value = number_format(round($this->max_value, 1), 1, ".", ""); if ($this->num_series) $this->legend_exists = true; if ($this->type == 8 && $this->num_labels < 4) $this->type = 4; $this->calculate_higher_value(); $this->calculate_width(); $this->calculate_height(); if ($this->type == 9) { $this->draw_table(); return; } $this->create_graphic($save); } function create_graphic($save="") { if ($this->stream == 'svg') { $this->svg = new SVG($this->width, $this->height, $this->dir, $this->lang); $this->svg->style("svg{font-family:{$this->font};background-color:inherit}.tips:hover{cursor:pointer;opacity:0.8;}"); $this->load_color_palette($this->type); } else { $this->img = imagecreatetruecolor($this->width, $this->height); $this->load_color_palette($this->type); // Fill background imagefill($this->img, 0, 0, $this->color['background']); } // Draw title if (!empty($this->title)) { if ($this->stream == 'svg') { $center = $this->width / 2; $this->svg->text($center, 20, $this->title, $this->tsize, $this->color['title'], false, "middle"); } else { $center = ($this->width / 2) - ($this->string_width($this->title, $this->tsize) / 2); $this->_imagestring($this->img, $this->tsize, $center, 10, $this->title, $this->color['title']); } } // Draw axis and background lines for "vertical bars", "dots", "lines" and "splines" if (preg_match("/^(1|3|4|8)$/", $this->type)) { if ($this->legend_exists == true) { $this->draw_legend(); } $higher_value_y = $this->graphic_area_y1 + (0.1 * $this->graphic_area_height); $this->higher_value_size = 0.9 * $this->graphic_area_height; $less = 7 * strlen($this->higher_value_str); if ($this->stream == 'svg') { $this->svg->line($this->graphic_area_x1, $higher_value_y, $this->graphic_area_x2, $higher_value_y, $this->color['bg_lines']); $this->svg->text($this->graphic_area_x1-$less-7, $higher_value_y, $this->higher_value_str, $this->size, $this->color['axis_values'], false, $this->align); } else { imageline($this->img, $this->graphic_area_x1, $higher_value_y, $this->graphic_area_x2, $higher_value_y, $this->color['bg_lines']); $this->_imagestring($this->img, $this->size, ($this->graphic_area_x1-$less-7), ($higher_value_y-7), $this->higher_value_str, $this->color['axis_values']); } for ($i = 1; $i < 10; $i++) { $dec_y = $i * ($this->higher_value_size / 10); $x1 = round($this->graphic_area_x1); $y1 = round($this->graphic_area_y2 - $dec_y); $x2 = round($this->graphic_area_x2); $y2 = $y1; if ($this->stream == 'svg') $this->svg->line($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $this->color['bg_lines']); else imageline($this->img, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $this->color['bg_lines']); if ($i % 2 == 0) { $value = $this->number_formated($this->higher_value * $i / 10, $this->dec1); $len1 = strlen($this->higher_value_str); $len2 = strlen($value); if ($len2 < $len1) $len2 += ($len1-$len2-1); $less = 7 * $len2; if ($this->stream == 'svg') $this->svg->text($x1-$less-7, ($y1), $value, $this->size, $this->color['axis_values'], false, $this->align); else $this->_imagestring($this->img, $this->size, ($x1-$less-7), ($y2-7), $value, $this->color['axis_values']); } } // Axis X if ($this->stream == 'svg') { $this->svg->text($this->graphic_area_x2+10, $this->graphic_area_y2+10, $this->axis_x, $this->size, $this->color['title'], false, $this->align); $this->svg->line($this->graphic_area_x1, $this->graphic_area_y2, $this->graphic_area_x2, $this->graphic_area_y2, $this->color['axis_line']); } else { $this->_imagestring($this->img, $this->size, $this->graphic_area_x2+20, $this->graphic_area_y2+3, $this->axis_x, $this->color['title']); imageline($this->img, $this->graphic_area_x1, $this->graphic_area_y2, $this->graphic_area_x2, $this->graphic_area_y2, $this->color['axis_line']); } // Axis Y if ($this->stream == 'svg') { $lex = $this->dir == 'rtl' ? 35 : 25; $this->svg->text($lex, $this->graphic_area_y1-10, $this->axis_y, $this->size, $this->color['title'], false, $this->align); $this->svg->line($this->graphic_area_x1, $this->graphic_area_y1, $this->graphic_area_x1, $this->graphic_area_y2, $this->color['axis_line']); } else { $this->_imagestring($this->img, $this->size, 10, $this->graphic_area_y1-20, $this->axis_y, $this->color['title']); imageline($this->img, $this->graphic_area_x1, $this->graphic_area_y1, $this->graphic_area_x1, $this->graphic_area_y2, $this->color['axis_line']); } } // Draw axis and background lines for "horizontal bars" else if ($this->type == 2) { if ($this->legend_exists == true) { $this->draw_legend(); } $this->higher_value_size = 0.9 * $this->graphic_area_width; if ($this->stream == 'svg') { $this->svg->line(($this->graphic_area_x1+$this->higher_value_size), $this->graphic_area_y1, ($this->graphic_area_x1+$this->higher_value_size), $this->graphic_area_y2, $this->color['bg_lines']); $this->svg->text((($this->graphic_area_x1+$this->higher_value_size) - ($this->string_width($this->higher_value, $this->size)/2)), ($this->graphic_area_y2 + 20), $this->higher_value_str, $this->size, $this->color['axis_values'], false, $this->align); } else { imageline($this->img, ($this->graphic_area_x1+$this->higher_value_size), $this->graphic_area_y1, ($this->graphic_area_x1+$this->higher_value_size), $this->graphic_area_y2, $this->color['bg_lines']); $this->_imagestring($this->img, $this->size, (($this->graphic_area_x1+$this->higher_value_size) - ($this->string_width($this->higher_value, $this->size)/2)), ($this->graphic_area_y2+2), $this->higher_value_str, $this->color['axis_values']); } for ($i = 1, $alt = 15; $i < 10; $i++) { $dec_x = number_format(round($i * ($this->higher_value_size / 10), 1), 1, ".", ""); if ($this->stream == 'svg') $this->svg->line(($this->graphic_area_x1+$dec_x), $this->graphic_area_y1, ($this->graphic_area_x1+$dec_x), $this->color['bg_lines']); else imageline($this->img, ($this->graphic_area_x1+$dec_x), $this->graphic_area_y1, ($this->graphic_area_x1+$dec_x), $this->graphic_area_y2, $this->color['bg_lines']); if ($i % 2 == 0) { $alt = (strlen($this->max_value) > 4 && $alt != 15) ? 