trans_no; if (is_array($trans_no)) $trans_no = key($trans_no); $date_ = $invoice->document_date; $charge_shipping =$invoice->freight_cost; begin_transaction(); $company_data = get_company_prefs(); $branch_data = get_branch_accounts($invoice->Branch); // offer price values without freight costs $items_total = $invoice->get_items_total_dispatch(); $freight_tax = $invoice->get_shipping_tax(); $delivery_no = $invoice->src_docs; if (is_array($delivery_no)) $delivery_no = 0; update_customer_trans_version(get_parent_type(10), $invoice->src_docs); $ov_gst = 0; $taxes = $invoice->get_taxes(); // all taxes with freight_tax foreach ($taxes as $taxitem) { $ov_gst += $taxitem['Value']; } if($invoice->tax_included==0) { $items_added_tax = $ov_gst-$freight_tax; $freight_added_tax = $freight_tax; } else { $items_added_tax = 0; $freight_added_tax = 0; } // 2006-06-14. If the Customer Branch AR Account is set to a Bank Account, // the transaction will be settled at once. if (is_bank_account($branch_data['receivables_account'])) $alloc = $items_total + $items_added_tax + $invoice->freight_cost + $freight_added_tax; else $alloc = 0; /* Insert/update the debtor_trans */ $sales_order = $invoice->order_no; if (is_array($sales_order)) $sales_order = $sales_order[0]; // assume all crucial SO data are same for every delivery $invoice_no = write_customer_trans(10, $trans_no, $invoice->customer_id, $invoice->Branch, $date_, $invoice->reference, $items_total, 0, $items_added_tax, $invoice->freight_cost, $freight_added_tax, $invoice->sales_type, $sales_order, $delivery_no, $invoice->ship_via, $invoice->due_date, $alloc); // 2008-06-14 extra $alloc if ($trans_no == 0) { $invoice->trans_no = array($invoice_no=>0); set_document_parent($invoice); } else { delete_comments(10, $invoice_no); void_gl_trans(10, $invoice_no, true); void_cust_allocations(10, $invoice_no); // ? void_customer_trans_tax_details(10, $invoice_no); } foreach ($invoice->line_items as $invoice_line) { $line_taxfree_price = get_tax_free_price_for_item($invoice_line->stock_id, $invoice_line->price, 0, $invoice->tax_included, $invoice->tax_group_array); $line_tax = get_full_price_for_item($invoice_line->stock_id, $invoice_line->price, 0, $invoice->tax_included, $invoice->tax_group_array) - $line_taxfree_price; write_customer_trans_detail_item(10, $invoice_no, $invoice_line->stock_id, $invoice_line->item_description, $invoice_line->qty_dispatched, $invoice_line->line_price(), $line_tax, $invoice_line->discount_percent, $invoice_line->standard_cost, $trans_no ? $invoice_line->id : 0); // Update delivery items for the quantity invoiced if ($invoice_line->qty_old != $invoice_line->qty_dispatched) update_parent_line(10, $invoice_line->id, ($invoice_line->qty_dispatched-$invoice_line->qty_old)); if ($invoice_line->qty_dispatched != 0) { $stock_gl_code = get_stock_gl_code($invoice_line->stock_id); // 2008-06-14. If there is a Branch Sales Account, then override with this, // else take the Item Sales Account if ($branch_data['sales_account'] != "") $sales_account = $branch_data['sales_account']; else $sales_account = $stock_gl_code['sales_account']; if ($invoice_line->line_price() != 0) { //Post sales transaction to GL credit sales add_gl_trans_customer(10, $invoice_no, $date_, $sales_account, $stock_gl_code["dimension_id"], $stock_gl_code["dimension2_id"], (-$line_taxfree_price * $invoice_line->qty_dispatched), $invoice->customer_id, "The sales price GL posting could not be inserted"); if ($invoice_line->discount_percent != 0) { add_gl_trans_customer(10, $invoice_no, $date_, $branch_data["sales_discount_account"], $stock_gl_code["dimension_id"], $stock_gl_code["dimension2_id"], ($line_taxfree_price * $invoice_line->qty_dispatched * $invoice_line->discount_percent), $invoice->customer_id, "The sales discount GL posting could not be inserted"); } /*end of if discount !=0 */ } } /*quantity dispatched is more than 0 */ } /*end of delivery_line loop */ /*Post debtors transaction to GL debit debtors, credit freight re-charged and credit sales */ if (($items_total + $charge_shipping) != 0) { add_gl_trans_customer(10, $invoice_no, $date_, $branch_data["receivables_account"], 0, 0, ($items_total + $charge_shipping + $items_added_tax + $freight_added_tax), $invoice->customer_id, "The total debtor GL posting could not be inserted"); } if ($charge_shipping != 0) { add_gl_trans_customer(10, $invoice_no, $date_, $company_data["freight_act"], 0, 0, -$invoice->get_tax_free_shipping(), $invoice->customer_id, "The freight GL posting could not be inserted"); } // post all taxes foreach ($taxes as $taxitem) { if ($taxitem['Value'] != 0) { add_customer_trans_tax_detail_item(10, $invoice_no, $taxitem['tax_type_id'], $taxitem['rate'], $invoice->tax_included, $taxitem['Value']); add_gl_trans_customer(10, $invoice_no, $date_, $taxitem['sales_gl_code'], 0, 0, (-$taxitem['Value']), $invoice->customer_id, "A tax GL posting could not be inserted"); } } add_comments(10, $invoice_no, $date_, $invoice->Comments); if ($trans_no == 0) { references::save_last($invoice->reference, 10); } commit_transaction(); return $invoice_no; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function void_sales_invoice($type, $type_no) { begin_transaction(); void_bank_trans($type, $type_no, true); void_gl_trans($type, $type_no, true); // for invoices and credits related to invoices, // reverse all the changes in the sales order $items_result = get_customer_trans_details($type, $type_no); $delivery = get_customer_trans_link($type, $type_no); if ($delivery) { while ($row = db_fetch($items_result)) { update_parent_line(10, $row['id'], -$row['quantity']); } } // clear details after they've been reversed in the sales order void_customer_trans_details($type, $type_no); void_customer_trans_tax_details($type, $type_no); void_cust_allocations($type, $type_no); // do this last because other voidings can depend on it - especially voiding // DO NOT MOVE THIS ABOVE VOIDING or we can end up with trans with alloc < 0 void_customer_trans($type, $type_no); commit_transaction(); } ?>