. ***********************************************************************/ $page_security = 'SA_SALESINVOICE'; $path_to_root = ".."; include_once($path_to_root . "/sales/includes/cart_class.inc"); include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/session.inc"); include_once($path_to_root . "/sales/includes/ui/sales_order_ui.inc"); include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/ui.inc"); include_once($path_to_root . "/reporting/includes/reporting.inc"); $js = ""; if ($SysPrefs->use_popup_windows) $js .= get_js_open_window(900, 600); if (user_use_date_picker()) $js .= get_js_date_picker(); page(_($help_context = "Create and Print Recurrent Invoices"), false, false, "", $js); function create_recurrent_invoices($customer_id, $branch_id, $order_no, $tmpl_no, $date, $from, $to, $memo) { global $Refs, $SysPrefs; update_last_sent_recurrent_invoice($tmpl_no, $to); $doc = new Cart(ST_SALESORDER, array($order_no)); if (!empty($SysPrefs->prefs['dim_on_recurrent_invoice'])) $doc->trans_type = ST_SALESINVOICE; get_customer_details_to_order($doc, $customer_id, $branch_id); $doc->trans_type = ST_SALESORDER; $doc->trans_no = 0; $doc->document_date = $date; $doc->due_date = get_invoice_duedate($doc->payment, $doc->document_date); $doc->reference = $Refs->get_next($doc->trans_type, null, array('customer' => $customer_id, 'branch' => $branch_id, 'date' => $date)); $doc->Comments = $memo; foreach ($doc->line_items as $line_no=>$item) { $line = &$doc->line_items[$line_no]; $new_price = get_price($line->stock_id, $doc->customer_currency, $doc->sales_type, $doc->price_factor, $doc->document_date); if ($new_price != 0) // use template price if no price is currently set for the item. $line->price = $new_price; } $cart = $doc; $cart->trans_type = ST_SALESINVOICE; $cart->reference = $Refs->get_next($cart->trans_type); $cart->payment_terms['cash_sale'] = false; // no way to register cash payment with recurrent invoice at once $invno = $cart->write(1); return $invno; } function calculate_from($myrow) { if ($myrow["last_sent"] == '0000-00-00') $from = sql2date($myrow["begin"]); else $from = sql2date($myrow["last_sent"]); return $from; } function calculate_next($myrow) { if ($myrow["last_sent"] == '0000-00-00') $next = sql2date($myrow["begin"]); else $next = sql2date($myrow["last_sent"]); $next = add_months($next, $myrow['monthly']); $next = add_days($next, $myrow['days']); return add_days($next,-1); } $id = find_submit("confirmed"); if ($id != -1 && is_date_closed($_POST['trans_date'])) { display_error(_("The entered date is out of fiscal year or is closed for further data entry.")); set_focus('trans_date'); $_POST['create'.$id] = 1; //re-display current page $id = -1; } if ($id != -1) { /* whole invoiced time is invoices are issued _after_ invoiced period is gone, eg: begin 1.1 end 31.3 period: invoice ready for issue since: 1.1-31.1 - 1.2 1.2-28.2 - 1.3 1.3-31.3 - 1.4 In example above, when end is set to 1.4 will generate additional invoice on 1.5 ! */ $Ajax->activate('_page_body'); $from = get_post('from'); $to = get_post('to'); $memo = get_post('memo'); $date = $_POST['trans_date']; $myrow = get_recurrent_invoice($id); $invs = array(); if (recurrent_invoice_ready($id, $date)) { begin_transaction(); if ($myrow['debtor_no'] == 0) { $cust = get_cust_branches_from_group($myrow['group_no']); while ($row = db_fetch($cust)) { $invs[] = create_recurrent_invoices($row['debtor_no'], $row['branch_code'], $myrow['order_no'], $myrow['id'], $date, $from, $to, $memo); } } else { $invs[] = create_recurrent_invoices($myrow['debtor_no'], $myrow['group_no'], $myrow['order_no'], $myrow['id'], $date, $from, $to, $memo); } commit_transaction(); } if (count($invs) > 0) { $min = min($invs); $max = max($invs); } else $min = $max = 0; display_notification(sprintf(_("%s recurrent invoice(s) created, # %s - # %s."), count($invs), $min, $max)); if (count($invs) > 0) { $ar = array('PARAM_0' => $min."