15 : 2; $value = $this->number_formated($this->higher_value * $i / 10, $this->dec1); if ($this->stream == 'svg') $this->svg->text((($this->graphic_area_x1+$dec_x) - ($this->string_width($this->higher_value, $this->size)/2)), ($this->graphic_area_y2+$alt+18), $value, $this->size, $this->color['axis_values'], false, $this->align); else $this->_imagestring($this->img, $this->size, (($this->graphic_area_x1+$dec_x) - ($this->string_width($this->higher_value, $this->size)/2)), ($this->graphic_area_y2), $value, $this->color['axis_values'], $alt); } } // Axis X if ($this->stream == 'svg') { $this->svg->text($this->graphic_area_x2+10, ($this->graphic_area_y2+10), $this->axis_y, $this->size, $this->color['title'], false, $this->align); $this->svg->line($this->graphic_area_x1, $this->graphic_area_y2, $this->graphic_area_x2, $this->graphic_area_y2, $this->color['axis_line']); } else { $this->_imagestring($this->img, $this->size, ($this->graphic_area_x2+10), ($this->graphic_area_y2+3), $this->axis_y, $this->color['title']); imageline($this->img, $this->graphic_area_x1, $this->graphic_area_y2, $this->graphic_area_x2, $this->graphic_area_y2, $this->color['axis_line']); } // Axis Y if ($this->stream == 'svg') { $lex = ($this->string_width($this->max_label, $this->size)) / 2; $this->svg->text($lex, ($this->graphic_area_y1-10), $this->axis_x, $this->size, $this->color['title'], false, $this->align); $this->svg->line($this->graphic_area_x1, $this->graphic_area_y1, $this->graphic_area_x1, $this->graphic_area_y2, $this->color['axis_line']); } else { $this->_imagestring($this->img, $this->size, 20, ($this->graphic_area_y1-20), $this->axis_x, $this->color['title']); imageline($this->img, $this->graphic_area_x1, $this->graphic_area_y1, $this->graphic_area_x1, $this->graphic_area_y2, $this->color['axis_line']); } } else if (preg_match("/^(5|6|7)$/", $this->type)) { // Draw legend box for "pie", "donut" or "half donut" $this->draw_legend(); } $average_width = $this->graphic_area_width / $this->num_labels; $biggest_width = $this->string_width($this->max_label, $this->size) + 10; if ($biggest_width > $average_width) $this->angle = -20; else $this->angle = 0; /** * Draw graphic: VERTICAL BARS */ if ($this->type == 1) { $this->draw_vertical_bars(); } /** * Draw graphic: HORIZONTAL BARS */ else if ($this->type == 2) { $this->draw_horizontal_bars(); } /** * Draw graphic: DOTS. LINE or SPLINE */ else if (preg_match("/^(3|4|8)$/", $this->type)) { $this->draw_lines(); if ($this->stream != 'svg' && $this->type == 8) $this->draw_splines(); } /** * Draw graphic: PIE, DONUT or HALF DONUT */ else if (preg_match("/^(5|6|7)$/", $this->type)) { // Draw PIE, DONUT OR HALF DONUT $this->draw_pie(); } if ($this->stream == 'svg') { $this->svg->close(); return $this->svg->draw(); //$this->out_dir = company_path(). '/pdf_files/'; //$filename = $this->out_dir.uniqid().".svg"; //$this->svg->save($filename); //echo "$this->title"; } else { $filename = $this->out_dir.uniqid().".".$this->stream; if ($this->stream == 'png') imagepng($this->img, $save != "" ? $save : $filename); elseif ($this->stream == 'jpg') imagejpeg($this->img, $save != "" ? $save : $filename); elseif ($this->stream == 'gif') imagegif($this->img, $save != "" ? $save : $filename); echo "$this->title"; /* header('Content-type: image/png'); imagepng($this->img, NULL, 5); */ imagedestroy($this->img); } } function draw_vertical_bars() { $x = $this->graphic_area_x1 + 10; $oldx = $oldy = 0; $p = array(); foreach ($this->labels as $i => $parameter) { for ($j = 0; $j < $this->num_series; $j++) { $size = round($this->series[$j]['data'][$i] * $this->higher_value_size / $this->higher_value); $x1 = $x; $y1 = ($this->graphic_area_y2 - $size) + 1; $x2 = $this->bar_width; $y2 = $this->graphic_area_y2; if ($this->series[$j]['type'] == 8 && $this->num_labels < 4) $this->series[$j]['type'] = 4; if ($this->stream == 'svg') { if ($this->series[$j]['type'] == 4 || $this->series[$j]['type'] == 8) // line { if (!isset($this->color['line'][0])) $this->load_color_palette($this->series[$j]['type']); if ($i == $this->num_labels - 1) { $dx = ($this->num_series-1) * ($this->bar_width + 10); $xx = $this->graphic_area_x1 + $dx; foreach($this->series[$j]['data'] as $i => $v) { $size = round($this->series[$j]['data'][$i] * $this->higher_value_size / $this->higher_value); $y = $this->graphic_area_y2 - $size; $p[$i][0] = $xx; $p[$i][1] = $y; $xx += $dx; } $path = "M ".$p[0][0].",".$p[0][1]; foreach ($p as $ix => $y) { $this->svg->circle($p[$ix][0], $p[$ix][1], 2.5, $this->color['line'][$j], 2, $this->color['line'][$j], "class=\"tips\"", $this->series[$j]['label'].": ".number_format($this->series[$j]['data'][$ix], 2)); if ($ix != 0) { if ($this->series[$j]['type'] == 4) // normal line $path .= " L".$p[$ix][0].",".$p[$ix][1]; elseif ($this->series[$j]['type'] == 8) // spline $path .= $this->_splineCommand($p[$ix], $ix, $p); } } if ($this->series[$j]['fill'] == true) { $fpath = $path; $fpath .= " L ".($p[$ix][0]+1).",".($this->graphic_area_y2-2)." L ".$p[0][0].",".($this->graphic_area_y2-2)." L ".$p[0][0].",".$p[0][1]; $this->svg->path($fpath, $this->color['line_light'][$j], 1, $this->color['line_light'][$j]); } $this->svg->path($path, $this->color['line'][$j], 3, "none"); } } else { $this->svg->rect( $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2-$y1, $this->color['bars'][$j], 1, $this->color['bars'][$j], "class=\"tips\"", $this->series[$j]['label'].": ".number_format($this->series[$j]['data'][$i], 2)); $x += $this->bar_width + 5; } } else { if ($this->series[$j]['type'] == 4) // line { if (!isset($this->color['line'][0])) $this->load_color_palette($this->series[$j]['type']); if ($i > 0) { $this->_imageline($this->img, $oldx, $oldy, $x1, $y1, $this->color['line'][$j], 3); if ($this->series[$j]['fill'] == true) { $pt = array($oldx, $oldy+3, $x1, $y1 + 3, $x1, $this->graphic_area_y2-2, $oldx, $this->graphic_area_y2-2, $oldx, $oldy+4); imagefilledpolygon($this->img, $pt, 5, $this->color['line_light'][$j]); } } imagefilledrectangle($this->img, $x1-2, $y1-2, $x1+2, $y1+2, $this->color['line'][$j]); $oldx = $x1; $oldy = $y1; $x += 5; } elseif ($this->series[$j]['type'] == 8) // spline { if (!isset($this->color['line'][0])) $this->load_color_palette($this->series[$j]['type']); imagefilledrectangle($this->img, $x1-2, $y1-2, $x1+2, $y1+2, $this->color['line'][$j]); $p[$x1] = $this->graphic_area_y2 - $size; if ($i == $this->num_labels - 1) { $r = $this->imageSpline($p); if ($r == false) break; while (list ($xx, $yy) = each($r)) { imagefilledellipse($this->img, round($xx), round($yy)+1, 3, 3, $this->color['line'][$j]); if ($this->series[$j]['fill'] == true) { $this->_imageline($this->img, round($xx), round($yy+4), round($xx), $this->graphic_area_y2-2, $this->color['line_light'][$j], 3); } } } $x += 5; } else { $xx2 = $x2 + $x1; imageline($this->img, ($x1+1), ($y1-1), $xx2, ($y1-1), $this->color['bars'][$j]); imageline($this->img, ($xx2+1), ($y1-1), ($xx2+1), $y2, $this->color['bars'][$j]); imageline($this->img, ($xx2+2), ($y1-1), ($xx2+2), $y2, $this->color['bars'][$j]); imagefilledrectangle($this->img, $x1, $y1, $xx2, $y2, $this->color['bars'][$j]); $x += $this->bar_width + 5; } } if ($j == 0) { if ($this->stream == 'svg') { $lex = $this->angle == 0 ? $x1 + 40 : $x1+20; $al = $this->dir == 'rtl' ? "start" : "end"; $this->svg->text($lex, ($y2+15), $parameter, $this->size, $this->color['axis_values'], false, $al, $this->angle); } else { $this->_imagestring($this->img, $this->size, $x1, ($y2+2), $parameter, $this->color['axis_values'], 0, $this->angle); } } } $x += 10; } } function draw_horizontal_bars() { $y = 10; $label_len = $this->string_width($this->max_label, $this->size); foreach ($this->labels as $i => $parameter) { for ($j = 0; $j < $this->num_series; $j++) { $size = round($this->series[$j]['data'][$i] / $this->higher_value * $this->higher_value_size); $x1 = $this->graphic_area_x1 + 1; $y1 = $this->graphic_area_y1 + $y; $x2 = $x1 + $size; $y2 = $y1 + $this->bar_width; if ($this->stream == 'svg') { $this->svg->rect($x1, $y1, $x2-$x1, $y2-$y1, $this->color['bars'][$j], 1, $this->color['bars'][$j], "class=\"tips\"", $this->series[$j]['label'].": ".number_format($this->series[$j]['data'][$i], 2)); $this->svg->text(($x2+10), ($y1+12), $this->number_formated($this->series[$j]['data'][$i], $this->dec2), $this->size, $this->color['bars'][$j], false, $this->align); $y += $this->bar_width + 1; } else { $this->_imageline($this->img, ($x1), ($y2+1), $x2, ($y2+1), $this->color['bars'][$j], 3); imagefilledrectangle($this->img, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $this->color['bars'][$j]); $this->_imagestring($this->img, $this->size, ($x2+7), ($y1+2), $this->number_formated($this->series[$j]['data'][$i], $this->dec2), $this->color['bars'][$j]); $y += $this->bar_width + 4; } } if ($this->stream == 'svg') { $lex = $this->dir == 'rtl' ? $label_len : 20; $this->svg->text($lex, ($y2-5), $parameter, $this->size, $this->color['axis_values'], false, "start"); $y += 8; } else { $lex = $this->dir == 'rtl' ? $label_len+10 : 20; $this->_imagestring($this->img, $this->size, $lex, ($y1-5), $parameter, $this->color['axis_values'], 0, 0, $this->align); $y += 10; } } } function draw_lines() { for ($j = 0; $j < $this->num_series; $j++) { $x = $this->graphic_area_x1+1; $oldx = $oldy = 0; if ($this->type == 8 && $this->num_labels < 4) $this->type = 4; if ($this->stream == 'svg') { $p = array(); foreach ($this->labels as $i => $parameter) { $size = round($this->series[$j]['data'][$i] * $this->higher_value_size / $this->higher_value); $y = $this->graphic_area_y2 - $size; $p[$i][0] = $x; $p[$i][1] = $y; if ($j == 0) { $lex = $this->angle == 0 ? $x + 30 : $x+10; $al = $this->dir == 'rtl' ? "start" : "end"; $this->svg->text($lex, ($this->graphic_area_y2+15), $parameter, $this->size, $this->color['axis_values'], false, $al, $this->angle); } $x += $this->space_between_dots; } $path = "M ".$p[0][0].",".$p[0][1]; foreach ($p as $i => $y) { $this->svg->circle($p[$i][0], $p[$i][1], 2.5, $this->color['line'][$j], 3, $this->color['line'][$j], "class=\"tips\"", $this->series[$j]['label'].": ".number_format($this->series[$j]['data'][$i], 2)); if ($i != 0) { if ($this->type == 4) // normal line $path .= " L".$p[$i][0].",".$p[$i][1]; elseif ($this->type == 8) // spline $path .= $this->_splineCommand($p[$i], $i, $p); } } if ($this->series[$j]['fill'] == true) { $fpath = $path; $fpath .= " L ".($p[$i][0]+1).",".($this->graphic_area_y2-1)." L ".$p[0][0].",".($this->graphic_area_y2-1)." L ".$p[0][0].",".$p[0][1]; $this->svg->path($fpath, $this->color['line_light'][$j], 1, $this->color['line_light'][$j]); } $this->svg->path($path, $this->color['line'][$j], 3, "none"); $x += $this->space_between_dots; } else { foreach ($this->labels as $i => $parameter) { $size = round($this->series[$j]['data'][$i] * $this->higher_value_size / $this->higher_value); $y = $this->graphic_area_y2 - $size; if ($this->type == 4 && $i > 0) // lINES { $this->_imageline($this->img, $oldx, $oldy, $x, $y, $this->color['line'][$j], 3); if ($this->series[$j]['fill'] == true) { $pt = array($oldx, $oldy+3, $x, $y + 3, $x, $this->graphic_area_y2-2, $oldx, $this->graphic_area_y2-2, $oldx, $oldy+4); imagefilledpolygon($this->img, $pt, 5, $this->color['line_light'][$j]); } } imagefilledrectangle($this->img, $x-2, $y-2, $x+2, $y+2, $this->color['line'][$j]); $oldx = $x; $oldy = $y; if ($j == 0) $this->_imagestring($this->img, $this->size, $oldx, ($this->graphic_area_y2+2), $parameter, $this->color['axis_values'], 0, $this->angle); $x += $this->space_between_dots; } } } } function draw_splines() { for ($j = 0; $j < $this->num_series; $j++) { $n = $this->graphic_area_x1+1; foreach ($this->labels as $i => $parameter) { $size = round($this->series[$j]['data'][$i] * $this->higher_value_size / $this->higher_value); $y = $this->graphic_area_y2 - $size; $p[$n] = $y; $n += $this->space_between_dots; } $r = $this->imageSpline($p); reset($r); $oldx = key($r); $oldy = current($r); foreach ($r as $x => $y) { imagefilledellipse($this->img, round($x), round($y)+1, 3, 3, $this->color['line'][$j]); if ($this->series[$j]['fill'] == true) { $this->_imageline($this->img, round($x), round($y+4), round($x), $this->graphic_area_y2-2, $this->color['line_light'][$j], 1); } } } } function imageSpline($p, $step = 1, $minx = -1, $maxx = -1) { $splines = array(); if (count($p) < 4) return false; $cx = $cy = $p1 = array(); ksort($p); foreach ($p as $x => $y) { $cx[] = $x; $cy[] = $y; } if ($minx == -1) $minx = min($cx); if ($maxx == -1) $maxx = max($cx); $n = count($cx); for ($i = 0; $i < $n; ++$i) { $splines[$i]['x'] = $cx[$i]; $splines[$i]['a'] = $cy[$i]; } $splines[0]['c'] = $splines[$n - 1]['c'] = 0; $alpha[0] = $beta[0] = 0; for ($i = 1; $i < $n - 1; ++$i) { $h_i = $cx[$i] - $cx[$i - 1]; $h_i1 = $cx[$i + 1] - $cx[$i]; $A = $h_i; $C = 2.0 * ($h_i + $h_i1); $B = $h_i1; $F = 6.0 * (($cy[$i + 1] - $cy[$i]) / $h_i1 - ($cy[$i] - $cy[$i - 1]) / $h_i); $z = ($A * $alpha[$i - 1] + $C); $alpha[$i] = - $B / $z; $beta[$i] = ($F - $A * $beta[$i - 1]) / $z; } for ($i = $n - 2; $i > 0; --$i) $splines[$i]['c'] = $alpha[$i] * $splines[$i + 1]['c'] + $beta[$i]; for ($i = $n - 1; $i > 0; --$i) { $h_i = $cx[$i] - $cx[$i - 1]; $splines[$i]['d'] = ($splines[$i]['c'] - $splines[$i - 1]['c']) / $h_i; $splines[$i]['b'] = $h_i * (2.0 * $splines[$i]['c'] + $splines[$i - 1]['c']) / 6.0 + ($cy[$i] - $cy[$i - 1]) / $h_i; } for ($x = $minx; $x <= $maxx; $x += $step) { $n = count($splines); if ($x <= $splines[0]['x']) { $s = $splines[1]; } else { if ($x >= $splines[$n - 1]['x']) { $s = $splines[$n - 1]; } else { $i = 0; $j = $n - 1; while ($i + 1 < $j) { $k = $i + ($j - $i) / 2; if ($x <= $splines[round($k)]['x']) { $j = $k; } else { $i = $k; } } $s = $splines[round($j)]; } } $dx = ($x - $s['x']); $p1[$x] = $s['a'] + ($s['b'] + ($s['c'] / 2.0 + $s['d'] * $dx / 6.0) * $dx) * $dx; } return $p1; } function draw_pie() { $n = count(self::$palette); if ($this->stream == 'svg') { $cx = ($this->graphic_area_x1 + $this->graphic_area_x2) / 2; $cy = ($this->graphic_area_y1 + $this->graphic_area_y2) / 2; $width = $this->graphic_area_width; $height = $this->graphic_area_height; if ($this->sum_total[0] == 0) $this->sum_total[0] = 1; $r = $cx * 0.7; $rc = $this->type == 5 ? 