. ***********************************************************************/ $page_security = 'SA_CUSTOMER'; //$page_security = 3; $path_to_root="../.."; include($path_to_root . "/includes/db_pager.inc"); include($path_to_root . "/includes/session.inc"); page(_($help_context = "Customer Branches"), @$_REQUEST['popup']); include($path_to_root . "/includes/ui.inc"); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- check_db_has_customers(_("There are no customers defined in the system. Please define a customer to add customer branches.")); check_db_has_sales_people(_("There are no sales people defined in the system. At least one sales person is required before proceeding.")); check_db_has_sales_areas(_("There are no sales areas defined in the system. At least one sales area is required before proceeding.")); check_db_has_shippers(_("There are no shipping companies defined in the system. At least one shipping company is required before proceeding.")); check_db_has_tax_groups(_("There are no tax groups defined in the system. At least one tax group is required before proceeding.")); simple_page_mode(true); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (isset($_GET['debtor_no'])) { $_POST['customer_id'] = strtoupper($_GET['debtor_no']); } $_POST['branch_code'] = $selected_id; if (isset($_GET['SelectedBranch'])) { $br = get_branch($_GET['SelectedBranch']); $_POST['customer_id'] = $br['debtor_no']; $selected_id = $_POST['branch_code'] = $br['branch_code']; $Mode = 'Edit'; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($Mode=='ADD_ITEM' || $Mode=='UPDATE_ITEM') { //initialise no input errors assumed initially before we test $input_error = 0; //first off validate inputs sensible if (strlen($_POST['br_name']) == 0) { $input_error = 1; display_error(_("The Branch name cannot be empty.")); set_focus('br_name'); } if (strlen($_POST['br_ref']) == 0) { $input_error = 1; display_error(_("The Branch short name cannot be empty.")); set_focus('br_ref'); } if ($input_error != 1) { if ($selected_id != -1) { /*SelectedBranch could also exist if submit had not been clicked this code would not run in this case cos submit is false of course see the delete code below*/ $sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."cust_branch SET br_name = " . db_escape($_POST['br_name']) . ", branch_ref = " . db_escape($_POST['br_ref']) . ", br_address = ".db_escape($_POST['br_address']). ", phone=".db_escape($_POST['phone']). ", phone2=".db_escape($_POST['phone2']). ", fax=".db_escape($_POST['fax']).", contact_name=".db_escape($_POST['contact_name']) . ", salesman= ".db_escape($_POST['salesman']) . ", area=".db_escape($_POST['area']) . ", email=".db_escape($_POST['email']) . ", tax_group_id=".db_escape($_POST['tax_group_id']). ", sales_account=".db_escape($_POST['sales_account']) . ", sales_discount_account=".db_escape($_POST['sales_discount_account']) . ", receivables_account=".db_escape($_POST['receivables_account']) . ", payment_discount_account=".db_escape($_POST['payment_discount_account']) . ", default_location=".db_escape($_POST['default_location']) . ", br_post_address =".db_escape($_POST['br_post_address']) . ", disable_trans=".db_escape($_POST['disable_trans']) . ", group_no=".db_escape($_POST['group_no']) . ", default_ship_via=".db_escape($_POST['default_ship_via']) . ", notes=".db_escape($_POST['notes']) . " WHERE branch_code =".db_escape($_POST['branch_code']) . " AND debtor_no=".db_escape($_POST['customer_id']); $note =_('Selected customer branch has been updated'); } else { /*Selected branch is null cos no item selected on first time round so must be adding a record must be submitting new entries in the new Customer Branches form */ $sql = "INSERT INTO ".TB_PREF."cust_branch (debtor_no, br_name, branch_ref, br_address, salesman, phone, phone2, fax, contact_name, area, email, tax_group_id, sales_account, receivables_account, payment_discount_account, sales_discount_account, default_location, br_post_address, disable_trans, group_no, default_ship_via, notes) VALUES (".db_escape($_POST['customer_id']). ",".db_escape($_POST['br_name']) . ", " .db_escape($_POST['br_ref']) . ", " .db_escape($_POST['br_address']) . ", ".db_escape($_POST['salesman']) . ", " .db_escape($_POST['phone']) . ", ".db_escape($_POST['phone2']) . ", " .db_escape($_POST['fax']) . "," .db_escape($_POST['contact_name']) . ", ".db_escape($_POST['area']) . "," .db_escape($_POST['email']) . ", ".db_escape($_POST['tax_group_id']) . ", " .db_escape($_POST['sales_account']) . ", " .db_escape($_POST['receivables_account']) . ", " .db_escape($_POST['payment_discount_account']) . ", " .db_escape($_POST['sales_discount_account']) . ", " .db_escape($_POST['default_location']) . ", " .db_escape($_POST['br_post_address']) . "," .db_escape($_POST['disable_trans']) . ", " .db_escape($_POST['group_no']) . ", " .db_escape($_POST['default_ship_via']). ", " .db_escape($_POST['notes']) . ")"; $note = _('New customer branch has been added'); } //run the sql from either of the above possibilites db_query($sql,"The branch record could not be inserted or updated"); display_notification($note); $Mode = 'RESET'; if (@$_REQUEST['popup']) { set_focus("Select".($_POST['branch_code'] == -1 ? db_insert_id(): $_POST['branch_code'])); } } } elseif ($Mode == 'Delete') { //the link to delete a selected record was clicked instead of the submit button // PREVENT DELETES IF DEPENDENT RECORDS IN 'debtor_trans' $sql= "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans WHERE branch_code=".db_escape($_POST['branch_code'])." AND debtor_no = ".db_escape($_POST['customer_id']); $result = db_query($sql,"could not query debtortrans"); $myrow = db_fetch_row($result); if ($myrow[0] > 0) { display_error(_("Cannot delete this branch because customer transactions have been created to this branch.")); } else { $sql= "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".TB_PREF."sales_orders WHERE branch_code=".db_escape($_POST['branch_code'])." AND debtor_no = ".db_escape($_POST['customer_id']); $result = db_query($sql,"could not query sales orders"); $myrow = db_fetch_row($result); if ($myrow[0] > 0) { display_error(_("Cannot delete this branch because sales orders exist for it. Purge old sales orders first.")); } else { $sql="DELETE FROM ".TB_PREF."cust_branch WHERE branch_code=".db_escape($_POST['branch_code'])." AND debtor_no=".db_escape($_POST['customer_id']); db_query($sql,"could not delete branch"); display_notification(_('Selected customer branch has been deleted')); } } //end ifs to test if the branch can be deleted $Mode = 'RESET'; } if ($Mode == 'RESET' || get_post('_customer_id_update')) { $selected_id = -1; $cust_id = $_POST['customer_id']; $inact = get_post('show_inactive'); unset($_POST); $_POST['show_inactive'] = $inact; $_POST['customer_id'] = $cust_id; $Ajax->activate('_page_body'); } function branch_email($row) { return ''.$row["email"].''; } function edit_link($row) { return button("Edit".$row["branch_code"],_("Edit"), '', ICON_EDIT); } function del_link($row) { return button("Delete".$row["branch_code"],_("Delete"), '', ICON_DELETE); } function select_link($row) { return button("Select".$row["branch_code"],_("Select"), '', ICON_ADD, 'selector'); } start_form(); echo "
" . _("Select a customer: ") . "  "; customer_list('customer_id', null, false, true); echo "

"; $num_branches = db_customer_has_branches($_POST['customer_id']); $sql = "SELECT " ."b.branch_code, " ."b.branch_ref, " ."b.br_name, " ."b.contact_name, " ."s.salesman_name, " ."a.description, " ."b.phone, " ."b.fax, " ."b.email, " ."t.name AS tax_group_name, " ."b.inactive FROM ".TB_PREF."cust_branch b, " .TB_PREF."debtors_master c, " .TB_PREF."areas a, " .TB_PREF."salesman s, " .TB_PREF."tax_groups t WHERE b.debtor_no=c.debtor_no AND b.tax_group_id=t.id AND b.area=a.area_code AND b.salesman=s.salesman_code AND b.debtor_no = ".db_escape($_POST['customer_id']); if (!get_post('show_inactive')) $sql .= " AND !b.inactive"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if ($num_branches) { $cols = array( 'branch_code' => 'skip', _("Short Name"), _("Name"), _("Contact"), _("Sales Person"), _("Area"), _("Phone No"), _("Fax No"), _("E-mail") => 'email', _("Tax Group"), _("Inactive") => 'inactive', // array('fun'=>'inactive'), ' '=> array('insert'=>true, 'fun'=>'select_link'), array('insert'=>true, 'fun'=>'edit_link'), array('insert'=>true, 'fun'=>'del_link') ); if (!