-".ST_SALESINVOICE, 'PARAM_1' => $max."-".ST_SALESINVOICE, 'PARAM_2' => "", 'PARAM_3' => 0, 'PARAM_4' => 0, 'PARAM_5' => "", 'PARAM_6' => "", 'PARAM_7' => user_def_print_orientation()); display_note(print_link(sprintf(_("&Print Recurrent Invoices # %s - # %s"), $min, $max), 107, $ar), 0, 1); $ar['PARAM_3'] = 1; // email display_note(print_link(sprintf(_("&Email Recurrent Invoices # %s - # %s"), $min, $max), 107, $ar), 0, 1); } } $id = find_submit('create'); if ($id != -1) { $Ajax->activate('_page_body'); $date = Today(); $myrow = get_recurrent_invoice($id); $from = calculate_from($myrow); $to = add_months($from, $myrow['monthly']); $to = add_days($to, $myrow['days']); if (!is_date_in_fiscalyear($date)) display_error(_("The entered date is out of fiscal year or is closed for further data entry.")); elseif (!date1_greater_date2(add_days(Today(), 1), $to)) display_error(_("Recurrent invoice cannot be generated before last day of covered period.")); elseif (check_recurrent_invoice_prices($id)) display_error(_("Recurrent invoices cannot be generated because some items have no price defined in customer currency.")); elseif (!check_sales_order_type($myrow['order_no'])) display_error(_("Recurrent invoices cannot be generated because selected sales order template uses prepayment sales terms. Change payment terms and try again.")); else { $count = recurrent_invoice_count($id); $_POST['trans_date'] = $to; start_form(); start_table(TABLESTYLE, "width=50%"); label_row(_('Description:'), $myrow["description"]); label_row(_('Template:'), get_customer_trans_view_str(ST_SALESORDER, $myrow["order_no"])); label_row(_('Number of invoices:'), $count); date_row(_('Invoice date:'), 'trans_date'); $newto = add_months($to, $myrow['monthly']); $newto = add_days($newto, $myrow['days']); text_row(_('Invoice notice:'), 'memo', sprintf(_("Recurrent Invoice covers period %s - %s."), $to, add_days($newto, -1)), 100, 100); //text_row(_('Invoice notice:'), 'memo', sprintf(_("Recurrent Invoice covers period %s - %s."), //$from, add_days($to, -1)), 100, 100); end_table(); hidden('from', $from, true); hidden('to', $to, true); br(); submit_center_first('confirmed'.$id, _('Create'), _('Create recurrent invoices'), false, ICON_OK); submit_center_last('cancel', _('Cancel'), _('Return to recurrent invoices'), false, ICON_ESCAPE); submit_js_confirm("do_create".$id, sprintf(_("You are about to issue %s invoices.\n Do you want to continue?"), $count)); end_form(); display_footer_exit(); } } else { $result = get_recurrent_invoices(Today()); start_form(); start_table(TABLESTYLE, "width=70%"); $th = array(_("Description"), _("Template No"),_("Customer"),_("Branch")."/"._("Group"),_("Days"),_("Monthly"),_("Begin"),_("End"),_("Next invoice"),""); table_header($th); $k = 0; $due = false; while ($myrow = db_fetch($result)) { if ($myrow['overdue']) { start_row("class='overduebg'"); $due = true; } else alt_table_row_color($k); label_cell($myrow["description"]); label_cell(get_customer_trans_view_str(ST_SALESORDER, $myrow["order_no"]), "nowrap align='right'"); if ($myrow["debtor_no"] == 0) { label_cell(""); label_cell(get_sales_group_name($myrow["group_no"])); } else { label_cell(get_customer_name($myrow["debtor_no"])); label_cell(get_branch_name($myrow['group_no'])); } label_cell($myrow["days"]); label_cell($myrow['monthly']); label_cell(sql2date($myrow['begin']), "align='center'"); label_cell(sql2date($myrow['end']), "align='center'"); label_cell(calculate_next($myrow), "align='center'"); if ($myrow['overdue']) { $count = recurrent_invoice_count($myrow['id']); if ($count) { button_cell("create".$myrow["id"], sprintf(_("Create %s Invoice(s)"), $count), "", ICON_DOC, 'process'); } else { label_cell(''); } } else label_cell(""); end_row(); } end_table(); end_form(); if ($due) display_note(_("Marked items are due."), 1, 0, "class='overduefg'"); else display_note(_("No recurrent invoices are due."), 1, 0); br(); } end_page();