0.01 : $r - 25; $d = $this->type == 7 ? 180 : 360; // half donut or all $area = $d / $this->sum_total[0]; $start = $this->type == 7 ? 180 : 90; $rad = pi() / 180.; $out=''; $gap=0.01; $ang1=0; // start angle foreach ($this->labels as $i => $num) { $n = count(self::$palette); $pct[$i] = round($this->series[0]['data'][$i] / $this->sum_total[0] * 100, 1); $dang = $this->series[0]['data'][$i] * $area; // delta angle $laf = $dang > 180 ? 1 : 0; // Large Arc Flag $ang2 = $ang1 + $dang; // second angle $a = ($ang1 - $start) * $rad + asin($gap / $rc); $p1 = sprintf('%0.2f,%0.2f', $cx + $rc * cos($a), $cy + $rc * sin($a)); $a = ($ang1 - $start) * $rad + asin($gap / $r); $p2 = sprintf('%0.2f,%0.2f', $cx + $r * cos($a), $cy + $r * sin($a)); $a = ($ang2 - $start) * $rad - asin($gap / $r); $p3 = sprintf('%0.2f,%0.2f', $cx + $r * cos($a), $cy + $r * sin($a)); $a = ($ang2 - $start) * $rad - asin($gap / $rc); $p4 = sprintf('%0.2f,%0.2f', $cx + $rc * cos($a), $cy + $rc * sin($a)); $a = ($ang1 - $start) * $rad + asin($gap / $rc); $p5 = sprintf('%0.2f,%0.2f', $cx + $rc * cos($a), $cy + $rc * sin($a)); $this->svg->path("M$p1 L$p2 A$r,$r 0 $laf,1 $p3 L$p4 A$rc,$rc 0 $laf,0 $p5", $this->color[$i % $n], 0, $this->color[$i % $n], "class=\"tips\"", "$num: ".number_format($pct[$i], 1)."%"); $ang1=$ang2; } if (!empty($this->donut_title) && $this->type != 5) { // Display center text if ($this->type == 6) $cy += 5; $this->svg->text($cx, $cy, $this->donut_title, $this->size, $this->color[0], "style=\"font-size:18px;font-weight:bold;\"", "middle"); } } else { $start = 0; $sizes = array(); $degrees = $this->type == 7 ? 180 : 360; // half donut or all foreach ($this->labels as $i => $parameter) { if ($this->sum_total[0] == 0) $this->sum_total[0] = 1; if ($this->series[0]['data'][$i] < 0) $this->series[0]['data'][$i] = 0; $size = $this->series[0]['data'][$i] * $degrees / $this->sum_total[0]; $size = round($size, 0); $sizes[] = $size; $start += $size; } $center_x = ($this->graphic_area_x1 + $this->graphic_area_x2) / 2; $center_y = ($this->graphic_area_y1 + $this->graphic_area_y2) / 2; $width = $this->graphic_area_width; $height = $this->graphic_area_height; $start = $this->type == 7 ? 180 : 270; // Draw pieces foreach ($sizes as $i => $size) { $j = $i % $n; $color = 'arc_' . $j; if ($size >= 1) imagefilledarc($this->img, $center_x, $center_y, $width, $height, $start, ($start+$size), $this->color[$color], IMG_ARC_PIE); $start += $size; } if ($this->type != 5) // DONUTS { // 85 pixels width hole $start = $this->type == 7 ? 180 : 0; imagefilledarc($this->img, $center_x, $center_y, 85, 85, $start, 360, $this->color['background'], IMG_ARC_PIE); imagearc($this->img, $center_x, $center_y, 85, 85, $start, 360, $this->color['bg_legend']); imagearc($this->img, $center_x, $center_y, ($width+1), ($height+1), $start, 360, $this->color['bg_legend']); if (!empty($this->donut_title)) { $plen = $this->string_width($this->donut_title, $this->size); $x1 = $center_x - $plen / 2 - 6; $co = $this->type == 7 ? 20 : 10; // HALF or ALL $this->_imagestring($this->img, $this->size + 4, $x1, $center_y - $co, $this->donut_title, $this->color['arc_0'], 2, 0); $this->_imagestring($this->img, $this->size + 4, $x1+1, $center_y - $co, $this->donut_title, $this->color['arc_0'], 2, 0); } } } } function draw_table() { $cs = $this->num_labels + 1; $html = "\n"; if (!empty($this->title)) $html .= "\n"; $html .= ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $this->num_labels; $i++) $html .= ""; $html .= "\n"; for ($j = 0; $j < $this->num_series; $j++) { $html .= ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $this->num_labels; $i++) $html .= ""; $html .= "\n"; } $html .= "


{$this->series[$j]['label']}".number_format($this->series[$j]['data'][$i], 0)."
\n"; echo $html; } function calculate_width() { $this->legend_box_width = ($this->legend_exists == true) ? ($this->string_width($this->max_legend_str, $this->size) + 70) : 0; switch ($this->type) { // Vertical bars or Table case 1: case 9: $this->graphic_area_x1 += $this->string_width($this->higher_value_str, $this->size); if (!empty($this->width)) $this->graphic_area_width = $this->width - $this->graphic_area_x1 - 30 - $this->legend_box_width; else { $gap_series = 10; $gap_labels = 5; $serie_width = 0; for ($j = 0; $j < $this->num_series; $j++) { if ($this->series[$j]['type'] != 4 && $this->series[$j]['type'] != 8) $serie_width += $this->bar_width; $serie_width += $gap_labels; } $serie_width += $gap_series; $this->graphic_area_width = $serie_width * $this->num_labels; $this->width += $this->graphic_area_width; $this->width += $this->graphic_area_x1; $this->width += $this->legend_box_width; } break; // Horizontal bars case 2: $this->graphic_area_x1 += $this->string_width($this->max_label, $this->size); if (!empty($this->width)) $this->graphic_area_width = $this->width - $this->graphic_area_x1 - 30 - $this->legend_box_width; else { $this->graphic_area_width = ($this->string_width($this->higher_value_str, $this->size) > 50) ? (5 * ($this->string_width($this->higher_value_str, $this->size)) * 0.85) : 200; $this->width += $this->graphic_area_x1; $this->width += $this->graphic_area_width; $this->width += $this->legend_box_width; } break; // Dots case 3: // Lines case 4: // Splines case 8: $this->graphic_area_x1 += $this->string_width(($this->higher_value_str), $this->size); if (!empty($this->width)) $this->graphic_area_width = $this->width - $this->graphic_area_x1 - 30 - $this->legend_box_width; else { $this->graphic_area_width = $this->space_between_dots * ($this->num_labels - 1) + 5; $this->width += $this->graphic_area_width; $this->width += $this->graphic_area_x1 + 30; $this->width += $this->legend_box_width; } break; // Pie case 5: // Donut case 6: // Half Donut case 7: $this->legend_box_width += 60; if (!empty($this->width)) $this->graphic_area_width = $this->width - $this->graphic_area_x1 - 30 - $this->legend_box_width; else { $this->graphic_area_width = 150; $this->width += $this->graphic_area_x1 +20; $this->width += $this->legend_box_width; $this->width += $this->graphic_area_width; $this->width += 90; } break; } $this->graphic_area_width = max($this->graphic_area_width, $this->string_width($this->title, $this->size)); $this->graphic_area_x2 = $this->graphic_area_x1 + $this->graphic_area_width; $this->legend_box_x1 = $this->graphic_area_x2 + 20; $this->legend_box_x2 = $this->legend_box_x1 + $this->legend_box_width; } function calculate_height() { switch ($this->type) { // Vertical bars case 1: if (!empty($this->height)) $this->graphic_area_height = $this->height - $this->title_height; else { $this->graphic_area_height = 150; $this->height += 65; } break; // Horizontal bars case 2: if (!empty($this->height)) $this->graphic_area_height = $this->height - $this->title_height; else { $gap_labels = 12; if ($this->stream != 'svg') $gap_labels += 6; $this->graphic_area_height = $this->num_series * $this->bar_width * $this->num_labels + $this->num_labels * $gap_labels; $this->height += 65; } break; // Dots case 3: // Lines case 4: // Spines case 8: if (!empty($this->height)) $this->graphic_area_height = $this->height - $this->title_height; else { $this->graphic_area_height = 150; $this->height += 65; } break; // Pie case 5: // Donut case 6: // Half Donut case 7: if (!empty($this->height)) $this->graphic_area_height = $this->height - $this->title_height; else { $this->graphic_area_height = 150; $this->height += 65; } break; } //if ($this->type == 7) // Half Donut; $this->graphic_area_y1 -= 10; $this->legend_box_y1 = $this->graphic_area_y1; $this->height += $this->graphic_area_height + 40; $this->graphic_area_y2 = $this->graphic_area_y1 + $this->graphic_area_height; $this->legend_box_y2 = $this->legend_box_y1 + $this->legend_box_height; } function draw_legend() { $x1 = $this->legend_box_x1; $y1 = $this->legend_box_y1; $x2 = $this->legend_box_x2; $y2 = $this->legend_box_y2; if ($this->stream == 'svg') $this->svg->rect($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $this->color['bg_legend']); else imagefilledrectangle($this->img, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $this->color['bg_legend']); $x = $x1 + 10; $y = $y1; // Draw legend values for VERTICAL BARS, HORIZONTAL BARS, DOTS, LINES AND SPLINES if (preg_match("/^(1|2|3|4|8)$/", $this->type)) { for ($j = 0; $j < $this->num_series; $j++) { $color = (preg_match("/^(1|2)$/", $this->type)) ? $this->color['bars'][$j] : $this->color['line'][$j]; $len = $this->string_width($this->max_legend_str, $this->size)-20; if ($this->stream == 'svg') { $lex = $this->dir == 'rtl' ? $x1+$len : $x1-5; $this->svg->circle($lex, $y-5, 6, "#fff", 1, $color); //$this->svg->rect($lex, $y-10, 10, 10, "#fff", 1, $color); $lex = $this->dir == 'rtl' ? $x1+$len-15 : $x-5; $this->svg->text($lex, ($y-2), $this->series[$j]['label'], $this->size, $this->color['axis_values'], false, "start"); } else { $lex = $this->dir == 'rtl' ? $x1+$len+20 : $x-10; imagefilledrectangle($this->img, $lex, $y, ($lex+10), ($y+10), $color); imagerectangle($this->img, $lex, $y, ($lex+10), ($y+10), $this->color['title']); $lex = $this->dir == 'rtl' ? $x1+$len+20 : $x+10; $this->_imagestring($this->img, $this->size, $lex, ($y-2), $this->series[$j]['label'], $this->color['axis_values'], 0, 0, $this->align); } $y += 20; } } // Draw legend values for PIE, DONUT or HALF DONUT else if (preg_match("/^(5|6|7)$/", $this->type)) { $n = count(self::$palette); if ($this->sum_total[0] == 0) return; $label_len = $this->string_width($this->max_label, $this->size); //$value_len = $this->string_width($this->max_value, $this->size); $value_len = $this->string_width(number_format($this->max_value), $this->size); $total_len = $label_len + $value_len; $total_len = max($total_len, $x2-$x1); if (!empty($this->axis_x)) // Only first serie [0] { if ($this->stream == 'svg') $this->svg->text(((($x1+$x1+$total_len)/2) - (strlen($this->axis_x)*7/2)), $y, $this->axis_x." (".$this->series[0]['label'].")", $this->size, $this->color['title'], false, $this->align); else $this->_imagestring($this->img, $this->size, (($x1+$x1+$total_len)/2 - strlen($this->axis_x)*7/2)+30, $y, $this->axis_x."-".$this->series[0]['label'], $this->color['title']); $y += 25; } foreach ($this->labels as $i => $parameter) { if ($this->set_values) $text = number_format($this->series[0]['data'][$i]); else $text = number_format($this->series[0]['data'][$i] * 100 / $this->sum_total[0], 2) . ' %'; if ($this->stream == 'svg') { $j = $i % $n; $lex = $this->dir == 'rtl' ? $x1+$total_len-25 : $x1; $this->svg->circle($lex, $y-5, 6, "#fff", 1, $this->color[$j]); // $this->svg->rect($lex-5, $y-10, 10, 10, "#fff", 1, $this->color[$j]); // Display label text $lex = $this->dir == 'rtl' ? $x1+$total_len-40 : $x1+15; $this->svg->text($lex, ($y-2), $parameter, $this->size, $this->color['axis_values'], false, "start"); $lex = $this->dir == 'rtl' ? $x1+$value_len-25 : $x1+$total_len; $al = $this->dir == 'rtl' ? "start" : "end"; $this->svg->text($lex, ($y-2), $text, $this->size, $this->color['axis_values'], false, $al); $lex2 = $this->dir == 'rtl' ? $x1+$total_len-25 : $x1+$total_len; $this->svg->line($x1, $y+1, $lex2, $y+1, $this->color['bg_lines']); } else { $j = $i % $n; $color = 'arc_' . $j; $width = $this->string_width($text, $this->size); imageline($this->img, $x1+15, ($y+11), $x2+20, ($y+11), $this->color['bg_lines']); $lex = $this->dir == 'rtl' ? $x2+20 : $x; imagefilledrectangle($this->img, $lex, $y, ($lex+10), ($y+10), $this->color[$color]); imagerectangle($this->img, $lex, $y, ($lex+10), ($y+10), $this->color['title']); $lex = $this->dir == 'rtl' ? $x2+5 : $x+15; $this->_imagestring($this->img, $this->size, $lex, ($y-2), $parameter, $this->color['axis_values'], 0, 0, $this->align); //$lex = $this->dir == 'rtl' ? $x+10 : $x2-$width; $lex = $this->dir == 'rtl' ? $x1+$value_len : $x2-$width; $al = $this->dir == 'rtl' ? "end" : $this->align; $this->_imagestring($this->img, $this->size, $lex, ($y-2), $text, $this->color['axis_values'], 0, 0, $al); } $y += 18; } } } function string_width($string, $size) { if ($string == NULL) return $size; $p = imageftbbox($size, 0, $this->fontfile, $string); return $p[4] - $p[0]; } function calculate_higher_value() { $digits = strlen(round($this->max_value)); $interval = pow(10, ($digits-1)); $this->higher_value = round(($this->max_value - (round($this->max_value) % $interval) + $interval), 1); $this->higher_value_str = $this->number_formated($this->higher_value, $this->dec1); } function number_formated($number, $dec_size = 1) { if ($this->latin_notation == true) return number_format(round($number, $dec_size), $dec_size, ",", "."); return number_format(round($number, $dec_size), $dec_size, ".", ","); } function load_color_palette($type) { // The usual color palette. Change if you like. Must be 6 colors. $color = self::$palette; if ($this->stream == 'svg') { $this->color['title'] = sprintf("#%02x%02x%02x", 40, 70, 130); $this->color['background'] = sprintf("#%02x%02x%02x", 255, 255, 255); $this->color['axis_values'] = sprintf("#%02x%02x%02x", 50, 50, 50); $this->color['axis_line'] = sprintf("#%02x%02x%02x", 100, 100, 100); $this->color['bg_lines'] = sprintf("#%02x%02x%02x", 220, 220, 220); $this->color['bg_legend'] = sprintf("#%02x%02x%02x", 255, 255, 255); $this->color['shadow'] = sprintf("#%02x%02x%02x", 255, 255, 255); if (preg_match("/^(1|2)$/", $type)) // Vertical Bar or Horizontal bar { for ($j = 0; $j < $this->num_series; $j++) { $this->color['bars'][$j] = $color[$j]; } } elseif (preg_match("/^(3|4|8)$/", $type)) // Dots, Lines or Splines { for ($j = 0; $j < $this->num_series; $j++) { $this->color['line'][$j] = $color[$j]; $this->color['line_light'][$j] = $this->colorLuminate($color[$j], 0.8); } } elseif (preg_match("/^(5|6|7)$/", $type)) // Pie, Donut or Half Donut { $n = count($color); for ($j = 0; $j < $n; $j++) $this->color[$j] = $color[$j]; } } else { $this->color['title'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 40, 70, 130); $this->color['background'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 255, 255, 255); $this->color['axis_values'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 50, 50, 50); $this->color['axis_line'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 100, 100, 100); $this->color['bg_lines'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 220, 220, 220); $this->color['bg_legend'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 255, 255, 255); $this->color['shadow'] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, 255, 255, 255); if (preg_match("/^(1|2)$/", $type)) // Vertical Bar or Horizontal bar { for ($j = 0; $j < $this->num_series; $j++) { $c = $this->hex2rgb($color[$j]); $this->color['bars'][$j] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, $c[0], $c[1], $c[2]); } } else if (preg_match("/^(3|4|8)$/", $type)) // Dots, Lines or Splines { for ($j = 0; $j < $this->num_series; $j++) { $c = $this->hex2rgb($color[$j]); $this->color['line'][$j] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, $c[0], $c[1], $c[2]); $c = $this->hex2rgb($this->colorLuminate($color[$j], 0.8)); // lighten for Areas $this->color['line_light'][$j] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, $c[0], $c[1], $c[2]); } } else if (preg_match("/^(5|6|7)$/", $type)) // Pie, Donut or Half Donut { $n = count($color); for ($j = 0; $j < $n; $j++) { $c = $this->hex2rgb($color[$j]); $this->color["arc_{$j}"] = imagecolorallocate($this->img, $c[0], $c[1], $c[2]); } } } } function colorLuminate($hex, $percent) // Color lightner, minus is darker { $hex = ltrim($hex, '#'); if (strlen($hex) == 3) { $hex = $hex[0] . $hex[0] . $hex[1] . $hex[1] . $hex[2] . $hex[2]; } $hex = array_map('hexdec', str_split($hex, 2)); foreach ($hex as &$color) { $limit = $percent < 0 ? $color : 255 - $color; $value = ceil($limit * $percent); $color = str_pad(dechex($color + $value), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); } return '#' . implode($hex); } function _imageline($image, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color, $thick = 1) { if ($thick == 1) return imageline($image, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color); $t = $thick / 2 - 0.5; if ($x1 == $x2 || $y1 == $y2) return imagefilledrectangle($image, round(min($x1, $x2) - $t), round(min($y1, $y2) - $t), round(max($x1, $x2) + $t), round(max($y1, $y2) + $t), $color); $k = ($y2 - $y1) / ($x2 - $x1); //y = kx + q $a = $t / sqrt(1 + pow($k, 2)); $points = array( round($x1 - (1+$k)*$a), round($y1 + (1-$k)*$a), round($x1 - (1-$k)*$a), round($y1 - (1+$k)*$a), round($x2 + (1+$k)*$a), round($y2 - (1-$k)*$a), round($x2 + (1-$k)*$a), round($y2 + (1+$k)*$a), ); if (PHP_MAJOR_VERSION >= 8) { // num_points is deprecated imagefilledpolygon($image, $points, $color); return imagepolygon($image, $points, $color); } else { imagefilledpolygon($image, $points, 4, $color); return imagepolygon($image, $points, 4, $color); } } function _imagestring($img, $size, $x, $y, $string, $col, $alt=0, $angle=0, $align=false) { if ($align == 'end') { $p = imagettfbbox($size, $angle, $this->fontfile, $string); $x -= $p[2]; } if ($this->encoding != 'UTF-8') { if (function_exists('iconv')) $string = iconv($this->encoding, 'UTF-8', $string); else $string = mb_convert_encoding($string, 'UTF-8', $this->encoding); } // Handling ev. RTL languages if ($alt) { if ($this->encoding == 'UTF-8' && $this->dir == 'rtl') $alt_len = 18; else $alt_len = 12; if (strlen($string) > $alt_len) $string = substr($string, 0, $alt_len); } if ($this->encoding == 'UTF-8') { if (is_arabic($string)) $string = arabic($string); elseif (is_hebrew($string)) $string = hebrew($string); } $y += $size + 3; if ($this->encoding == 'UTF-8' && is_arabic($string)) { $size += 2; $string = str_replace(" ", " ", $string); } imagettftext($img, $size, $angle, round($x), $y + $alt, $col, $this->fontfile, $string); } function hex2rgb($hex) { list($r, $g, $b) = sscanf($hex, "#%02x%02x%02x"); return array($r, $g, $b); } function _controlPoint($curr, $prev, $next, $reverse = false) { $p = $prev ? $prev : $curr; $n = $next ? $next : $curr; $smooth = 0.2; $lenx = $n[0] - $p[0]; $leny = $n[1] - $p[1]; $len = sqrt(pow($lenx, 2) + pow($leny, 2)); $angle = atan2($leny, $lenx); $len *= $smooth; $angle += ($reverse ? pi() : 0); $x = $curr[0] + cos($angle) * $len; $y = $curr[1] + sin($angle) * $len; return array($x, $y); } function _splineCommand($p, $i, $a) { $c = isset($a[$i - 1]) ? $a[$i - 1] : false; $d = isset($a[$i - 2]) ? $a[$i - 2] : false; $e = isset($a[$i + 1]) ? $a[$i + 1] : false; $cps = $this->_controlPoint($c, $d, $p); $cpe = $this->_controlPoint($p, $c, $e, true); return " C".round($cps[0],1).",".round($cps[1],1)." ".round($cpe[0],1).",".round($cpe[1], 1)." $p[0],$p[1]"; } function clean_out_dir() { $dir = $this->out_dir; if ($d = @opendir($dir)) { while (($file = readdir($d)) !== false) { if (!is_file($dir.'/'.$file) || $file == 'index.php') continue; // then check to see if this one is too old $ftime = filemtime($dir.'