@$_REQUEST['popup']) { $cols[' '] = 'skip'; } $table =& new_db_pager('branch_tbl', $sql, $cols, 'cust_branch'); $table->set_inactive_ctrl('cust_branch', 'branch_code'); //$table->width = "85%"; display_db_pager($table); } else display_note(_("The selected customer does not have any branches. Please create at least one branch.")); start_outer_table($table_style2, 5); table_section(1); $_POST['email'] = ""; if ($selected_id != -1) { if ($Mode == 'Edit') { //editing an existing branch $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREF."cust_branch WHERE branch_code=".db_escape($_POST['branch_code'])." AND debtor_no=".db_escape($_POST['customer_id']); $result = db_query($sql,"check failed"); $myrow = db_fetch($result); set_focus('br_name'); $_POST['branch_code'] = $myrow["branch_code"]; $_POST['br_name'] = $myrow["br_name"]; $_POST['br_ref'] = $myrow["branch_ref"]; $_POST['br_address'] = $myrow["br_address"]; $_POST['br_post_address'] = $myrow["br_post_address"]; $_POST['contact_name'] = $myrow["contact_name"]; $_POST['salesman'] =$myrow["salesman"]; $_POST['area'] =$myrow["area"]; $_POST['phone'] =$myrow["phone"]; $_POST['phone2'] =$myrow["phone2"]; $_POST['fax'] =$myrow["fax"]; $_POST['email'] =$myrow["email"]; $_POST['tax_group_id'] = $myrow["tax_group_id"]; $_POST['disable_trans'] = $myrow['disable_trans']; $_POST['default_location'] = $myrow["default_location"]; $_POST['default_ship_via'] = $myrow['default_ship_via']; $_POST['sales_account'] = $myrow["sales_account"]; $_POST['sales_discount_account'] = $myrow['sales_discount_account']; $_POST['receivables_account'] = $myrow['receivables_account']; $_POST['payment_discount_account'] = $myrow['payment_discount_account']; $_POST['group_no'] = $myrow["group_no"]; $_POST['notes'] = $myrow["notes"]; } } elseif ($Mode != 'ADD_ITEM') { //end of if $SelectedBranch only do the else when a new record is being entered if(!$num_branches) { $sql = "SELECT name, address, email, debtor_ref FROM ".TB_PREF."debtors_master WHERE debtor_no = ".db_escape($_POST['customer_id']); $result = db_query($sql,"check failed"); $myrow = db_fetch($result); $_POST['br_name'] = $myrow["name"]; $_POST['br_ref'] = $myrow["debtor_ref"]; $_POST['contact_name'] = _('Main Branch'); $_POST['br_address'] = $_POST['br_post_address'] = $myrow["address"]; $_POST['email'] = $myrow['email']; } $_POST['branch_code'] = ""; if (!isset($_POST['sales_account']) || !isset($_POST['sales_discount_account'])) { $company_record = get_company_prefs(); // We use the Item Sales Account as default! // $_POST['sales_account'] = $company_record["default_sales_act"]; $_POST['sales_account'] = $_POST['notes'] = ''; $_POST['sales_discount_account'] = $company_record['default_sales_discount_act']; $_POST['receivables_account'] = $company_record['debtors_act']; $_POST['payment_discount_account'] = $company_record['default_prompt_payment_act']; } } hidden('selected_id', $selected_id); hidden('branch_code'); hidden('popup', @$_REQUEST['popup']); table_section_title(_("Name and Contact")); text_row(_("Branch Name:"), 'br_name', null, 35, 40); text_row(_("Branch Short Name:"), 'br_ref', null, 30, 30); text_row(_("Contact Person:"), 'contact_name', null, 35, 40); text_row(_("Phone Number:"), 'phone', null, 32, 30); text_row(_("Secondary Phone Number:"), 'phone2', null, 32, 30); text_row(_("Fax Number:"), 'fax', null, 32, 30); email_row(_("E-mail:"), 'email', null, 35, 55); table_section_title(_("Sales")); sales_persons_list_row( _("Sales Person:"), 'salesman', null); sales_areas_list_row( _("Sales Area:"), 'area', null); sales_groups_list_row(_("Sales Group:"), 'group_no', null, true); locations_list_row(_("Default Inventory Location:"), 'default_location', null); shippers_list_row(_("Default Shipping Company:"), 'default_ship_via', null); tax_groups_list_row(_("Tax Group:"), 'tax_group_id', null); yesno_list_row(_("Disable this Branch:"), 'disable_trans', null); table_section(2); table_section_title(_("GL Accounts")); // 2006-06-14. Changed gl_al_accounts_list to have an optional all_option 'Use Item Sales Accounts' gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("Sales Account:"), 'sales_account', null, false, false, true); gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("Sales Discount Account:"), 'sales_discount_account'); gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("Accounts Receivable Account:"), 'receivables_account'); gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("Prompt Payment Discount Account:"), 'payment_discount_account'); table_section_title(_("Addresses")); textarea_row(_("Mailing Address:"), 'br_post_address', null, 35, 4); textarea_row(_("Billing Address:"), 'br_address', null, 35, 4); textarea_row(_("General Notes:"), 'notes', null, 35, 4); end_outer_table(1); submit_add_or_update_center($selected_id == -1, '', 'both'); end_form(); end_page(); ?>