Branch); $credit_items_total = $credit_items->get_items_total($tax_group_id); $tax_total = 0; $taxes = $credit_items->get_taxes($tax_group_id, $charge_freight); foreach ($taxes as $taxitem) $tax_total += $taxitem['Value']; $credit_no = add_customer_trans(11, $credit_items->customer_id, $credit_items->Branch, $credit_date, $reference, -($credit_items_total), 0, -$tax_total, -$charge_freight, $sales_type, 0, $credit_items->ship_via); foreach ($credit_items->line_items as $credit_line) { if ($credit_line->quantity > 0) { // the functions use qty_dispatched - so until that's fixed make sure it's set // or KABOOOOM $credit_line->qty_dispatched = $credit_line->quantity; add_gl_trans_credit_order_item($credit_items, $credit_line, $credit_no, $credit_date, $tax_group_id, $credit_type); add_gl_trans_credit_costs($credit_items, $credit_line, $credit_no, $credit_date, $tax_group_id, $credit_type, $write_off_gl_code, $branch_data); } /*quantity credited is more than 0 */ } /*end of credit_line loop */ /*Post credit note transaction to GL credit debtors, debit freight re-charged and debit sales */ add_g_trans_credit_common($credit_items, $credit_no, $credit_date, $credit_items_total, $charge_freight, $taxes, $tax_total, $branch_data); add_comments(11, $credit_no, $credit_date, $memo_); add_forms_for_sys_type(11, $credit_no, $credit_items->Location); references::save_last($reference, 11); commit_transaction(); return $credit_no; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function credit_invoice($credit_items, $invoice_no, $order_no, $default_dispatch_date, $credit_type, $tax_group_id, $charge_freight, $reference, $memo_, $write_off_gl_code) { begin_transaction(); $branch_data = get_branch_accounts($credit_items->Branch); $invoice_alloc_balance = get_DebtorTrans_allocation_balance(10, $invoice_no); $invoice_items_total = $credit_items->get_items_total_dispatch($tax_group_id); $tax_total = 0; $taxes = $credit_items->get_taxes($tax_group_id, $charge_freight); foreach ($taxes as $taxitem) $tax_total += $taxitem['Value']; $allocate_amount = 0; if ($invoice_alloc_balance > 0) { /*the invoice is not already fully allocated */ if ($invoice_alloc_balance > ($invoice_items_total + $charge_freight + $tax_total)) { $allocate_amount = $invoice_items_total + $charge_freight + $tax_total; } else { /*the balance left to allocate is less than the credit note value */ $allocate_amount = $invoice_alloc_balance; } update_debtor_trans_allocation(10, $invoice_no, $allocate_amount); } /*Now insert the Credit Note into the debtor_trans table with the allocations as calculated above*/ // all amounts in debtor's currency $credit_no = add_customer_trans(11, $credit_items->customer_id, $credit_items->Branch, $default_dispatch_date, $reference, -($invoice_items_total), 0, -$tax_total, -$charge_freight, $credit_items->default_sales_type, $order_no, $credit_items->ship_via, "", $allocate_amount); /*Now insert the allocation record if > 0 */ if ($allocate_amount != 0) { add_cust_allocation($allocate_amount, 11, $credit_no, 10, $invoice_no); } /* Update sales order details quantity invoiced less this credit quantity. */ foreach ($credit_items->line_items as $order_line) { if ($order_line->qty_dispatched >0) { // always deduct the credited/returned quantities from the sales order dispatch_sales_order_item($order_no, $order_line->stock_id, -$order_line->qty_dispatched, $order_line->id); //if (($_POST['credit_type']=="Return") OR ($_POST['ItemsAction']==1)) /*{ $sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."sales_order_details SET qty_sent = qty_sent - " . $order_line->qty_dispatched . " WHERE order_no = " . $order_no . " AND stk_code = '" . $order_line->stock_id . "'"; $result = db_query($sql,"The sales order detail record could not be updated for the reduced quantity invoiced"); }*/ /*Now update sales_order_details for the quantity invoiced and the actual dispatch dates. */ add_gl_trans_credit_order_item($credit_items, $order_line, $credit_no, $default_dispatch_date, $tax_group_id, $credit_type, $invoice_no); add_gl_trans_credit_costs($credit_items, $order_line, $credit_no, $default_dispatch_date, $tax_group_id, $credit_type, $write_off_gl_code, $branch_data); } /*quantity dispatched is more than 0 */ } /*end of order_line loop */ add_g_trans_credit_common($credit_items, $credit_no, $default_dispatch_date, $invoice_items_total, $charge_freight, $taxes, $tax_total, $branch_data); add_comments(11, $credit_no, $default_dispatch_date, $memo_); add_forms_for_sys_type(11, $credit_no); references::save_last($reference, 11); commit_transaction(); return $credit_no; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function add_gl_trans_credit_order_item(&$order, &$order_line, $credit_no, $date_, $tax_group_id, $credit_type, $credited_invoice=0) { $line_taxfree_price = $order_line->taxfree_price($tax_group_id); $line_tax = $order_line->full_price() - $line_taxfree_price; if ($credit_type == "Return") { /* Insert stock movements for the stock coming back in - with unit cost */ $reference = ""; if ($credited_invoice) $reference .