/'.$file); // seems 3 min is enough for any report download, isn't it? if (time()-$ftime > 180){ unlink($dir.'/'.$file); } } closedir($d); } } } class SVG { var $svg; function __construct($width=0, $height=0, $dir='ltr', $lang='en') { $this->svg = "svg .= ">\n"; } function circle($x, $y, $r, $bcolor=false, $line_width=1, $color=false, $style=false, $tooltip=false) { $this->svg .= "svg .= " stroke-width=\"$line_width\""; if (!empty($bcolor)) $this->svg .= " stroke=\"$bcolor\""; if (empty($color)) $color = "none"; $this->svg .= " fill=\"$color\""; if (!empty($style)) $this->svg .= " $style"; if (!empty($tooltip)) $this->svg .= ">$tooltip\n"; else $this->svg .= " />\n"; } function rect($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $bcolor=false, $line_width=1, $color=false, $style=false, $tooltip=false) { $this->svg .= "svg .= " stroke-width=\"$line_width\""; if (!empty($bcolor)) $this->svg .= " stroke=\"$bcolor\""; if (empty($color)) $color = "none"; $this->svg .= " fill=\"$color\""; if (!empty($style)) $this->svg .= " $style"; if (!empty($tooltip)) $this->svg .= ">$tooltip\n"; else $this->svg .= " />\n"; } function line($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $bcolor=false, $line_width=1, $color=false, $style=false, $tooltip=false) { $this->svg .= "svg .= " stroke-width=\"$line_width\""; if (!empty($bcolor)) $this->svg .= " stroke=\"$bcolor\""; if (empty($color)) $color = "none"; $this->svg .= " fill=\"$color\""; if (!empty($style)) $this->svg .= " $style"; if (!empty($tooltip)) $this->svg .= ">$tooltip\n"; else $this->svg .= " />\n"; } function polygon($p, $bcolor=false, $line_width=1, $color=false, $style=false, $tooltip=false) { $this->svg .= "svg .= " stroke-width=\"$line_width\""; if (!empty($bcolor)) $this->svg .= " stroke=\"$bcolor\""; if (empty($color)) $color = "none"; $this->svg .= " fill=\"$color\""; if (!empty($style)) $this->svg .= " $style"; if (!empty($tooltip)) $this->svg .= ">$tooltip\n"; else $this->svg .= " />\n"; } function polyline($p, $bcolor=false, $line_width=1, $color=false, $style=false, $tooltip=false) { $this->svg .= "svg .= " stroke-width=\"$line_width\""; if (!empty($bcolor)) $this->svg .= " stroke=\"$bcolor\""; if (empty($color)) $color = "none"; $this->svg .= " fill=\"$color\""; if (!empty($style)) $this->svg .= " $style"; if (!empty($tooltip)) $this->svg .= ">$tooltip\n"; else $this->svg .= " />\n"; } function path($d, $bcolor=false, $line_width=1, $color=false, $style=false, $tooltip=false) { $this->svg .= "svg .= " stroke-width=\"$line_width\""; if (!empty($bcolor)) $this->svg .= " stroke=\"$bcolor\""; if (empty($color)) $color = "none"; $this->svg .= " fill=\"$color\""; if (!empty($style)) $this->svg .= " $style"; if (!empty($tooltip)) $this->svg .= ">$tooltip\n"; else $this->svg .= " />\n"; } function text($x, $y, $text, $size=false, $color=false, $style=false, $align=false, $angle=false) // align start, middle, end. { $this->svg .= "svg .= " fill=\"$color\""; if (!empty($size)) $this->svg .= " font-size=\"$size\""; if (!empty($style)) $this->svg .= " $style"; if (!empty($align)) $this->svg .= " text-anchor=\"$align\""; if (!empty($angle)) $this->svg .= " transform=\"rotate($angle $x $y)\""; $this->svg .= ">$text\n"; } function other($s) { $this->svg .= $s; } function style($s='') { $this->svg .= "\n"; } function open_group($p = '') { $this->svg .= "\n"; } function close_group() { $this->svg .= "\n"; } function close() { $this->svg .= "\n"; } function draw() { //header('Content-Type: image/svg+xml'); echo $this->svg; return true; } function save($fileName) { file_put_contents($fileName, $this->svg); } } // The following is for handling RTL texts. GD does not handle RTL at all. // The function, arabic, has been taken from Milad Rastian and // modified by Bagram Siadat. // The function has been further modified and several bugs are fixed. function is_arabic($text) { return preg_match('/\p{Arabic}/u', $text); } function is_hebrew($text) { return preg_match('/\p{Hebrew}/u', $text); } function utf8_strlen($str) { return preg_match_all('/[\x00-\x7F\xC0-\xFD]/', $str, $dummy); } function utf8_chr($uni) { $r = ""; # ASCII range (including control chars) if ( ($uni >= 0) && ($uni <= 0x007f) ) $r .= chr($uni); elseif ($uni <= 0x07ff) // 2 byte sequence { $r .= chr(0xc0 | ($uni >> 6)); $r .= chr(0x80 | ($uni & 0x003f)); } elseif($uni == 0xFEFF) // Byte order mark (skip) return chr(0); // nop -- zap the BOM elseif ($uni >= 0xD800 && $uni <= 0xDFFF) // Test for illegal surrogates return chr(0); // found a surrogate elseif ($uni <= 0xffff) // 3 byte sequence { $r .= chr(0xe0 | ($uni >> 12)); $r .= chr(0x80 | (($uni >> 6) & 0x003f)); $r .= chr(0x80 | ($uni & 0x003f)); } elseif ($uni <= 0x10ffff) // 4 byte sequence { $r .= chr(0xf0 | ($uni >> 18)); $r .= chr(0x80 | (($uni >> 12) & 0x3f)); $r .= chr(0x80 | (($uni >> 6) & 0x3f)); $r .= chr(0x80 | ($uni & 0x3f)); } else return chr(0); return $r; } /// function arabic($str,$z="",$method='normal') { $p_chars = array ( utf8_chr(0x0622) => array (utf8_chr(0xfe82), utf8_chr(0xfe82), utf8_chr(0x0622)), utf8_chr(0x0627) => array (utf8_chr(0xfe8e), utf8_chr(0xfe8e), utf8_chr(0x0627)), utf8_chr(0x0628) => array (utf8_chr(0xfe90), utf8_chr(0xfe92), utf8_chr(0xfe91)), utf8_chr(0x067e) => array (utf8_chr(0xfb57), utf8_chr(0xfb59), utf8_chr(0xfb58)), utf8_chr(0x062a) => array (utf8_chr(0xfe96), utf8_chr(0xfe98), utf8_chr(0xfe97)), utf8_chr(0x062b) => array (utf8_chr(0xfe9a), utf8_chr(0xfe9c), utf8_chr(0xfe9b)), utf8_chr(0x062c) => array (utf8_chr(0xfe9e), utf8_chr(0xfea0), utf8_chr(0xfe9f)), utf8_chr(0x0686) => array (utf8_chr(0xfb7b), utf8_chr(0xfb7d), utf8_chr(0xfb7c)), utf8_chr(0x062d) => array (utf8_chr(0xfea2), utf8_chr(0xfea4), utf8_chr(0xfea3)), utf8_chr(0x062e) => array (utf8_chr(0xfea6), utf8_chr(0xfea8), utf8_chr(0xfea7)), utf8_chr(0x062f) => array (utf8_chr(0xfeaa), utf8_chr(0xfeaa), utf8_chr(0xfea9)), utf8_chr(0x0630) => array (utf8_chr(0xfeac), utf8_chr(0xfeac), utf8_chr(0xfeab)), utf8_chr(0x0631) => array (utf8_chr(0xfeae), utf8_chr(0xfeae), utf8_chr(0xfead)), utf8_chr(0x0632) => array (utf8_chr(0xfeb0), utf8_chr(0xfeb0), utf8_chr(0xfeaf)), utf8_chr(0x0698) => array (utf8_chr(0xfb8b), utf8_chr(0xfb8b), utf8_chr(0xfb8a)), utf8_chr(0x0633) => array (utf8_chr(0xfeb2), utf8_chr(0xfeb4), utf8_chr(0xfeb3)), utf8_chr(0x0634) => array (utf8_chr(0xfeb6), utf8_chr(0xfeb8), utf8_chr(0xfeb7)), utf8_chr(0x0635) => array (utf8_chr(0xfeba), utf8_chr(0xfebc), utf8_chr(0xfebb)), utf8_chr(0x0636) => array (utf8_chr(0xfebe), utf8_chr(0xfec0), utf8_chr(0xfebf)), utf8_chr(0x0637) => array (utf8_chr(0xfec2), utf8_chr(0xfec4), utf8_chr(0xfec3)), utf8_chr(0x0638) => array (utf8_chr(0xfec6), utf8_chr(0xfec8), utf8_chr(0xfec7)), utf8_chr(0x0639) => array (utf8_chr(0xfeca), utf8_chr(0xfecc), utf8_chr(0xfecb)), utf8_chr(0x063a) => array (utf8_chr(0xfece), utf8_chr(0xfed0), utf8_chr(0xfecf)), utf8_chr(0x0641) => array (utf8_chr(0xfed2), utf8_chr(0xfed4), utf8_chr(0xfed3)), utf8_chr(0x0642) => array (utf8_chr(0xfed6), utf8_chr(0xfed8), utf8_chr(0xfed7)), utf8_chr(0x06a9) => array (utf8_chr(0xfeda), utf8_chr(0xfedc), utf8_chr(0xfedb)), utf8_chr(0x06af) => array (utf8_chr(0xfb93), utf8_chr(0xfb95), utf8_chr(0xfb94)), utf8_chr(0x0644) => array (utf8_chr(0xfede), utf8_chr(0xfee0), utf8_chr(0xfedf)), utf8_chr(0x0645) => array (utf8_chr(0xfee2), utf8_chr(0xfee4), utf8_chr(0xfee3)), utf8_chr(0x0646) => array (utf8_chr(0xfee6), utf8_chr(0xfee8), utf8_chr(0xfee7)), utf8_chr(0x0648) => array (utf8_chr(0xfeee), utf8_chr(0xfeee), utf8_chr(0xfeed)), utf8_chr(0x06cc) => array (utf8_chr(0xfbfd), utf8_chr(0xfbff), utf8_chr(0xfbfe)), utf8_chr(0x0643) => array (utf8_chr(0xfeda), utf8_chr(0xfedc), utf8_chr(0xfedb)), utf8_chr(0x064a) => array (utf8_chr(0xfef2), utf8_chr(0xfef4), utf8_chr(0xfef3)), utf8_chr(0x0623) => array (utf8_chr(0xfe84), utf8_chr(0xfe84), utf8_chr(0xfe83)), utf8_chr(0x0624) => array (utf8_chr(0xfe86), utf8_chr(0xfe86), utf8_chr(0xfe85)), utf8_chr(0x0625) => array (utf8_chr(0xfe88), utf8_chr(0xfe88), utf8_chr(0xfe87)), utf8_chr(0x0626) => array (utf8_chr(0xfe8a), utf8_chr(0xfe8c), utf8_chr(0xfe8b)), utf8_chr(0x0629) => array (utf8_chr(0xfe94), utf8_chr(0xfe98), utf8_chr(0xfe97)) ); $nastaligh = array ( utf8_chr(0x0647) => array (utf8_chr(0xfbab), utf8_chr(0xfbad), utf8_chr(0xfbac)) ); $normal = array ( utf8_chr(0x0647) => array (utf8_chr(0xfeea), utf8_chr(0xfeec), utf8_chr(0xfeeb)) ); $mp_chars = array (utf8_chr(0x0622), utf8_chr(0x0627), utf8_chr(0x062f), utf8_chr(0x0630), utf8_chr(0x0631), utf8_chr(0x0632), utf8_chr(0x0698), utf8_chr(0x0648), utf8_chr(0x0623), utf8_chr(0x0625), utf8_chr(0x0624)); $ignorelist = array (utf8_chr(0x0000), utf8_chr(0x064c), utf8_chr(0x064d), utf8_chr(0x064b), utf8_chr(0x064f), utf8_chr(0x0650), utf8_chr(0x064e), utf8_chr(0x0651), utf8_chr(0x0653), utf8_chr(0x0670), utf8_chr(0x0654), utf8_chr(0xfe76), utf8_chr(0xfe7a), utf8_chr(0xfe78), utf8_chr(0xfe7c), utf8_chr(0xfe7e), utf8_chr(0xfe74), utf8_chr(0xfe70), utf8_chr(0xfc5e), utf8_chr(0xfc5f), utf8_chr(0xfc60), utf8_chr(0xfc61), utf8_chr(0xfc62), utf8_chr(0xfc63)); $str_back = $output = $e_output = $str_next = $str1 = $num = ""; if ($method == 'nastaligh') $p_chars = array_merge($p_chars, $nastaligh); else $p_chars = array_merge($p_chars, $normal); $str_len = utf8_strlen($str); preg_match_all("/./u", $str, $ar); for ($i = 0; $i < $str_len; $i++) { if (isset($ar[0][$i])) $str1 = $ar[0][$i]; if(isset($ar[0][$i+1]) && in_array($ar[0][$i+1], $ignorelist)) { if (isset($ar[0][$i+2])) $str_next = $ar[0][$i+2]; if ($i == 2) $str_back = $ar[0][$i-2]; if ($i > 1 && $i != 2) $str_back = $ar[0][$i-1]; } elseif ($i > 0 && isset($ar[0][$i-1]) && !in_array($ar[0][$i-1], $ignorelist)) { if (isset($ar[0][$i+1])) $str_next = $ar[0][$i+1]; if ($i != 0) $str_back = $ar[0][$i-1]; } else { if (isset($ar[0][$i+1]) && !empty($ar[0][$i+1])) $str_next = $ar[0][$i+1]; elseif ($i > 0 && isset($ar[0][$i-1])) $str_next = $ar[0][$i-1]; if ($i > 1 && isset($ar[0][$i-2])) $str_back = $ar[0][$i-2]; } if (!in_array($str1,$ignorelist)) { if (array_key_exists($str1,$p_chars)) { if (!$str_back || $str_back==" " || !array_key_exists($str_back,$p_chars)) { if (!array_key_exists($str_back, $p_chars) && !array_key_exists($str_next, $p_chars)) $output = $str1.$output; else $output = $p_chars[$str1][2].$output; continue; } elseif (array_key_exists($str_next, $p_chars) && array_key_exists($str_back, $p_chars)) { if (in_array($str_back, $mp_chars) && array_key_exists($str_next, $p_chars)) $output = $p_chars[$str1][2].$output; else $output = $p_chars[$str1][1].$output; continue; } elseif (array_key_exists($str_back, $p_chars) && !array_key_exists($str_next, $p_chars)) { if (in_array($str_back, $mp_chars)) $output = $str1.$output; else $output = $p_chars[$str1][0].$output; continue; } } elseif ($z == "we") { $number = array('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', "\xD9\xA0", "\xD9\xA1", "\xD9\xA2", "\xD9\xA3", "\xD9\xA4", "\xD9\xA5", "\xD9\xA6", "\xD9\xA7", "\xD9\xA8", "\xD9\xA9", "\xDB\xB0", "\xDB\xB1", "\xDB\xB2", "\xDB\xB3", "\xDB\xB4", "\xDB\xB5", "\xDB\xB6", "\xDB\xB7", "\xDB\xB8", "\xDB\xB9"); if (in_array($str1, $number)) { $num .= $str1; $str1 = ""; } if (!in_array($str_next, $number)) { $str1 .= $num; $num = ""; } //$output = $str1.$output; $output = $output.$str1; } elseif ($z == "fa") { $number = array (utf8_chr(0x0660), utf8_chr(0x0661), utf8_chr(0x0662), utf8_chr(0x0663), utf8_chr(0x0664), utf8_chr(0x0665), utf8_chr(0x0666), utf8_chr(0x0667), utf8_chr(0x0668), utf8_chr(0x0669), utf8_chr(0x06f4), utf8_chr(0x06f5), utf8_chr(0x06f6), utf8_chr(0x0030), utf8_chr(0x0031), utf8_chr(0x0032), utf8_chr(0x0033), utf8_chr(0x0034), utf8_chr(0x0035), utf8_chr(0x0036), utf8_chr(0x0037), utf8_chr(0x0038), utf8_chr(0x0039)); switch ($str1) { case ")" : $str1 = "("; break; case "(" : $str1 = ")"; break; case "}" : $str1 = "{"; break; case "{" : $str1 = "}"; break; case "]" : $str1 = "["; break; case "[" : $str1 = "]"; break; case ">" : $str1 = "<"; break; case "<" : $str1 = ">"; break; } if (in_array($str1, $number)) { $num .= $str1; $str1 = ""; } if (!in_array($str_next, $number)) { $str1 .= $num; $num = ""; } $output = $str1.$output; } else { if (($str1 == utf8_chr(0x060c)) || ($str1 == utf8_chr(0x061f)) || ($str1 == utf8_chr(0x0621)) || (array_key_exists($str_next, $p_chars) && array_key_exists($str_back, $p_chars)) || ($str1 == " " && array_key_exists($str_back, $p_chars)) || ($str1 == " " && array_key_exists($str_next, $p_chars))) { if ($e_output) { $output = $e_output.$output; $e_output = ""; } $output = $str1.$output; } else { $e_output .= $str1; if (array_key_exists($str_next, $p_chars) || $str_next == "") { $output = $e_output.$output; $e_output = ""; } } } } else $output = $str1.$output; $str_next = null; $str_back = null; } return $output; } // For debugging if (!function_exists('dump')) { function dump($str) { $req_dump = print_r($str, true); $fp = fopen('dump.log', 'a'); date_default_timezone_set("Europe/Amsterdam"); $msg = "[" . date('Y-m-d / H:i:s') . "] - $req_dump\n"; fwrite($fp, $msg); fclose($fp); } }