= "Ex Inv: " . $credited_invoice; add_customer_trans_detail_item(11, $credit_no, $order_line->stock_id, $order_line->item_description, $order->Location, $date_, $order_line->qty_dispatched, $line_taxfree_price, $line_tax, $order_line->discount_percent, $reference, $order_line->standard_cost); } elseif ($credit_type == "WriteOff") { /*Insert a stock movement coming back in to show the credit note and a reversing stock movement to show the write off no mods to location stock records*/ $reference = ""; if ($credited_invoice) $reference .= "Ex Inv: " . $credited_invoice; add_customer_trans_detail_item_writeoff(11, $credit_no, $order_line->stock_id, $order_line->item_description, $order->Location, $date_, $order_line->qty_dispatched, $line_taxfree_price, $line_tax, $order_line->discount_percent, $reference, $order_line->standard_cost); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function add_gl_trans_credit_costs($order, $order_line, $credit_no, $date_, $tax_group_id, $credit_type, $write_off_gl_code, &$branch_data) { $stock_gl_codes = get_stock_gl_code($order_line->stock_id); /* insert gl_trans to credit stock and debit cost of sales at standard cost*/ if ($order_line->standard_cost != 0) { /*first the cost of sales entry*/ add_gl_trans_std_cost(11, $credit_no, $date_, $stock_gl_codes["cogs_account"], $stock_gl_codes["dimension_id"], $stock_gl_codes["dimension2_id"], "", -($order_line->standard_cost * $order_line->qty_dispatched), payment_person_types::customer(), $order->customer_id, "The cost of sales GL posting could not be inserted"); /*now the stock entry*/ if ($credit_type == "WriteOff") { $stock_entry_account = $write_off_gl_code; } else { $stock_gl_code = get_stock_gl_code($order_line->stock_id); $stock_entry_account = $stock_gl_code["inventory_account"]; } add_gl_trans_std_cost(11, $credit_no, $date_, $stock_entry_account, 0, 0, "", ($order_line->standard_cost * $order_line->qty_dispatched), payment_person_types::customer(), $order->customer_id, "The stock side (or write off) of the cost of sales GL posting could not be inserted"); } /* end of if GL and stock integrated and standard cost !=0 */ if ($order_line->price != 0) { $line_taxfree_price = $order_line->taxfree_price($tax_group_id); $line_tax = $order_line->full_price() - $line_taxfree_price; //Post sales transaction to GL credit sales add_gl_trans_customer(11, $credit_no, $date_, $stock_gl_codes["sales_account"], 0, 0, ($line_taxfree_price * $order_line->qty_dispatched), $order->customer_id, "The credit note GL posting could not be inserted"); if ($order_line->discount_percent != 0) { add_gl_trans_customer(11, $credit_no, $date_, $branch_data["sales_discount_account"], 0, 0, -($line_taxfree_price * $order_line->qty_dispatched * $order_line->discount_percent), $order->customer_id, "The credit note discount GL posting could not be inserted"); } /*end of if discount !=0 */ } /*end of if sales integrated with debtors */ } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function add_g_trans_credit_common($order, $credit_no, $date_, $credit_items_total, $freight, $taxes, $tax_total, &$branch_data) { $company_data = get_company_prefs(); /*Post credit note transaction to GL credit debtors, debit freight re-charged and debit sales */ if (($credit_items_total + $freight + $tax_total) != 0) { add_gl_trans_customer(11, $credit_no, $date_, $branch_data["receivables_account"], 0, 0, -($credit_items_total + $freight + $tax_total), $order->customer_id, "The total debtor GL posting for the credit note could not be inserted"); } if ($freight !=0) { add_gl_trans_customer(11, $credit_no, $date_, $company_data["freight_act"], 0, 0, $freight, $order->customer_id, "The freight GL posting for this credit note could not be inserted"); } foreach ($taxes as $taxitem) { if ($taxitem['Value'] != 0) { add_customer_trans_tax_detail_item(11, $credit_no, $taxitem['tax_type_id'], $taxitem['rate'], $taxitem['included_in_price'], $taxitem['Value']); add_gl_trans_customer(11, $credit_no, $date_, $taxitem['sales_gl_code'], 0, 0, $taxitem['Value'], $order->customer_id, "A tax GL posting for this credit note could not be inserted"); } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?>